BT vs Pac 12 starting in 2017

It's strange to think that we could see a rematch of an early season game in the Rose Bowl under this new arrangement.
Trust me, the Big 12, SEC, ACC, etc. will have to "keep up with the Joneses" The Big 12 plays 9 for their conference slate now. It wouldn't surprise me if ISU calls off the series first if this were to go down for them. For example, imagine them playing Iowa, an SEC game, and a 9 game Big 12 slate......ouch!
I guess the question is, do non-pac 12 traditional games go away? Or does the B1G nix the 9 conference game schedule idea? I can't see teams going to 13 regular season games.

Since Delaney mentioned that this may mean the 9 game schedule doesn't happen, I think the 9 game schedule won't happen.
I look for Norte dumb to join the Big East in all sports if they lose their matchups with BT teams
there are not enough independents out there to fill their schedule, although there are a lot of Directional school to play
It's not a matter of winning and losing, it is a matter of money. Why would we give up a home game every other year to play in their smaller stadium? It makes no sense when we can schedule anybody else, get an extra home game, and bank more dough. It just wouldn't be feasible to do that unless the game is in Kinnick every year, or 2 out of every 3 years at least.

I think they're banking on the overall TV revenues offsetting the minor disparity in gate revenue.
I can see this leading to one network in say 15 years. The time difference is a huge benefit in this case. Big Ten games at 11:00 and 2:30CST and Pac-12 at 6:00 and 9:30 CST.
they don't have to play these all on the same weekend either, it could be spread out over 2-3 non-conference weekends. If they don't get one network to pay more, do they put the games on B1G or PAC 12 networks, or a combination?
ummm, what? Playing the Pac 12 is traditional. Also, I'm not sure how much more money the schools are getting in this deal. In fact, some schools will likely lose money (the schools who typically schedue 4 home games in the OOC)

I wouldn't throw stones either. I'd be shocked if the Big 12 didn't eventually enter into a similar agreement with another conference.

edit: this is a big win for the bad football schools. They rarely sell out their home games anyway and tend to have a hard time finding teams to come to their stadium. So in these cases, yes there will be more money.

To me college football is about 2 things: winning games and rivalries. The best situation is to be in a "rivalry" game that you can win more often than not.

Wouldn't the B10 be better off having NW going 7-5 playing Army everyear or 6-6 and playing Utah? Maybe it's not that simple. It seems that the B1G is trading the important things about college football for the almighty dollar.

Kinda like what Missouri is doing with the SEC.
Morehouse on twitter just confirmed with Barta. B1G will stay at 8 conference games. ISU game in no danger of getting dropped...damn...
ummm, what? Playing the Pac 12 is traditional. Also, I'm not sure how much more money the schools are getting in this deal. In fact, some schools will likely lose money (the schools who typically schedue 4 home games in the OOC) I wouldn't throw stones either. I'd be shocked if the Big 12 didn't eventually enter into a similar agreement with another conference. edit: this is a big win for the bad football schools. They rarely sell out their home games anyway and tend to have a hard time finding teams to come to their stadium. So in these cases, yes there will be more money.
To me college football is about 2 things: winning games and rivalries. The best situation is to be in a "rivalry" game that you can win more often than not. Wouldn't the B10 be better off having NW going 7-5 playing Army everyear or 6-6 and playing Utah? Maybe it's not that simple. It seems that the B1G is trading the important things about college football for the almighty dollar. Kinda like what Missouri is doing with the SEC.

Sorry but CFB is about $$$$$. Be happy Iowa is part of a conference that always seems to be out in front of things that bring in more $ to the schools.
Not really looking forward to playing in Oregon would be fun to see them come to Iowa City. Could you imagine USC in IC. Could be in the future.
...I'm just happy that teams like Wisco and MSU won't get to play the Wazzous and OreSUs of the world every year and claim "LOOK! We PLAYED a BCS team!"
Not really looking forward to playing in Oregon would be fun to see them come to Iowa City. Could you imagine USC in IC. Could be in the future.

It could happen however it may not be until 2030. I'm assuming it will be in some kind of home and home format so we may play USC in IC in 2017 or we may play them in IC in 2041.
It could happen however it may not be until 2030. I'm assuming it will be in some kind of home and home format so we may play USC in IC in 2017 or we may play them in IC in 2041.

Maybe, maybe not. I could see them using a format similar to the ACC/Big Ten challenge, where one team alternates home/away every year and is matched up with a team from the other conference close in wins/the standings.
they don't have to play these all on the same weekend either, it could be spread out over 2-3 non-conference weekends. If they don't get one network to pay more, do they put the games on B1G or PAC 12 networks, or a combination?

The football games will likely be on ABC/ESPN. The other sports and any other football games will be within the TV rights of the home team, as with all their other games.
Would like to see evening games eliminated
Ahhh hell no!!! Evening games are the best.

Also, not sure how it will work with the conference scheduling 83% of a teams games, especially when most big name teams need 7 home games a year. I guess it will make the ADs job easier.

Edit: I guess they will be scheduling 75% of the games, now that the B1G will stay with an 8 game conference schedule. I do hope that teh Domers lose some of their traditional rivalries, though.

Or harder. :cool:
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Ahhh hell no!!! Evening games are the best.

Also, not sure how it will work with the conference scheduling 83% of a teams games, especially when most big name teams need 7 home games a year. I guess it will make the ADs job easier.

Or harder. :cool:

I am talking about night games in the PST time zone.

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