
White is not defensive liability, sounds like a lets throw the freshman under the bus because he is a slow white boy
he has gotten BT FR of the week award twice obviously the BT raters disagree with you
Can't tell if that's a jab at my post or not.

It was. I posted a lot with you on HR when you were a Lick defender still, so I had to get another dig in to welcome you here. Minus that huge error in judgement, I actually like your basketball analysis and hope you post with more regularity on here.
It was. I posted a lot with you on HR when you were a Lick defender still, so I had to get another dig in to welcome you here. Minus that huge error in judgement, I actually like your basketball analysis and hope you post with more regularity on here.

My whole issue was always people being quick to hate the guy so early. Its obvious he was a bad fit in a lot of ways. So while the guy can coach, it sure seems like it has to be in a situation that he doesn't have to do hardly ANYTHING other than coach. In the end I admitted I was wrong but I did on my own timeline and not just because everyone else was hating on him.

Yes...I was wrong :)
you mean they give the award to scorers only
he got the 1st based on his dbl dbl
you are showing bias against white players by these comments
I've been saying it for months now....this team is heading in the right direction and the pieces will finally be here next year. We are going to be deep, athletic and offensive minded. This year was looking a bit sketchy but it appears that the freshman are playing up to their potential already, Marble is exceeding expectations and Basabe seems to have turned the corner. We may still make a tournament run this year although I am not holding out too much hope (yet).

Clemmons plays on a team with at least three D1 commits. One of the commits is heading to MSU and just happens to be the coaches son (Valentine). That kid gets all the pub and is in the running for Mr Basketball but Clemmons is a sic defender, rebounder and commands the floor....oh, he can put the ball in the hoop too. He and Gessel are going to be a nice combination at point moving forward.

No chance that Marble remains at point with those two guys on campus which is EXACTLY what this team needs. Marble can now rotate to wing and permanently remove May from the lineup.

PG - Gessel
Wing - Marble
Wing - White
PF - Basabe
C - Woodbury

That gives you unbelievable height, slashing, ball handling and offensive skills. Throw in Clemmons, Meyer, Ingram and McCabe and that is a deep 9 with size and true basketball skills.
Good post!!! I am in agreement with your assessment. I watched Gesell here in Phoenix this last weekend and I will say he is the best PG I have watched in 15 years. Now, speaking of Clemmons, I said earlier in the year that I thought this was the kid that will suprise people in the class that is coming in. He is an athlete like we have not had in maybe, NEVER. He will battle with Gesell, but I think in the end Gesell will start from day one. Clemmons will see a ton of playing time and will absolutely thrill the fans with his high fly show. We are going to be back to 1985 next year. Not a hole to be found in the lineup or bench. This will be a team where players emerge. And just think, we will be one of the youngest teams in the B10.
you mean they give the award to scorers onlyhe got the 1st based on his dbl dblyou are showing bias against white players by these comments

Fishing h2?
Cause rebounds and playing defense are the same thing. And referring to bias against white the player? or white players???
White is not defensive liability, sounds like a lets throw the freshman under the bus because he is a slow white boyhe has gotten BT FR of the week award twice obviously the BT raters disagree with you

my comment isnt throwing him under the bus. i said his weakness is his defense. every player has a weakness. i believe white is the third best player on the team. my critique has to do with his weakest part of his game. not his age or his color.

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