Could an undefeated Iowa get hosed by the selection committee?

I think our old friend Bobby Stoops takes care of Okie State and Baylor and we finish ahead of a one loss Oklahoma. Come on losing to Texas! ND is a problem as they are arguably the biggest name in college football. I hate Al Davis but "Just win baby." Go Hawks!
It's not too early to worry about the end game in the college football playoff selection process. I keep hearing there is no way that an undefeated 13-0 Iowa, as the Big Ten champion, would be left out of the playoffs. In a fair and just world that would be true, but I think we could very well get the shaft even if we win out. All it would take is for Alabama, Notre Dame, Clemson, and the winner of the Baylor vs Oklahoma State game to win out. If that happens, those four teams would be the final four, and Iowa would get left out.

As unfair as that would be, who would the committee take out to put in Iowa? Clemson and either Baylor or Oklahoma State would undefeated, and while I think Iowa should be ranked ahead of either Baylor or Oky State, that's not what the committee would do. They have already indicated as such - our offense is not sexy enough. Although both Notre Dame and Alabama would be one-loss teams, I can't see the group of 12 men on the selection committee putting Iowa ahead of them. It would be too tempting to put the storied programs at Alabama and ND in the final four, particularly if ND has just defeated Stanford and Alabama has just won the SEC championship game. Iowa would not have a chance. In fact, we might even get hosed in favor of Stanford it they beat ND. I know, it would make no sense (we trounced Northwestern who defeated Stanford), but I could still see it happening, particularly if Stanford puts a beating on ND.

Let's just win them all and convincingly defeat the East champion so that the committee can't ignore us (although if OSU comes into the championship game with a loss, or if MSU or UM represent the East in the game, even that might not be enough).

NO. Win and in. Damn people how many times do people have to state that.
I don't understand why people can't acknowledge that as of right now an undefeated Iowa team would need help to get into the playoffs. Instead many on here would rather put blinders on ("lets just focus on the next game") or plug their ears and yell "NO WAY AN UNDEFEATED BIG TEN TEAM GETS LEFT OUT!!!".

Unless the committee was extremely impressed with Iowa beating Indiana they are not going to move up a lot today. There is very little chance that if Notre Dame, Baylor, Alabama, and Clemson all win out that Iowa will jump them. There is also the possibly that if Stanford, Florida, and Oklahoma State all win out that they might jump Iowa. Yeah we can all say it isn't fair, well life isn't fair and everything I put here can happen.

The good news is there is a lot of football left to be played and upsets do happen. So if Iowa does go undefeated I feel like there is a good chance they will get into the playoffs. But, like I said, as of right now they need help getting in.
NO. Win and in. Damn people how many times do people have to state that.

Oh well now that you make that great point, everyone sees the light. The only decent point anyone has made was our resume would be better than ND's. Since the committee doesn't care about resumes, that arguement didn't help me much.

Actually there was a good point made about not habing Clemson and ND both in because they've already played each other. But again, they aren't going to drop Clemson from 1 to 5 and ND is the biggest name in the sport.

I definitely think they will drop ND or the Big 12 for OSU. I'm just not so sure they would do it for Iowa.
I don't understand why people can't acknowledge that as of right now an undefeated Iowa team would need help to get into the playoffs. Instead many on here would rather put blinders on ("lets just focus on the next game") or plug their ears and yell "NO WAY AN UNDEFEATED BIG TEN TEAM GETS LEFT OUT!!!".

Unless the committee was extremely impressed with Iowa beating Indiana they are not going to move up a lot today. There is very little chance that if Notre Dame, Baylor, Alabama, and Clemson all win out that Iowa will jump them. There is also the possibly that if Stanford, Florida, and Oklahoma State all win out that they might jump Iowa. Yeah we can all say it isn't fair, well life isn't fair and everything I put here can happen.

The good news is there is a lot of football left to be played and upsets do happen. So if Iowa does go undefeated I feel like there is a good chance they will get into the playoffs. But, like I said, as of right now they need help getting in.

I think if Clemson wins out, Alabama wins out, Okie State or Baylor win out, Notre Dame or Stanford win out, and Iowa wins out that we are in the Playoffs. I honestly don't think we will need any help to get in. I think the committee will do what they did last year which is, once the games are all finished, they will look at the entire bodies of work and come to the conclusion that we are one of the 4 teams.
I think if Clemson wins out, Alabama wins out, Okie State or Baylor win out, Notre Dame or Stanford win out, and Iowa wins out that we are in the Playoffs. I honestly don't think we will need any help to get in. I think the committee will do what they did last year which is, once the games are all finished, they will look at the entire bodies of work and come to the conclusion that we are one of the 4 teams.

