Coaching Salary Dollars per Win

The bubble will burst when people stop buying tickets and merchandise and stop watching on tv. Until then if the economics make sense then dont go all ape shit about these contracts and salaries.

If KF is making $5 mil a year that is only 4.5% of of the athletic department income, not much and his football team brings in the bulk of the income.

Dont like it then dont go or dont watch. It is pretty good entertainment and if you want the cheap route then listen to the radio broadcast and wait to watch the highlights on youtube.

I think the salaries are inflated but it is what it is.
Yea I get it and accept it. I'd rather have the football team keep trucking along. It's just every once-in-awhile when one puts things into perspective, one realizes how stupid this shit gets at times. Carry one.

Oh come on. if you want to talk about funding for a certain university or other entity then lets look at the big picture.

There is about $87 trillion dollars in personal wealth in the US. There is so much money in the hands of only 5% of the population it is sickening yet they get all the laws to help them but they dont really give it back.

If you really want to bitch about a few million and less funding from taxing sources then you should really be bitching about this whole supply side trickle down bullshit the republicans, presidents, and congress have been laying on you since one Ronald Reagan took office in 1981. That is when it started. I have seen the graphs and data.

There is enough real wealth in this country to help everyone.
Free market, guys. Ask Russia and Venezuela how the other method works out. I’m not ready to move yet.

You think we really have free markets when large companies hold local and state govts hostage and then govts highly subsidize and give free $$ to business along with tax breaks but then taxpayers have to fill the void for services????

Free markets and free enterprise mean making it on your own operations, marketing and sales channels not by getting govt handouts etc. If it was really a free enterprise system business would find their niche, prices might be higher or lower but find their natural amount, and people might not be taxed as high. Personally I do not mind paying taxes when I know it is going in the right amount to good things like infrastructure, education, scientific research etc.

When you mention Russia and Venezuela as being bad what you are really pointing out is human nature and how crooked their leaders are. We have many crooked politicians and business leaders also. Just look at all the penalites Wells Fargo has had to pay for getting caught in malfiesance several times since 2008. Or Deutschebank . Most governmental systems in and of themselves are not bad but humans screw them up with their greed.
Oh come on. if you want to talk about funding for a certain university or other entity then lets look at the big picture.

There is about $87 trillion dollars in personal wealth in the US. There is so much money in the hands of only 5% of the population it is sickening yet they get all the laws to help them but they dont really give it back.

If you really want to bitch about a few million and less funding from taxing sources then you should really be bitching about this whole supply side trickle down bullshit the republicans, presidents, and congress have been laying on you since one Ronald Reagan took office in 1981. That is when it started. I have seen the graphs and data.

There is enough real wealth in this country to help everyone.

I would really like to debate this with you but Rob does not like this on this platform. Not going there.