Coaching changes


Well-Known Member
Ok, Brian gets removed somehow at the end of the year as O coordinator. Would you allow him to go back and coach the offensive line or does he completely need to go? Also who do you bring in to replace Brian? Do you move Woods up or keep him where he is? What names out there intrest you as a O coordinator and Qb coach?
Kirk Ferentz is not allowing his son to be fired ever. He could score 10 points per game and he’s not getting fired.
Ok, Brian gets removed somehow at the end of the year as O coordinator. Would you allow him to go back and coach the offensive line or does he completely need to go? Also who do you bring in to replace Brian? Do you move Woods up or keep him where he is? What names out there intrest you as a O coordinator and Qb coach?
I think moving to OL “For the good of the team” would be cover for Brian to step down, A change has to happen at OL.
Ok, Brian gets removed somehow at the end of the year as O coordinator. Would you allow him to go back and coach the offensive line or does he completely need to go? Also who do you bring in to replace Brian? Do you move Woods up or keep him where he is? What names out there intrest you as a O coordinator and Qb coach?

This is going to be the last year for the Ferentz tenure. I think he's going to retire.
Exactly right. Ever since Brian moved from OLine coach to OC our line play has deteriorated. Doesn't matter who's the QB or RB, if they don't get blocking they don't do squat.
No, it was since the Chris Doyle fiasco. Not been good since he's been gone.
This is going to be the last year for the Ferentz tenure. I think he's going to retire.
While I'll believe it when I see it, the dominoes are lined up and as close to falling (being pushed) as ever.

Agree with Vork, with a caveat - KF will never allow Bri to be fired without making it a package deal in some way. He'll either force Beth to also fire him - since he's the head coach and is responsible - or they will both resign / retire. I actually think the latter is 50/50.

Hope it doesn't get strung out until next February. The impact will be a tough recruiting obstacle and do not need to add the drama of no signees / late defections on top of it. Trust KF's character and integrity will show and he will not do anything like this to further crush the program.
I predict that when this DOES end, Brian Ferentz will almost immediately get a job in the NFL.
Exactly right. Ever since Brian moved from OLine coach to OC our line play has deteriorated. Doesn't matter who's the QB or RB, if they don't get blocking they don't do squat.
Win win for both BF and KF. BF gets to remain on staff as a position coach which most of us feel he is qualified for and KF keeps him on his staff, avoids having to terminate his kid which we all know won't happen.

Who knows maybe doing so would get KF to hire a true OC and give them the opportunity to actually run the offense. I know it's nothing more then a dream, but it sounds good.
Once Beth is confirmed as the AD she should have a sit down with Kirk and say this.

Kirk, we're all grateful for what you've done here. I've talked it over with the Presidient and numerous benefactors. I've weighed the issue. I've concluded that Brian will not return next year as the offenisve coorinator. [pause and wait]. My decision is final.

Kirk will consider the options. and decide quietly if he is going to go hire an OC or retire.

For all we know, this conversation has already happened (but I doubt it).
Then why hasn't the D-Line fallen off in a similar fashion? I suggest it is more recruiting and coaching.

Not sure. I was just pointing out the coincidence. The O-line is a different position and they just don't seem to be able to impose their will on opponents like they used to. Now is that the strength position, the O-line coach position or a little of both, don't know. But again, I was just pointing out the timing.
This is going to be the last year for the Ferentz tenure. I think he's going to retire.
I agree with this. He’s always gotten the schedule he wanted & it’s been enormously swung in his favor all these years. Now, dynamic has drastically changed. New AD & new west coast teams with high powered offenses. He knows the mirage is now going away
Once Beth is confirmed as the AD she should have a sit down with Kirk and say this.

Kirk, we're all grateful for what you've done here. I've talked it over with the Presidient and numerous benefactors. I've weighed the issue. I've concluded that Brian will not return next year as the offenisve coorinator. [pause and wait]. My decision is final.

Kirk will consider the options. and decide quietly if he is going to go hire an OC or retire.

For all we know, this conversation has already happened (but I doubt it).
Ideally it shoulda happened already before this season. But I just wonder how much rope she has since she's still an 'interim' so far. The timing of Barta getting pushed out finally (and I do believe he was) woulda been so much better 6 months earlier. A new AD taking over is the perfect time to make a move of that sort. Any new AD shouldn't want to take over with any kind of PR mess on their plate to inherit. So unless she's ok with it (hard to tell she was Bartas #2 at the time they forced BF to sign it) I would've thought at bare minimum she'd have torn up the contract provisions before the season started.

