Campos more important than ever?


Well-Known Member
I was reading an article by either Todd Worly or Todd Brommelkamp but the gist of it got me thinking. ISU seems to be gaining ground in the state, mostly based on the popularity of the coaches and the media darling status they are getting. Up to this point Iowa has pretty much owned in-state recruiting, and any high rated recruits either come to IC or leave the state all together. Along comes Campos, a very high rated O Lineman who, in the past, was a 100% lock to come to Iowa. However it looks like we may be in a fight for his services with our pals in Ames.

Campos fits right into Iowa's wheelhouse. With our success of sending linemen to the pros and with Brian's ascension to our new OLine coach, he should be a shoe in. I really think getting or losing Campos is a big deal as losing him could signal a shift in the state. Rhoads' charisma is already getting him facetime on ESPN, and recruits are noticing. Iowa consistently gets better talent, both in state and out of state. I don't expect the overall talent gap between the schools to get any smaller, as we still pull in big boys from out east, that said, ever since Fry's days Iowa has dominated the borders, and for the first time in many years, that domination may be threatened.

So Campos seems to me to be probably one of the most important in state recruits in years.
I was reading an article by either Todd Worly or Todd Brommelkamp but the gist of it got me thinking. ISU seems to be gaining ground in the state, mostly based on the popularity of the coaches and the media darling status they are getting. Up to this point Iowa has pretty much owned in-state recruiting, and any high rated recruits either come to IC or leave the state all together. Along comes Campos, a very high rated O Lineman who, in the past, was a 100% lock to come to Iowa. However it looks like we may be in a fight for his services with our pals in Ames.

Campos fits right into Iowa's wheelhouse. With our success of sending linemen to the pros and with Brian's ascension to our new OLine coach, he should be a shoe in. I really think getting or losing Campos is a big deal as losing him could signal a shift in the state. Rhoads' charisma is already getting him facetime on ESPN, and recruits are noticing. Iowa consistently gets better talent, both in state and out of state. I don't expect the overall talent gap between the schools to get any smaller, as we still pull in big boys from out east, that said, ever since Fry's days Iowa has dominated the borders, and for the first time in many years, that domination may be threatened.

So Campos seems to me to be probably one of the most important in state recruits in years.

You would most likely resemble this man if this ever happens:

You would most likely resemble this man if this ever happens:


You know, for once I actually posted something about ISU and didn't use any derogatory remarks or anything like that. My point was only to provoke discussion. Yet you still have to take jabs.
ISU has always pulled in-state recruits. If they get better it won't be because they get a few in-state recruits.
ISU has always pulled in-state recruits. If they get better it won't be because they get a few in-state recruits.

I understand they have been pulling in in-state recruits. In the past though for recruits we have both been fighting over, Iowa usually wins 75-80 percent of the time. And when it comes to highly rated in-state recruits, I don't think Iowa has lost any to ISU (lost them out of state yes, but not ISU). Campos is a highly rated OLineman within the confines of the rivers, and prevailing thought would be he's an absolute lock to go to an OLine factory such as Iowa. Yet, reading his interviews, he seems very impressed with ISU. I guess my question is, does this show a sign of weakness for Kirk and Co that they can't lock down a high rated OLineman from the state?
I wouldn't worry too much about this until he signs with ISU. April will see at least two Hawkeyes drafted into the NFL, possibly three if Zusevics health isn't too poor. ISU will have Osemele drafted somewhere. Iowa has had an o-lineman drafted nearly every season that Ferentz has been here, while ISU has less alumni in the NFL than Iowa has purely offensive lineman.
ISU gets the in-state recruits that Iowa doesn't want. I'm fine with that. Iowa will always be the superior football school and will win recruiting battles with ISU about 90% of the time.
You know, for once I actually posted something about ISU and didn't use any derogatory remarks or anything like that. My point was only to provoke discussion. Yet you still have to take jabs.

Its so shocking coming from you I guess I didn't know how to react. :eek:
If you want to be the best team in the state, you dang well better at least get the best of the meager amount of in-state recruits that there are. That is why ISU fans hate Iowa so much. They know they'll never amount to much as long as Iowa has a decent program. They wish for Iowa to falter so they can move up a little.
If you want to be the best team in the state, you dang well better at least get the best of the meager amount of in-state recruits that there are. That is why ISU fans hate Iowa so much. They know they'll never amount to much as long as Iowa has a decent program. They wish for Iowa to falter so they can move up a little.

