Had extensive surgery on my shoulder in 2012 and a blood clot in my lung a few days after. I was prescribed hydrocodone for a total of 11 weeks while in the hospital and during PT afterwards. I can tell you from first hand experience that it's a scary, scary drug. I always wondered how people could lie and steal and throw their lives away over pain killers but not anymore. It's that ****ing powerful folks.
It's kind of of strange because you still feel all of the pain, but you don't care. That's the only way I can describe it. A few minutes after you take it you start to get a warm, fuzzy sensation, not unlike an initial beer buzz only 1,000 times "better" if you want to call it that. Then you get a sensation like you're sinking down into the couch and you feel totally serene and protected. The most euphoric you've ever felt and nothing could upset you.
I would wake up in the morning in the most excruciating pain I've ever experienced, and 15 minutes later I felt like Superman who had just won the lottery and had all the love in the universe concentrated in my brain twice over. Sounds fun, but you eventually find yourself spending a good portion of your day looking at the clock to see if you're good to go to take another dose. On top of that, every time you take it it works just a litttttttle less. And you get constipated. And irritable when it wears off. And then (if you're one of the unlucky people) you start stealing and lying to get it, and God forbid eventually dead. I was lucky enough to be able to walk away when my last prescription ran out.
Sorry for the long-winded description, but I just hope everyone can understand what a chokehold this crap puts on you and that Sash likely couldn't help himself. God I feel bad for the guy and I hope he just went to sleep. Never had the privilege to meet him but it's clear he touched a lot of lives. Rest in peace, man.