
There's no reason to lie... I would've admitted to it. Thanks though have a good day, Dude I know it wasn't me.
You're right there is no reason to lie so why are you? Whatever man thats cool if you want to deny it. That is your call. I have laid out the evidence that shows it was you.
I will just say this and then leave it be....if you are going to tell other people on this message board to "grow up" I suggest you drop the stones and steer clear of glass houses.
Chill out man, why are you so passionate about something that doesn't even change your life? These are supposed to be "Professional" men that are role models for our kids (supposedly). Phillips started it I understand that, but that was the day before and before the game started. Big deal Yadier needs to grow up and perform on the field instead of instigate. Let Phillips and the Red's talk who cares.

All of Hoffman's posts are classic troll posts.
Goods, how am I talking in circles? The two sentences don't even contradict each other you sensitive little Cardinal. I said Cueto should have been suspended immediately, my next sentence is saying that Larussa is crying about the situation again. So, to spell it out to you... I think Cueto should be suspended, which he probably will be, and I think Larussa sounds like a b**** for making up the concussion, in order to speed up the suspension. I'm sorry you couldn't grasp that. Good day, and it looks like you should be enjoying another win. Quit being so sensitive about St. Louis baseball dude.
Children settle down. As a Cubs fan, and being kicked in the n*** for 4 straight months, I feel I need to add a little common-sense to this argument, as most of you are failing to have any. 1. Phillips was wrong for calling them b******. That was elementary at best, and not sure why he would do that. Before every game, Phillips pats the catcher on the shin-guards and says good luck. ALWAYS does that, not instigating. 2. Molina reacted as he should have. He was defending his team, no problem with that. 3. Rolen having played with Molina previously, stepped in and tried to settle things down, he was being the bigger person in the whole thing, and you can see that. 4. The two 70 year old managers should have shut their mouthes, and the whole thing would have ended immediately, but they kept jawing at eachother. 5. Carpenter going after Baker was weak at best. Why go after the 70 year old dude, seriously? 6. Rolen defended his manager, what he should have done. The whole pile pushed towards the stands, not Rolen pushing Carpenter. Afterwards, you see Rolen and Carpenter talking and patting eachother on the backs. 7. Cueto cleating players should have him suspended immediately. That was uncalled for. 8. Finally, Larussa now saying that Larue may have a concussion from getting cleated, makes me think that Phillips was right all along, and Larussa is just trying to get Cueto suspended by bringing his cleating to light again. It's funny how fans of different teams can see things so differently.

I can't believe i'm saying this but i agree with a cub fan, for the most part. I would disagree with #5 and #6, i think Carpenter was defending his manager, if you're going to defend Rolen for what he did, then you have to see the other side. I've watched the replay a couple times and it's clear the managers were at it which re-escalated it, when Dusty is getting pulled away he keeps saying things, and then Carp says something to him. Now i wasn't in the scrum but the MLB network has a video up of the previous arguments that LaRussa and Baker have had in the past, and the mouthing is usually Tony yelling something at Dusty and Dusty coming back with F this, F you, you MF'er, i don't know if he could have a coherent argument. In previous arguments it's been when Dusty had people bean cardinal players, sometimes in the head and Tony always gets hot when his players get hit around the head but has also yelled at his players for throwing around the head. My best guess is that Dusty was being Dusty and Carp took exception to it, that ticked off Rolen. If you watch later in the video you see Rolen and Carp chatting calm again.

Cueto should be suspended and it's a joke they didn't kick him out of the game.

Phillips is a moron, he's the same joker that said he was a better player than Utley in the past too, as a Cards fan i'll thank him for waking the boys up. First place!
Wainwright throws a 2-hitter today through 7 and Cards sweep the Reds.

'How do you like me now'

Thank you Punky Phillips from a Cards fan. Your no brain comment seems to be just what STL needed to take things up a notch. Note dugout reaction after Rasmus grand salami today.

Nothing like a baseball rhubarb to jazz things up - where have you gone Billy Martin - Earl Weaver?

Great interviews after the game - Molina saying don't touch me if you are not my friend - if you do, that's stupid.

Dusty lobbying for Cueto realizing he is in deep. Hernandez "interpreting" - ok, speaking for Cueto who looked pretty clueless. Phillips no longer saying I-I-I, but rather we lost, we made errors, we didn't hit, we we we all the way home. Probably looking for any support he can get. Pretty obvious from Rolen interview that he was P'Od at Punky.

Kudos to Yadier for doing exactly what needed to be done. If some people weren't raised with enough nads to stick up for themselves and find this offensive - too bad. Yadi backed up his talk with a big game which can't be said for Punky.

Today, Wainwright comes up BIG. SWEEP!!!!!!
I think MLB realizes a lot of the melee ensued because the managers couldn't shut their mouths. That, and they have some past issues, so maybe MLB is trying to put an end to it.
I think MLB realizes a lot of the melee ensued because the managers couldn't shut their mouths. That, and they have some past issues, so maybe MLB is trying to put an end to it.
Good point.

I read today Rolen went aftr Carp becuz Rolen hates LaRussa while Carp loves him, and they've disagreed on that point for a long time.
I read Rolen went after Carp because Carp was jawing at Baker. Word was that Rolen & LaRussa had talked and were back on speaking terms; however Rolen still thinks the Cards mishandled his shoulder injury.
Standing ovation for Yadier on his 1st AB back at Busch. The StL fans appreciate what he did.

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