Coaching changes

nobody cares one way or the other & this isn’t a factor as far as the future of Iowa football
Wow, ok, I don't think either statement is factual but sure.

I mean, I care. I'm a big Hawkeye fan. I know other people around me that I watch games with will care. I bet a lot of people will care where he ends up, which will be as a TE or OL coach in the NFL when everything settles. His last name is Ferentz, and that names always gonna carry a lot of weight in these parts so it likely will impact on the future of Iowa football as well.

I am however, gonna "no one cares" your posts tho, so be ready.
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Add into that the NIL crap and portal and there ya go. If Brian was succeeding, he might stick around, but I honestly think if it continues like this, chit will hit the fan and he'll think it is time because of the dynamics.

It will honestly be sad because his legacy will always be tied to this. When he does end up retiring, my hope is that most Iowa fans remember what he had done for the program and not what has happened the last few years.
What has happened has always happened. Save for a handful of years where he either had dominate lines and/or a collection of skill players on offense. His recruiting of skill positions has been extremely hit & miss. And in recent years, OL development. But one thing has never changed & that’s the offensive philosophy
I don't know how you can say this though, and why you get tunnel vision on it. He hasn't ALWAYS gotten an easy schedule. He's gotten a schedule just like any other teams, particularly West teams as that is the division they are in, which was decided by the BIG. Not sure what he could have done about that. Wisconsin had a similar schedule last season compared to Iowa's this year. Your tunnel vision on this subject is weird.
Being in the west has absolutely nothing to do with weak non conference schedules. I literally just went through each team & who they played this year. It’s the same story a heavy majority of time
Being in the west has absolutely nothing to do with weak non conference schedules. I literally just went through each team & who they played this year. It’s the same story a heavy majority of time
They play a P5 in state rival every single year for krists sake. Not all teams do that. The other games are comparable to what other teams schedule. Get over yourself. Look at what SEC teams do. Geesus.