
Do you have an audio of what Carp was supposedly saying? Do you have an audio of what every 50 people scrumming about were saying to one another?

I don't.

You don't push into the bleachers and then try to cleat an all-star pitcher. That's why Rolen got traded. Bogus.

I don't need audio, bottom line is he was in the face of a manager. I think that resorts to scum in my book. The guy is a loud mouth and short fused. It's fact. I stand where I stand. People need to look at this from a neutral stance instead of their red glasses (both teams).
I don't need audio, bottom line is he was in the face of a manager. I think that resorts to scum in my book. The guy is a loud mouth and short fused. It's fact. I stand where I stand. People need to look at this from a neutral stance instead of their red glasses (both teams).
Yes you do.

You have absolutely no way of knowing Carp was the only one in the face of the manager, if at all. Dusty was in the middle of the group. Carpenter was on the very outside edge of the mob. People were yelling things at everyone. It was was chaotic.

The fact Carp is intense is irrelevent to this discussion.

The only relevent point is if you know for certain he was yapping at Baker, and, was the only one yapping at Baker. You don't think there were Reds yapping at LaRussa? I do.

Even if he was, you don't push somebody into the bleachers. Rolen didn't push Molina into the bleachers.

The FACT is Rolen and Carp have a negative history and Rolen was looking for a little kick-a$$ payback. Rolen needs to be suspended.
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Yes you do.

You have absolutely no way of knowing Carp was the only one in the face of the manager, if at all. Dusty was in the middle of the group. Carpenter was on the very outside edge of the mob. People were yelling things at everyone. It was was chaotic.

The fact Carp is intense is irrelevent to this discussion.

The only relevent point is if you know for certain he was yapping at Baker, and, was the only one yapping at Baker. You don't think there were Reds yapping at LaRussa? I do.

Even if he was, you don't push somebody into the bleachers. Rolen didn't push Molina into the bleachers.

The FACT is Rolen and Carp have a negative history and Rolen was looking for a little kick-a$$ payback. Rolen needs to be suspended.

Ok dude, let's go off the evidence at hand. go to the first page and scroll to the video, got to 1:06 where Carpenter says something to Dusty Baker. I don't need audio to see what Baker's reaction was to Carpenter's comments. It's pretty clear.

I agree that they've had bad blood, but Rolen was getting him out of the face of his manager. Rolen never threw a punch, cleated, or anything other than getting him out of the mix. Again, show me where he cleated Carpenter? It's not on video. Rolen was containing a situation that could have gotten a lot worse. Did he need back him into the back stop? Probably not, but you said yourself things were loud and chaotic. Get off your high Cardnial horse for a minute and look at it in a neutral light. I could care less for either team.
If Rolen hadn't of pushed Carp into the stands, the cleating incident would never have happened, thus, Rolen precipitated the cleating.
If Rolen hadn't of pushed Carp into the stands, the cleating incident would never have happened, thus, Rolen precipitated the cleating.

Well if Molina, never would've gotten in the face of Phillips, Carpenter wouldn't have said stuff to Baker, and Rolen wouldn't have pushed Carpenter into the back stop and the cleating wouldn't have happened right? haha
Rolen should never have pushed an all-star pitcher into the stands, re-perpetuating the ugly situation. Carp never went after Baker physically, but Rolen went after Carp physically. Rolen's going to get physical three minutes AFTER Carp supposedly jawed at Baker? Please.

Rolen needs to be suspended. End of discusson.
Well if Molina, never would've gotten in the face of Phillips, Carpenter wouldn't have said stuff to Baker, and Rolen wouldn't have pushed Carpenter into the back stop and the cleating wouldn't have happened right? haha
If Phillips had kept his mouth shut, and have been a man, Molina wouldn't have to put him in his place.

However, I never said Molina shouldn't have been tossed.
Rolen should never have pushed an all-star pitcher into the stands, re-perpetuating the ugly situation. Carp never went after Baker physically, but Rolen went after Carp physically. Rolen's going to get physical three minutes AFTER Carp supposedly jawed at Baker? Please.

Rolen needs to be suspended. End of discusson.

I agree as well as Molina, Phillips, and Carpenter. Baker and LaRussa should be suspended as well. They all acted like little men. Not the supposed icons for kids to look up to.
I bet no suspensions. As Sportscenter said, most predictable fight in the history of baseball. And very mild at that.

The jabber between you guys who have no dog in the fight is more of a fight.

Today sets up to be a great game. While we have Wainwright, Reds are throwing Arroyo - not chopped liver by any means. Be interesting to see if there is any chin music. I bet umps warn managers before the first pitch.

With both pitchers so important, nothing happens early. If one team gets out away from the other, we'll see what happens.

And major props to Molina. Way to answer the stupid rant by Phillips with a HR.

