
What seemed to jump out at me was his lack of blocking on some blitz situations should come with reps

This is why Coker was pretty much the man this year. If you can't pass block you are not going to see a whole lot of reps for the Hawks.
All of our freshman running backs looked small....that's why they redshirt. I like the burst I saw out of them. We have plenty of quality backs, just not quite ready to play size wise yet.
I thought all the backs played well. I think all of them need to add some size. Some of the hits looked pretty devastating on them. I thought they hit the hole and made some good reads. I was a little disappointed they didn't get involved in the passing game more. I thought KOK made a great call with the screen call for the score but for how aggressive Okie was I think more should have been called. Oh well we have the next few months to recruit and look forward top next year.
Considering his size, he did OK. Needs to bulk up so he can start falling forward. I thought De'Andre Johnson would have been better for this game and for the 4th and short or 3rd and short I thought Brad Rodgers should have gotten the rock. Didn't make any sense to give it to a 170lb RB...
This is why Coker was pretty much the man this year. If you can't pass block you are not going to see a whole lot of reps for the Hawks.
Exactly whyKF and staff need to get their heads out of their ***** and pay attention to what other teams do to give the team the best chance at success.
Monte Ball is not very good at blitzpickup but he can chip and provide a relief for the QB. Wisky has had alot of very big plays simply taking what is given to them and not trying to impose their game strategy on the opposing team.
Thought he looked good, and I'm excited about his future in this program. Hopefully the AIRBHG took the night and didn't see him after working his magic on Coker and McCall. Two quick observations on areas for Canzeri's improvement:

- On 3rd and 1, he needs to run north-south, not across the line.
- He needs to build strength in his upper legs, hips. He's elusive but seemed to go down quickly when tackled at the ankle. Stronger runners break those.
I loved watching Canzeri against Oklahoma. He brought a lot of quickness and burst to the RB position. Hopefully the AIRBHG will leave him alone! As long as Coker returns I think that will be a great 1-2, and Canzeri will make an excellent change-of-pace back.
I agree 100%. Ferentz lacks a lot pf knowledge around using his system to compliment players abilities. He seems to fit a square peg. in a round hole no matter what. He could learn a lot from Fran about how to use talent and how to build around that talent.

What seemed to jump out at me was his lack of blocking on some blitz situations should come with reps
Or don't put him in situations where he has to pick up blitzes. That is what creative offenses do. They know their players and their abilities and let them work to their strengths. Jordan Canzeri should never have to make a blitz pick-up, he should be killing that blitz on screens.
considering the quality of OK's defense and the lack of holes, I thought Canzeri played as well as any current RB would have. I would have expected Coker to be even more bottled up due to his lack of speed.
considering the quality of OK's defense and the lack of holes, I thought Canzeri played as well as any current RB would have. I would have expected Coker to be even more bottled up due to his lack of speed.

I think Coker would have broken some of the ankle tackles that took down Canzeri. Also, I think he has the experience and maturity to run north-south on short yardage situations.
I think Coker would have broken some of the ankle tackles that took down Canzeri. Also, I think he has the experience and maturity to run north-south on short yardage situations.
Outcome would have been the same,Coker slow to the hole but powers through people, Canzeri thru the hole quickly,blown off his feet by a strong wind. I still want both on the team and both getting chances to make things happen.
Canzeri could be a tremendous Hawkeye RB so long as he isn't taken from us by a sudden gust of wind.

Or a tragically misplaced fart.
I think he would be a good punt and kick returner. Why do we continue to have dback's run back punts and kicks? We have multiple rb's with reasonable quickness and speed, but yet they are extremely underutilized! Our punt returns have been a joke for quite awhile now. We must lead the NCAA in yards lost on punts because we NEVER come up and catch a short punt, instead watch it roll another 20 yards. Get a running back in there who is used to catching the ball. I think Canzeri would be good. He looks aggressive and has quick feet, which is the best attribute for a returner. 4.3 speed is great, but it ain't coming to Iowa! I agree with some of the other posters. Special teams has been a big weakness lately, but i think there is talent there. Iowa's problem is that we can't afford for many kids to leave/transfer. We just don't have the depth of the better teams
^That would also help with keeping some more guys invested in the team, and keep starters out of some injury danger.
I thought he played well. I hope to see him and Coker alternate next season. We will really need a potent offense next year to make up for the lack of experience on defense.
Canzeri would be the type of back you would want to throw in there in the 4th quarter. When the defense is tired of getting pounded by Coker and is not 100%. He could squirt through a hole and be gone. I really really hope the coaches allow 2 RB next year. Coker is a great RB and is a good runner, but having that burst of speed late in the game, could help the hawks.

Also liked the way canzeri caught the ball out of the backfield. He looked good.

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