And this is why I wonder if there could be a shift. The last time Iowa went through a mediocre period was 05-07. ISU never had the ability to take advantage of that lull though because they themselves were slumping. Now we are seeing where ISU is living up to or exceeding expectations (6-6 and a bowl game is like a BCS bid for most ISU fans) where Iowa has failed to meet expectations the last two years. It's not that the state of Iowa puts out many high rated recruits, and I'm sure Iowa would survive with out of state talent if ISU started winning in-state talent. But Fry always held the belief that before you could dominate your schedule, you had to dominate the state.
ISU gets the in-state recruits that Iowa doesn't want. I'm fine with that. Iowa will always be the superior football school and will win recruiting battles with ISU about 90% of the time.

If you want to be the best team in the state, you dang well better at least get the best of the meager amount of in-state recruits that there are. That is why ISU fans hate Iowa so much. They know they'll never amount to much as long as Iowa has a decent program. They wish for Iowa to falter so they can move up a little.

If you don't see the signs that are showing that ISU is going to compete with Iowa a lot more, you are either in denial or stupid.
Yeah, i see the signs of a below .500 season.....stop the presses....We have a national title contender brewing over yonder in Ames.
What signs are you talking about CWooD4? Seriously, you guys come over here and act like a bunch of arrogant a-holes. You don't realize that making a ****** bowl game an finishing below .500 is not a great accomplishment. If Iowa did that we would all be panicking but go on with your delusional thoughts. Then get on another thread and rip an Iowa fan for being optimistic about the upcoming basketball season.
I wouldn't worry too much about this until he signs with ISU. April will see at least two Hawkeyes drafted into the NFL, possibly three if Zusevics health isn't too poor. ISU will have Osemele drafted somewhere. Iowa has had an o-lineman drafted nearly every season that Ferentz has been here, while ISU has less alumni in the NFL than Iowa has purely offensive lineman.

If I were to guess, I would guess the hawks have more than 2 players drafted. I would say 4-6. Reiff, Prater, McNutt, Zusevics, Nielsen and possibly Bernstine. The Clones will have two, with both being taken in the first three rounds. Osemele and Leonard Johnson. However, I don't understand what relevance this has on recruiting right now. ISU has carried over some large momentum after their season. I am a Hawk fan, however, you can't ignore that Iowa had a down year and ISU exceeded expectations and had a primetime win on ESPN with the whole nation watching. The Barkley Hill situation certainly made me feel a little better. However, we need to beat ISU this coming year and take some steps forward.
Yeah, i see the signs of a below .500 season.....stop the presses....We have a national title contender brewing over yonder in Ames.

No Iowa State fan has ever said that. But why attack the fans for being excited for the future. The first 3 years of Rhoads in Ames have been exciting, and the teams have been competing more, and doing things they haven't done before.

What signs are you talking about CWooD4? Seriously, you guys come over here and act like a bunch of arrogant a-holes. You don't realize that making a ****** bowl game an finishing below .500 is not a great accomplishment. If Iowa did that we would all be panicking but go on with your delusional thoughts. Then get on another thread and rip an Iowa fan for being optimistic about the upcoming basketball season.

How are we acting arrogant? I'd like to see this. Iowa State fans are excited for the future, and why shouldn't we be excited? The first 3 years under Rhoads have shown a bright future, and a lot of momentum for the program. Should Iowa State fans not want more? And be excited for what could possibly happen under CPR. Its a hard place to win in Ames, and Rhoads is showing signs of creating a program that can win on a consistent basis.

Where have I ripped Iowa fans for being excited? IMO, Iowa fans should be excited for the future, but IMO, I don't believe they will be a tournament team. But have a bright future.
don't forget Gettis on the OL he might be a 5th or 6th round pick as there are some good things being said about him out of the pro day camps
If we're going to lose an in state recruit, it probably hurts us less for the OL. It's the one position Iowa can recruit from multiple parts of the country. Kids outside the state hear Iowa and they immediately think OL and NFL. If we don't get Campos, we'll just pursue another top recruit elsewhere. Besides, even if Campos verbals to ISU, he'll more than likely switch to Iowa the day before signing his LOI.....I kid, I kid:)
If we're going to lose an in state recruit, it probably hurts us less for the OL. It's the one position Iowa can recruit from multiple parts of the country. Kids outside the state hear Iowa and they immediately think OL and NFL. If we don't get Campos, we'll just pursue another top recruit elsewhere. Besides, even if Campos verbals to ISU, he'll more than likely switch to Iowa the day before signing his LOI.....I kid, I kid:)

Correct, not that important. Would like him to go to Iowa but if he doesn't oh