CJ Fredrick health?

When you break an ankle depending on the severity of the break you will be six weeks in a cast minimum. Then rehab say a couple months so I highly doubt a broken ankle is better than a high sprain. Often surgery is necessary to reconstruct the ankle joint. Speaking from experience on this one.

Ask any coach (KF is on record numerous times as saying he'd rather have seen the player break it than get the high ankle sprain), and they'll tell you that, with ankles, a break is almost always preferred over a high ankle sprain. Obviously they aren't talking about a Coy Cronk type of break. But the sentiment is that a simple ankle fracture has a set timeframe for healing and recovery. High ankle sprains, when you're dealing with ligaments, tendons, and soft tissue has no set time and often times end up with a longer recovery period.

That's what I was getting at.
I was at the Minnesota game. 2 things. 1. Tim Miles walked by me twice during shoot around. On his way back I said Hi.. He stopped walking, came back up the 4 steps and shook my hand. I had my Iowa stuff on. He said, "Hows it going guys, I'm just glad you guys arent kicking my ass twice this year." Super cool of him to take the time and exchange a handshake and pleasantry. 2. TJ wasn't in any type of boot and was dancing to the music near the basket. He did limp a little and took his sweet time getting down from the court to the bench
I was at the Minnesota game. 2 things. 1. Tim Miles walked by me twice during shoot around. On his way back I said Hi.. He stopped walking, came back up the 4 steps and shook my hand. I had my Iowa stuff on. He said, "Hows it going guys, I'm just glad you guys arent kicking my ass twice this year." Super cool of him to take the time and exchange a handshake and pleasantry. 2. TJ wasn't in any type of boot and was dancing to the music near the basket. He did limp a little and took his sweet time getting down from the court to the bench
He might get a little animated on the court but I always liked Tim. Seems like a down to earth guy and incredibly approachable as evidenced in your post. I much preferred his commentary to Bardo - that's for damn sure.
I liked Miles as well, he seemed to be always be respectful and did things the right way. I do think the Nebraska would have been well served to have kept him, because it takes a long time to build a program from nothing if you do it the right way, and Nebraska has always been nothing. With him they were something, in as difficult of a conference as you could get. And I think he would have been a lifer.

But its Nebraska, and they have shown they are willing to sell their soul for the quick results no matter how it is accomplished.
He might get a little animated on the court but I always liked Tim. Seems like a down to earth guy and incredibly approachable as evidenced in your post. I much preferred his commentary to Bardo - that's for damn sure.

Yeah at least would make fun of himself when he was his wording was off. He seemed to do just fine as a coach when you compare how the team has played historically.

I mean they were 22-11 on his last season. Im would expect eventually hoiberg will turn it around but it's a tough conference to rebuild teams in.
I had a bad, but not high, ankle sprain on my job in 2003 where the ligament detached from the fibula. That sumbitch turned purple almost up to my knee but was more painful than serious. There is so much calcification in there now that it will probably never be 100% again. Maybe I will get it cleaned out someday but haven't had to at this time.
I had an open compound tibia and fibula fracture that has never heal but still walking with leg brace. It's something that I have to live with for the rest of my life.
Doe he play at MSU? May not be a good idea, to get mugged up and hurt again so fast.
I say no. Give him a few more days to rest. I'm chalking it up as a loss .. unless we get contributions like tonight v OSU. Get him better for HIS sake.

Simply my $.02 .. ..
I gotta think he will play at MSU if he was almost a go tonight.

I say keep the starting lineup the same. Bring Fredrick off the bench for maybe 15-20 minutes. Tell him to launch some threes. They can tape it up to reduce injury risk.
I say rest him. Iowa's next game after sparty is 9 days away....at home vs Penn State. That's a long time to get healthy
sit him, take our chances at MSU, have him healthy the rest of the way
It sounds good in theory but that’s not how these kids think. If he wants to play and he’s cleared to play what message does it send to the team if we just sit him? They can tape it up for him.

He’s going to have a nice long weekend here of treatment. I gotta think he plays at MSU.
I can't believe how many people on here say to sit him. If he's ok to play, you play him.

I just can't see us beating MSU on the road so why not let the ankle heal up even more? Maybe give him 10 to 15 minutes to test it out.
I can't believe how many people on here say to sit him. If he's ok to play, you play him.

If he's still black and blue then why not give it time to fully heal and for him to get his legs back? The sparty game is a big game, but there are bigger fish to fry.

If he's 100% then sure bring him out.
If he's still black and blue then why not give it time to fully heal and for him to get his legs back? The sparty game is a big game, but there are bigger fish to fry.

If he's 100% then sure bring him out.

Wieskamp played on a big time bum ankle last year against ISU and it turned out just fine. You obviously don't play him if still hurting, but you don't wait until he's 100% either. If he can go, he's gotta play. No way CJ wants to sit with a 90% ankle.

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