I mostly agree....but I just have this little part of me that thinks there is like a 5% chance that the committee wouldn't pass on Notre Dame in the playoffs. Then it would come down to if they would leave out the Big12 again, or if they would screw the B1G because it is Iowa.

Those who think the name on the front of the jersey's don't matter are just kidding themselves. For one, Iowa (or any other non blue blood) will never, ever, ever beat out a blue blood for the playoffs if they have the same record. SOS won't matter, conference won't matter, it just simply won't matter, the tie breaker will always be the name on the jersey.
I would rather enjoy the wins and the season than worry about the playoffs. Playoffs???? It's so rare we have a season like this. We wait years for this. I could care less about the national media and some committee. Not to mention we have a pretty big task ahead of us IF we get to the big championship game. Lots of time and energy wasted ******** and complaining and crying no respect if we don't win in the big championship game. When we 1) get there 2) win it and 3) don't make the playoffs, then I'll ***** and complain. Until then, you're missing a once in a lifetime season.
I wish people would give logical reasons why Iowa would get in over those 4 instead of just saying the Big 10 will never get left out. Ohio State would never get left out. Michigan would never get left out. Why would Iowa never get left out? Notre Dame is probably the biggest name school there is, but Iowa is going to knock them out no doubt about it huh?

A 12-1 big ten team would absolutely get left out of the CFP. I dont think anyone ever questioned that.

An undefeated big ten team who won the conference title game and went 13-0 would never....ever....get left out. I feel like I've said this in about 20 threads now, but the big ten is the richest and most powerful conference in college sports with by far the largest fan base. Leaving a 13-0 big ten team out would basically dissolve the playoff system as we know it as the big ten would hammer down on the CFP so hard that it just wouldn't exist anymore. Is it "fair"? no. Is it the way of the world? Yes.

Lets pretend Iowa goes 13-0 and beats Stanford in the Rose Bowl to go 14-0. How are they not the #1 team in the country?

You say ND's name is so big they couldn't get left out...well the Big Ten's name is so much bigger than ND's in terms of money, fans and power.
I would rather enjoy the wins and the season than worry about the playoffs. Playoffs???? It's so rare we have a season like this. We wait years for this. I could care less about the national media and some committee. Not to mention we have a pretty big task ahead of us IF we get to the big championship game. Lots of time and energy wasted ******** and complaining and crying no respect if we don't win in the big championship game. When we 1) get there 2) win it and 3) don't make the playoffs, then I'll ***** and complain. Until then, you're missing a once in a lifetime season.

That's great you are enjoying this season in that way. But is it ok to discuss playoffs? This is the first time we've ever gotten the opportunity to even be considered a playoff team. I think the excitement of potentially being a playoff team is part of some people's enjoyment.
A 12-1 big ten team would absolutely get left out of the CFP. I dont think anyone ever questioned that.

An undefeated big ten team who won the conference title game and went 13-0 would never....ever....get left out. I feel like I've said this in about 20 threads now, but the big ten is the richest and most powerful conference in college sports with by far the largest fan base. Leaving a 13-0 big ten team out would basically dissolve the playoff system as we know it as the big ten would hammer down on the CFP so hard that it just wouldn't exist anymore. Is it "fair"? no. Is it the way of the world? Yes.

Lets pretend Iowa goes 13-0 and beats Stanford in the Rose Bowl to go 14-0. How are they not the #1 team in the country?

You say ND's name is so big they couldn't get left out...well the Big Ten's name is so much bigger than ND's in terms of money, fans and power.

Ohhhhh please...every other power conference has the same complaint, the Big Ten is not anything special or have any extra power just because they are the Big Ten.

If Notre Dame wins out, which will include a win at Stanford, there is no way Iowa gets picked ahead of Notre Dame. You are fooling yourself if you believe the prestige of the Big Ten gets Iowa in over Notre Dame.
I would rather enjoy the wins and the season than worry about the playoffs. Playoffs???? It's so rare we have a season like this. We wait years for this. I could care less about the national media and some committee. Not to mention we have a pretty big task ahead of us IF we get to the big championship game. Lots of time and energy wasted ******** and complaining and crying no respect if we don't win in the big championship game. When we 1) get there 2) win it and 3) don't make the playoffs, then I'll ***** and complain. Until then, you're missing a once in a lifetime season.