OK, I'll say something about Phillips. Why does he feel he needs to say what he said, in the middle of the pennant race, after getting smoked the prior game? Immature and childish and completely detrimental to his team. Maybe they should have had Cueto cleat him in the back in the locker room before the game to shut him up. Totally out of place and bad for your team.
Looks like Carpenter deserved what he got... Yadier Molina should be suspended
Hoffman you are such a blow hole. One of three things are obvious. A. You don't know a thing about baseball. B. You are a Reds fan. C. You didn't see the fight for yourself.
All Yader did was stand up to a jerk and stood strong as a Cardinal. Anyone who says they wouldn't have done what Yader did is either lying or a complete *****.
Come September all Cardinals fans will look at this series and thank the Reds for lighting a fire under the Cardinals ***. The Reds would have had a better shot at winning the division if they would have just kept their mouths shut! I can't wait for the last series when the Reds come to STL in a couple weeks.
Hoffman you are such a blow hole. One of three things are obvious. A. You don't know a thing about baseball. B. You are a Reds fan. C. You didn't see the fight for yourself.
All Yader did was stand up to a jerk and stood strong as a Cardinal. Anyone who says they wouldn't have done what Yader did is either lying or a complete *****.

WOAH, easy there champ. A. What does this have to do with knowing baseball? B. I'm not a Red's fan, I live in the DC area and follow the Nats. C. I saw the fight many times.

Chill out dude, if you read my comments its my opinion. I've backed it up with facts from the video I have seen and calling me names just looks childish on your part.
Dude its obvious if Yadier Molina would've stayed behind the plate and kept his trap shut none of that would've happened. I obviously wasn't there at the plate so I don't know what Phillips said, but Molina got up in his face.

As for Carpenter goes, the dude wouldn't shut up and Rolen got him out of the face of Dusty Baker, so yes in my opinion he deserved to get plowed to the back stop. I really don't care either way, I just think it's childish and I can see that the heat is on with the Penant Race. Just one man's opinion on the scuffle from what I saw on video. I don't have to agree with you and you don't have to agree with me.

Wow dude you are so lost and cluess it is not even funny. The only one that needed to shutup is Phillips, that whiney little B---- didn't get anywhere near what he deserved. If you are goign to call somebody a b---- then go do out and act all friendly...then sure the heck don't take your helment off and start flapping you trap when the other team doesn't want to be your friends. Molina did exactly waht he should have done as phillips provoced it all.

As for Carp, well you are clueless yet again but looking at the Bs you wrote it is easy to see that. As for Cueto he needs a goot 15-20 game suspension for kicking people in the back and face with cleats on.
WOAH, easy there champ. A. What does this have to do with knowing baseball? B. I'm not a Red's fan, I live in the DC area and follow the Nats. C. I saw the fight many times.

Chill out dude, if you read my comments its my opinion. I've backed it up with facts from the video I have seen and calling me names just looks childish on your part.
So you say you saw the fight. Now knowing what Phillips said before the game you are telling me it was ok for him to tap Yadier on the shin guards and that he wasn't trying to instigate anything before his first at bat? Hahaha....dude you have been watching way too much Nats baseball and it has made you delusional.
If you all would look at the situation without the "rose glasses" like I've said before, you'd see that Molina should've shut up and shown the Reds up on the field. Bottom line. None of this would of happened if Molina didn't get in Phillips face. I understand that Phillips called them out and was being a B----, but still be the bigger man. So, should ISU get in the face of Clayborn because he disrespected them with talk? Ridiculous...
If you all would look at the situation without the "rose glasses" like I've said before, you'd see that Molina should've shut up and shown the Reds up on the field. Bottom line. None of this would of happened if Molina didn't get in Phillips face. I understand that Phillips called them out and was being a B----, but still be the bigger man. So, should ISU get in the face of Clayborn because he disrespected them with talk? Ridiculous...

maybe you need to get a pair of glasses and put them on. Then maybe just maybe you would understand what went on. All this would not have happened if phillips didn't flap is yap before the games started and when when Molina took exception to Phillips trying to tap his shin guards...

the only one showing anybody up was Phillips...once you can figure that out maybe, just maybe you will get a clue.
If you all would look at the situation without the "rose glasses" like I've said before, you'd see that Molina should've shut up and shown the Reds up on the field. Bottom line. None of this would of happened if Molina didn't get in Phillips face. I understand that Phillips called them out and was being a B----, but still be the bigger man. So, should ISU get in the face of Clayborn because he disrespected them with talk? Ridiculous...
Plain and just don't get it. Molina didn't start it. Phillips did when he ran his mouth AND THEN tapped Yadier on the shins before his first at bat. Phillips knew what he was about to start.
So you say you saw the fight. Now knowing what Phillips said before the game you are telling me it was ok for him to tap Yadier on the shin guards and that he wasn't trying to instigate anything before his first at bat? Hahaha....dude you have been watching way too much Nats baseball and it has made you delusional.

Chill out man, why are you so passionate about something that doesn't even change your life? These are supposed to be "Professional" men that are role models for our kids (supposedly). Phillips started it I understand that, but that was the day before and before the game started. Big deal Yadier needs to grow up and perform on the field instead of instigate. Let Phillips and the Red's talk who cares.

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