Clayborn's decline

Well no DE went in the top 5 but I'm sure if Clayborn would have had 20 sacks and 100 tackles he would have. I guess my point is that it is hard to say a first round top 20 pick hurt his draft status. I really believe he had another great year but just didn't have the stats.
Should also note that 12 D-linemen were taken in this year's first round, which was a record. So Clayborn sliding from possible top 5 to #20 is a combination of probably minor concerns about senior year production and a very deep field of defensive linemen. There were five defensive linemen drafted out of the Big Ten alone.

It will be interesting to re-rank these guys in a couple of years. Until then, who knows.
Just remember that a yr. ago, he had some legal issues hanging over his head. That probably would have effected everything in regard to the draft.
********. It's this wussy *** defensive scheme that has our front four working their ***** off to get a pass rush while our defensive backs give 10 yard cushions and allow quick 7-8 yard completions.

Our scheme is gutless and places no trust in our players. We hope for the opposing team to get either impatient or make a mistake.

Totally sick of this crap going around about how poorly the d-line has played. Double and triple teamed all year, Clayborne has played his heart out. Front four has been fine.

Let's be realistic. Linebackers and defensive backs play soft. The problems with our 'd' start and end there. Soft at corner and slow at linebacker.

Blubber - I like your fire and I would like to be the first to nominate you as a replacement for Norm. I look forward to seeing you lead the troops to better last year's paltry defensive performance (which was only good enough for 7th in the nation). - 2010 National Team Leaders

Should be a lot of fun - I can't wait to hear more of your plans!
Should also note that 12 D-linemen were taken in this year's first round, which was a record. So Clayborn sliding from possible top 5 to #20 is a combination of probably minor concerns about senior year production and a very deep field of defensive linemen. There were five defensive linemen drafted out of the Big Ten alone.

It will be interesting to re-rank these guys in a couple of years. Until then, who knows.

Can you show me where anyone was predicting Clayborn in the top 5 of the 2010 draft if he'd have come out? I'm not saying it didn't happen, but I certainly don't remember the conversations last January going like that at all.
Can you show me where anyone was predicting Clayborn in the top 5 of the 2010 draft if he'd have come out? I'm not saying it didn't happen, but I certainly don't remember the conversations last January going like that at all.

I thought I remembered there being some talk of that last year. I might be wrong, just thought I remembered top 5/top 10 talk.
Before the year, there was Top 10 talk for Clayborn for sure.

However, I look back to last year...had he turned pro then, I think 20 would have been the high range for he really didn't 'lose' any money coming back to Iowa for his senior year.
Before the year, there was Top 10 talk for Clayborn for sure.

However, I look back to last year...had he turned pro then, I think 20 would have been the high range for he really didn't 'lose' any money coming back to Iowa for his senior year.

Hey JD - What if the lockout lasts for 10 years? What if the new CBA jams rookies? He could have lost a ton of money.
Before the year, there was Top 10 talk for Clayborn for sure.

However, I look back to last year...had he turned pro then, I think 20 would have been the high range for he really didn't 'lose' any money coming back to Iowa for his senior year.

How can you say that? Jon you know damn well the difference from being drafted number 10 to number 20 is around 10 million dollars.
It was all part of his plan. He wanted to go to a better team by being drafted later in the first round. It was a calculated move on his part. Sure, he may have given up a few million bucks by coming back, but he's also more likely to go to a team that would be in the playoffs and make his big money when he signs his second contract. ;)
Before the year, there was Top 10 talk for Clayborn for sure.

However, I look back to last year...had he turned pro then, I think 20 would have been the high range for he really didn't 'lose' any money coming back to Iowa for his senior year.

If nothing else, he lost the money that he would have made in the NFL last season.
How can you say that? Jon you know damn well the difference from being drafted number 10 to number 20 is around 10 million dollars.

But he was expected to be right around #20 in last year's draft. He was projected top 10 before this season, but he wasn't projected that high last spring. He ended up right where he would have been last year. So he didn't lose any money by coming back.
Geezz..a loyal Hawk makes the decision to come back for his senior year to win a Big Ten title,and here are the ''loyal'' Iowa fans questioning the wisdom of that...hey,maybe he wanted to graduate with a degree? Maybe he valued his educational experience at Iowa? I am so sick of a society that is so cynical that they scoff at guys who do the right thing..honor a commitment to play at Iowa for 4 years....I am very happy that Adrian did honor his commitment to Iowa and come back,and get his degree,and now go out and have a great NFL career.

Way to go,Adrian!! Congrats to you and your family!! Go Bucs!
If Clayborn had entered the draft a year ago coming off the Orange Bowl MVP there's no way he would have fallen to No. 20.

That's what Jon just said they were projecting last year, mid- to late-first round. Which is where he went this year, give or take a few picks. The top-10 talk didn't start until this past preseason.
If Clayborn had entered the draft a year ago coming off the Orange Bowl MVP there's no way he would have fallen to No. 20.

I disagree. Clayborn was not that high on the draft radar last year.

Also, had Iowa's top LBs not gotten injured in 2010 .... then Clayborn's production wouldn't have dropped. Furthermore, we would have won more games, had received more hype, ... and Clayborn would possibly have ascended to a top 10 pick.

Sticking around for the extra year was not a bad move. It gave him more valuable experience. And, again, were it not for injuries at LB, it could have actually paid him some dividends.

As it is, he still was picked pretty high. Definitely nothing to scoff at.
If Clayborn had entered the draft a year ago coming off the Orange Bowl MVP there's no way he would have fallen to No. 20.

players arent drafted based on trophies won. clayborn would have had similar combine numbers last year as he did last year. all of the things the scouts thought were great and all the things that they thought were not so great still would have been there.

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