Brommer Rumor

If Brommer transfers that will be too bad. What it will really show is Lickliter's inability to recruit his early years meaning he had no idea what it took when he took over the program. Brommer is a typical Butler type player in a probability and Lickliter probably thought he could "coach him up" like he could in the Horizon League.

Scroll forward 3 years in the Big 10 and Lickliter now finds himself with a bench player that has trouble competing in the Big 10 at the center position and another player who might now transfer because he is unhappy with playing time. So instead of having a player who has developed into a Big 10 center we are again talking about a freshmen coming in (the FOURTH year) and having to take that position.

So many of you can make all the excuses you can but it comes down to poor recruiting by this staff and underestimating what it would take in the Big 10 to compete. And now AGAIN, instead of getting to slowly develop a freshmen, Lickliter has to DEPEND on a freshmen and all of you will just say how young our freshmen are and THAT is reason this team is doing as well as it might next year.

Lickliter developed his own problems from DAY 1 and now all he has is excuses.

He is no better than Alford as being a coach who is basically a LEARNING ON THE JOB COACH because he has no idea what to do at this level.

Man, would I love to get paid over a million a year at my profession to learn on the job and have everyone around me just make excuses for me about why I haven't succeeded after 3 years after being the worst in my profession in my center in 108 years. And all I have to do is blame the previous person that had my job. And my boss has such a huge ego that he refuses to believe that he could not have possibly hired the wrong person and will do and say anything to keep me even though one of my requirements was to fill the arena and no one attends anymore.

Now all I have to do is say, "we have turned the corner. I just needed to get the right kids on the bus." (Of course some of those kids also are leaving).
If Brommer transfers that will be too bad. What it will really show is Lickliter's inability to recruit his early years meaning he had no idea what it took when he took over the program. Brommer is a typical Butler type player in a probability and Lickliter probably thought he could "coach him up" like he could in the Horizon League.

Scroll forward 3 years in the Big 10 and Lickliter now finds himself with a bench player that has trouble competing in the Big 10 at the center position and another player who might now transfer because he is unhappy with playing time. So instead of having a player who has developed into a Big 10 center we are again talking about a freshmen coming in (the FOURTH year) and having to take that position.

So many of you can make all the excuses you can but it comes down to poor recruiting by this staff and underestimating what it would take in the Big 10 to compete. And now AGAIN, instead of getting to slowly develop a freshmen, Lickliter has to DEPEND on a freshmen and all of you will just say how young our freshmen are and THAT is reason this team is doing as well as it might next year.

Lickliter developed his own problems from DAY 1 and now all he has is excuses.

He is no better than Alford as being a coach who is basically a LEARNING ON THE JOB COACH because he has no idea what to do at this level.

Man, would I love to get paid over a million a year at my profession to learn on the job and have everyone around me just make excuses for me about why I haven't succeeded after 3 years after being the worst in my profession in my center in 108 years. And all I have to do is blame the previous person that had my job. And my boss has such a huge ego that he refuses to believe that he could not have possibly hired the wrong person and will do and say anything to keep me even though one of my requirements was to fill the arena and no one attends anymore.

Now all I have to do is say, "we have turned the corner. I just needed to get the right kids on the bus." (Of course some of those kids also are leaving).

It is funny the way you rip on Lick not being ready from day one. You probably wouldn't even know how to effectively structure a practice, but you are some sort of BB genius.....Any coach that goes from Mid Major to major college basketball suffers all of the things you mention to some extent.

Every coach, and or person in life that goes from one job to the next has to do some learning on the job. Iowa is different from Butler, which is different that New Mexico, and etc.

I also love people who always point out the money. Would you feel better if Like made $50,000 a year? Would you then cut him more slack? I can't speak for you, but I expect results out of my coach no matter what he makes.
We have, in essence, 5 new players coming in next year. We've been playing our best ball without Tucker, and Brommer is (IMO) our worst scholarship player. Is this really a big deal? Do we need to call for Lick's head on this one? (if even true).

The way I see it, this allows us to bring in Williams (or another JUCO) this year, and have 2 scholarships open for 2011.

5 new players next year. 5. That is pretty much half a team. With improvement from the other teams in the conference next year could be worse than this year. amazingly.
5 new players next year. 5. That is pretty much half a team. With improvement from the other teams in the conference next year could be worse than this year. amazingly.

Not a chance they are worse. They return every major contributor, plus add solid new players. We lose Bawinkel, and gain a big man, a shooting guard, and two wing players. Adding WAY more than we are losing.
I think for the first time ever you and I agree. The only word that I don't like in your statement was IF. IF Lick and friends can bring in better talent is still the big question mark. IF they can then I will be ok (not thrilled) that both players transferred because I think that both of them could be strong contributors to this team.

My thoughts are along these lines...if Brommer does move on, fine, but lick has to do better recruiting wise...with tucker and brommer leaving, he will have bought himself two additional years of networking,and recruiting groundwork...and should have put himself in position for improved,if he does that..great..if not, not good.
Cole fouls out with 13 mins left so Brommer is getting some minutes. He missed a layup, he can't shoot free throws, he can't play defense.....but he is a big body.

I like the kid as a student and a person, but he does not belong on the court. He doesn't offer anything to help the team other than a breather for a minute or two.

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