CONFIRMED: Robinson Arrested on Marijuana Charges

Forget the slap on the wrist, give him the death penalty and kick him off the team for good. Two separate suspensions for acedemic reasons and now a drug related arrest? Guys like this are a cancer for a team, especially a young team like Iowa will have heading into next year. Say goodbye and start fresh.
Maybe I'm just blowing smoke here, but I believe there may be a silver lining in all of this. Iowa prepares for an arguably better future at running back, and two druggies are off the team. Maybe the "chemisty" of the team changes?
My question is: How dumb do you have to be to drive around in a car with no front license plate when you have smoked weed and/or are carrying weed on you?
I think this should be a final wake up call for anyone else on the team who may be doing something dumb. Hard for me to throw stones, I misbehaved a lot in college, but I certainly had less to lose.

If you wear a uniform you are a big fish in a tiny bowl. Everyone is watching you all the time.
I have a smart phone so it's relatively easy to understand what happened here, clearly he decided smoking pot was more important than playing football for Iowa.
Well, i'm going to be a bit Blunt here about Mr. Robinson. You were already on shaky ground with your suspension, and decide that you wanted to hang out with your drug dealing friend. Maybe next time one of those cretins wants to hang out you shouldn't puff puff pass and screw up his rotation on your friends list. Instead of being a probable starter next year you let your hopes and dreams go up in smoke.

You really have to wonder if Cheech is his fairy godmother and tells him to be stupid and do what already got one member of the team kicked off. I won't be shocked to see him gone from the team for good after this stupid decision. Next man in, and lets not F up the rotation from here forward.
I just don't get it. When will they get they are not invincible. Obviously he learned a lot from everything that has transpired. Sad. Very sad.
Adam was a guy that I loved to watch run. Not because of his skill, he didn't have all that much of it, but because of his heart. That kid never gave up on a play and earned many more yards than he would have gotten otherwise.

Unfortunately, he didn't receive equal portion of brains. He was already on thin ice, but to run around with a person like that only weeks after the DJK incident, you just deserve to be gone.

. . . . . . Next man in
I just don't get it. When will they get they are not invincible. Obviously he learned a lot from everything that has transpired. Sad. Very sad.

They are 20 year old males who let adult men and jersey chasing skanks make them feel like gods. The nature of being a 20 year old and the pedestal that we put these kids upon is somewhat to blame for their perceived invincibility. What needs to be communicated is that they are the face of the university and that they will be held responsible.

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