Chris Bosh Moving Picks


Well-Known Member
I have been watching him play for a while and he always sets moving picks. I mean blatantly obvious moving screens. I know alot of people move here and there, but this man is dancing and running around like you can set moving screen. Watch for it next time you can.
That is just one of the reasons I detest the NBA. There are no rules. It's like watching frickin all star wrestling the way the NBA is reffed. You cannot tell me that alot of those games are not rigged. My other pet peeve is palming. It's done ALLLLLLLLL the time.
I have been watching him play for a while and he always sets moving picks. I mean blatantly obvious moving screens. I know alot of people move here and there, but this man is dancing and running around like you can set moving screen. Watch for it next time you can.

Watch for it next time????

The whole league is a travelling, moving screen, palm the ball, hand check and grab menagerie.

Ugly basketball, great athletes and basketball players.
That is just one of the reasons I detest the NBA. There are no rules. It's like watching frickin all star wrestling the way the NBA is reffed. You cannot tell me that alot of those games are not rigged. My other pet peeve is palming. It's done ALLLLLLLLL the time.

That is spot on. Oh and I mentioned this during the heat celtics series but watch how many times they switch or slide their pivot feet. You can actually watch a player catch a pass, take a step to set a pivot foot and then they will take another step, two steps wowowowowowow and hardly ever called.
It's that way with a lot of big men. Kevin Garnett is just as bad.

Its the heat and theyre at home. OKC wont get any calls in their favor tonight.

That is just one of the reasons I detest the NBA. There are no rules. It's like watching frickin all star wrestling the way the NBA is reffed. You cannot tell me that alot of those games are not rigged. My other pet peeve is palming. It's done ALLLLLLLLL the time.

Watch for it next time????

The whole league is a travelling, moving screen, palm the ball, hand check and grab menagerie.

Ugly basketball, great athletes and basketball players.

All of these are so very true in my opinion. "Pro hops", 3-4 step take offs are just a part of the game now? I spose it is like jaywalking now, you're not supposed to do it, but rarely enforced. I am not a Miami hater, I just see alot of Bosh, and Garnett as mentioned above walking around setting screens in motion.
That is spot on. Oh and I mentioned this during the heat celtics series but watch how many times they switch or slide their pivot feet. You can actually watch a player catch a pass, take a step to set a pivot foot and then they will take another step, two steps wowowowowowow and hardly ever called.

Yes, Palming is another one of those "jaywalking" violations. That is how alot of people cross people over now is by unfair advantages.
I figured TC would chime in a little hate before long. Par for the course for Mr. Hate-a-lot.
I used to really enjoy watching the NBA, but Miami is starting to make me resent it. Not only do they get the benefit of blatantly obvious incorrect calls going their way, but their players flop (and get rewarded for it) a ridiculous amount. I have no respect left for Dwyane Wade after watching him fly through the air like a trapeze artist this postseason.
What a defensive display by El Heat in the 4th. It will be hard for OKC to win this series with a determined Lebron and the team D that they've been playing.
There's not a pro sports league out there where the rules have become more "optional". (and that includes the most "flexible" call in all of sports...offensive line holding in football)

Carrying the ball...traveling...the drama queen flops, constant beeching and whining about every call, etc etc. That's why many of us don't really like the NBA any more. Most of today's players couldn't even dribble the ball by 1980 standards...their hand is underneath and turning it over constantly. And the steps... good god, it's beyond ridiculous.

But I guess that makes me a racist. (thought I'd get a jump on you predictable guys with an intellect the depth of a blowup wading pool)
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I used to really enjoy watching the NBA, but Miami is starting to make me resent it. Not only do they get the benefit of blatantly obvious incorrect calls going their way, but their players flop (and get rewarded for it) a ridiculous amount. I have no respect left for Dwyane Wade after watching him fly through the air like a trapeze artist this postseason.

That is my problem to. Miami has the refs in their back pockets and everybody knows it but these cheesy heat fan just yell of cry more when people make a comment about it. Once again last night the Heat are making more FT than the other team even shoots. The reffing is a joke yet again the crap they called on OK last night was laughable at best...

But bet on it the heat fans here are going to come on this post with their cry more posts, because that is all they can say knowing the refs are babying the heat yet again.
You guys keep complaining and giving reasons why the NBA is loosing fans yet their numbers are stronger than ever. I dont understand....
the heat made more fts than the thunder shot because the the heat attacked the hoop and the thunder settled for jump shots. jump shots dont tend to lead to fts. the aggressive team gets more fts. i want the thunder to win but they didnt deserve game 2 or 3.

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