BF can be gotten rid of just as easily without those stupid provisions in writing after the yr. All that stupid contract does now is put a bullseye on him and the program and give folks something to make fun of em about. Because technically even if he doesn't meet the terms of it they can just rip up that deal and make up a whole new one. Nothing on planet earth is preventing that. Besides an AD with the stones to stand up to KF anyway...
I agree with this. He’s always gotten the schedule he wanted & it’s been enormously swung in his favor all these years. Now, dynamic has drastically changed. New AD & new west coast teams with high powered offenses. He knows the mirage is now going away

Add into that the NIL crap and portal and there ya go. If Brian was succeeding, he might stick around, but I honestly think if it continues like this, chit will hit the fan and he'll think it is time because of the dynamics.

It will honestly be sad because his legacy will always be tied to this. When he does end up retiring, my hope is that most Iowa fans remember what he had done for the program and not what has happened the last few years.
I agree with this. He’s always gotten the schedule he wanted & it’s been enormously swung in his favor all these years. Now, dynamic has drastically changed. New AD & new west coast teams with high powered offenses. He knows the mirage is now going away
I don't know how you can say this though, and why you get tunnel vision on it. He hasn't ALWAYS gotten an easy schedule. He's gotten a schedule just like any other teams, particularly West teams as that is the division they are in, which was decided by the BIG. Not sure what he could have done about that. Wisconsin had a similar schedule last season compared to Iowa's this year. Your tunnel vision on this subject is weird.
Add into that the NIL crap and portal and there ya go. If Brian was succeeding, he might stick around, but I honestly think if it continues like this, chit will hit the fan and he'll think it is time because of the dynamics.

It will honestly be sad because his legacy will always be tied to this. When he does end up retiring, my hope is that most Iowa fans remember what he had done for the program and not what has happened the last few years.

I am, and will always be, a huge fan of Kirk Ferentz. I've admitted before to WRONGFULLY not being a fan in those early years. And have never looked back or challenged him since. Even if he keeps his son next year, I an appreciative fan again. Some years down the road, most likely to recover that.

This is an inflection point. There's simply no arguing what's happened. Find me a half decade period in post-knickerbocker wearing history where the Iowa offense essentially got worse every year, until it reached literally THE WORST in all of college football and stayed there through the next season. Or, at least, a quarter of the way through it.

With the conference expansion looming, this is a precipice for all programs. Status quo for Iowa is moving from top 3rd of the conference to the middle. We will start to feel like Minnesota has for decades. Kirk is capable of sustaining competent (and sometimes excellent) offenses. He did it for 15+ years. And he did that through AIRBHG and eras of mediocre quarterbacks. And it never lasted for a half decade. But the data on the last 6 is abundantly clear. No amount of arguing overcomes the data. Brian is incapable.
I am, and will always be, a huge fan of Kirk Ferentz. I've admitted before to WRONGFULLY not being a fan in those early years. And have never looked back or challenged him since. Even if he keeps his son next year, I an appreciative fan again. Some years down the road, most likely to recover that.

This is an inflection point. There's simply no arguing what's happened. Find me a half decade period in post-knickerbocker wearing history where the Iowa offense essentially got worse every year, until it reached literally THE WORST in all of college football and stayed there through the next season. Or, at least, a quarter of the way through it.

With the conference expansion looming, this is a precipice for all programs. Status quo for Iowa is moving from top 3rd of the conference to the middle. We will start to feel like Minnesota has for decades. Kirk is capable of sustaining competent (and sometimes excellent) offenses. He did it for 15+ years. And he did that through AIRBHG and eras of mediocre quarterbacks. And it never lasted for a half decade. But the data on the last 6 is abundantly clear. No amount of arguing overcomes the data. Brian is incapable.
Prob in the 1960's and 1970's when Iowa went 19 seasons WITHOUT a winning season. People, we have to keep this in perspective. This is why when Hayden took his first Rose Bowl team to the Rose Bowl it was a huge deal for Iowa fans. It was bad then.