Clayborn's decline


Well-Known Member
There is no doubt about it. He is not the same player he was last season.

He's still good, but not dominant and taking over games. Facts are facts.
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Everybody's prepared for him. But yes, even when he's had the ability to make plays, for some reason, he's been unable to.
I've been waiting for this thread for a long time. Love the guy, but something is going on with him. He almost looks/seems beaten down/tired/depressed. I know it is a long season, school, the media, fans, etc. but he is not the same guy he was last year. Something is up with him. I hope it turns out all right for him long term because he is an all time Hawkeye great. This year though has not been his year. I wish I could say different. He has not been a difference maker. Wish to heck he had been.
I've been waiting for this thread for a long time. Love the guy, but something is going on with him. He almost looks/seems beaten down/tired/depressed. I know it is a long season, school, the media, fans, etc. but he is not the same guy he was last year. Something is up with him. I hope it turns out all right for him long term because he is an all time Hawkeye great. This year though has not been his year. I wish I could say different. He has not been a difference maker. Wish to heck he had been.

I agree with all of this.

It would be interesting to have followed him around the last month- something is going on.

Love the guy. It has nothing to do with double teams or more attention.

I think there really is something deeper here. The last 2 plays Ohio State ran Clayborn quit.
Glad I'm not the only one who sees this. Jon Miller has been defending him ALL season.

I will say that earlier in the year he was getting doubled more, but not of late.

He has not played like a top 10 draft pick.

I feel like he's slower and less flexible. He looks really stiff.
I agree and have been saying this since week 3. Yes, he is still good player but I am tired of people defending him week in week out. He has not been double/triple teamed the entire year. As a matter of fact he hasnt been doubled up consitently for quite sometime and he still isnt making plays like he did last year.
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I'm not even sure it's "heart" that's the problem. He just doesn't look as physically dominating. He gained some bad weight from mom's mac and cheese or something.

He can't be getting laid as much with mom around so you would think he would have some built up anger to take out on the field.

My football coach used to tell us not to fool around with our girlfriends before the game on Fridays because we would lose our edge. true story.
Adrian Clayborn continues to be a beast.

You idiots have no understanding of double teams, hurries, stopping and standing up a particular.. should I go on?

Stop hating on AC.

I'm not even sure it's "heart" that's the problem. He just doesn't look as physically dominating. He gained some bad weight from mom's mac and cheese or something.

He can't be getting laid as much with mom around so you would think he would have some built up anger to take out on the field.

My football coach used to tell us not to fool around with our girlfriends before the game on Fridays because we would lose our edge. true story.

When you a certified 1st rounder and nationally recognized player you have mastered the art of banging hos every night of the week and still killing it on Saturdays.
Does anybody not think Clayborn was double teamed last year? Did teams not try and chip him or help with a tight end? Clayborn is not in shape and it shows. I don't question his effort, but the results are not the same.
This thread is ridiculous. Clayborn had another good game.

A few "hawkeye football fans" that prove they know nothing about football.
Does anybody not think Clayborn was double teamed last year? Did teams not try and chip him or help with a tight end? Clayborn is not in shape and it shows. I don't question his effort, but the results are not the same.

It looks to me like the whole defense is very out of shape, not just AC. This coule perhaps explain our tendacy to give up game winning touchdown drives in the 4th frickin quarter.
This thread is ridiculous. Clayborn had another good game.

A few "hawkeye football fans" that prove they know nothing about football.

No it's not. His production, or lack thereof, shows he's not the same player.

His draft status will show it to. NFL scouts will watch the tape to see if there were extenuating circumstances that made a player not get the expected stats.

We're not saying he's a bad player. We're saying he's not as good as last year.

Not arguing the stats but I think people look at those way too much. Clayborn made some great plays today and didn't get stats for them.

"There are lies, damned lies, and statistics." Mark Twain
Have you not noticed Clayborn dropping back into pass coverage or playing contain instead of just rushing the passer? Then there's the whole throwing 5 and 6 yard quick passes so that even a great pass rusher can't get to the QB.

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