I figure if we don't talk about the playoffs now, then we may never get a chance. As soon as we lose the playoff hopes are dead, so I figure you "dream big" about that while you can. It is kind of like buying a lottery ticket, you dream about what you would do with the money.....until they do the drawing and you don't win.
Ohhhhh please...every other power conference has the same complaint, the Big Ten is not anything special or have any extra power just because they are the Big Ten.

If Notre Dame wins out, which will include a win at Stanford, there is no way Iowa gets picked ahead of Notre Dame. You are fooling yourself if you believe the prestige of the Big Ten gets Iowa in over Notre Dame.

I disagree.

If both Notre Dame and Iowa win out (assume the B1G CG opponent is an undefeated OSU), I think Iowa gets picked. They will have wins over a ranked NW and a ranked Wisconsin (both on the road), and last year's CFP champion who would have won 27 straight games coming into the B1G CG. They would have the cache of the B1G conference behind them as well. I know you don't think that matters, but I think it matters quite a bit.
I figure if we don't talk about the playoffs now, then we may never get a chance. As soon as we lose the playoff hopes are dead, so I figure you "dream big" about that while you can. It is kind of like buying a lottery ticket, you dream about what you would do with the money.....until they do the drawing and you don't win.

I agree with this.

However, I also agree with MHA about b!tching and moaning about our ranking at this point. Let's enjoy this season for what it is....a rebirth of sorts. But I also think talking about our playoff possibilities and what happens to Iowa if A, B, or C happens is pretty damn fun.

At the end of the day, just enjoy the ride and let's see where it takes us!
I agree with this.

However, I also agree with MHA about b!tching and moaning about our ranking at this point. Let's enjoy this season for what it is....a rebirth of sorts. But I also think talking about our playoff possibilities and what happens to Iowa if A, B, or C happens is pretty damn fun.

At the end of the day, just enjoy the ride and let's see where it takes us!

I am enjoying the hell out of the ride.

I haven't participated in the b1tching and moaning about our ranking. I have only questioned the "what if" about a scenario of an undefeated Iowa, Clemson, Big12 team, and a 1 loss Bama and Notre Dame. That is the only scenario that scares me for an undefeated Iowa, and even then I only see a very small chance that Iowa would get left out.
I disagree.

If both Notre Dame and Iowa win out (assume the B1G CG opponent is an undefeated OSU), I think Iowa gets picked. They will have wins over a ranked NW and a ranked Wisconsin (both on the road), and last year's CFP champion who would have won 27 straight games coming into the B1G CG. They would have the cache of the B1G conference behind them as well. I know you don't think that matters, but I think it matters quite a bit.

Agreed...this scenario for sure gets us in.

To me the question marks come if we beat a 1 loss OSU or MSU or UM in BTCG.
Let's not forget the possibility that Iowa might be playing Michigan in the BTT game.

And say Oklahoma State wins out. At that point, we may have a ratings turd of OK State vs. Clemson in one game. Then it comes down to Iowa (with a title game win over a two loss Michigan team) vs. Notre Dame for the last spot.

You don't think there will be some major pull for Alabama vs. Notre Dame in the other playoff game?

When it comes to politics and money, do feel that confident Iowa wins out over Notre Dame?

Maybe, but I don't understand how some can make such definitive statements when so many variables are in play.
I disagree.

If both Notre Dame and Iowa win out (assume the B1G CG opponent is an undefeated OSU), I think Iowa gets picked. They will have wins over a ranked NW and a ranked Wisconsin (both on the road), and last year's CFP champion who would have won 27 straight games coming into the B1G CG. They would have the cache of the B1G conference behind them as well. I know you don't think that matters, but I think it matters quite a bit.

Honestly I would love to see this happen. I would get terrific joy out of the selection committee sticking it to Notre Dame for not being in a conference. We will have to agree to disagree as I don't see the selection committee leaving Notre Dame out if they win at Stanford. ND has played a decent schedule, they have wins over ranked opponents and their only loss was @ Clemson by 2 points a team that may end up getting the 1 seed. I believe Iowa would have to win convincingly over Ohio State in order to jump ND.

OTOH, if Stanford beats ND then it might be more likely Iowa can get in over the P12 champion. It would still be close but I would hope the criteria of common opponents gives Iowa the edge since they have a win over Northwestern, a team that has defeated Stanford.

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