When life gives you Cleamons, you make Cleamonade.
When life gives you Cleamons, you make Cleamonade.
There is a certainly a chance. No one really knows how these guys are going to look when they have to play D1 competition.
Clemons is said to have great defensive skills. Gesel has great offensive skills.
Clemons is a true point where Gesel is a scorer who can play point.
Considering marble plays the 2 guard idk why this is the real question?The bigger question is can Gessell beat Marble at the point?
It's good to be fat on points.
I think this thread sets the board record for misspelling Gesell's name in a single thread.
Be careful, there. Hasn't that also been said about Iowa running backs?
I'll never believe Iowa is well-stocked at PG until, well, I see 2 or 3 true PGs riding pine because the guy running the team at that point is that much better. It would not surprise me if the AIRBHG had an evil sister, the AIPGHB.
I've heard that the staff is VERY high on Clemmons right now and that they aren't ready to concede the starting spot to Gesell just yet.
Yep, it also has been a long time since we captured the best player in Michigan. I believe Kenyon Murray was Player of the Year in Michigan his senior year.....The Tom Davis line-change.
I like it.
I still don't know how many L's to put in his name.....That record won't stand for long...the kid's not even on campus yet! We have 4 and half more years to shoot for it!![]()
Do you guys really think white can defend the 3 spot in the big 10
i keep saying the lineup could be PG GesellSG MarbleSF WhitePF Basabec Woodburywith a hockey rotation ofPG ClemmonsSG Oglesby/IngramSF MayPF McCabe/MeyerC Olaseniit makes sure we have shooters on the floor at all times
It is nice to know that the staff is willing to wait for both players to get on campus before giving the starting job to Gesell.