Brommer Experiment over?

Brommer is a player that only does well when he's in a groove which usually starts on the defensive end. He gets a random block or hustle play that propels him to add a few extra points and/or rebounds. But no he is not the caliber player you want going up against big ten big men.
He played TWO minutes.That's meaningful?
2 first half minutes in a tight B10 game on the road. That's as quality as it gets.. Its not quantity though, I'll give you that.
Dude, only reason he played was Brommer picked up two quick ones

That may be but they were still quality...meaningfully gametime minutes.
Also correct me if I'm wrong again, but any combo of McCabe, White and Besabe was another option so it isn't unto reasonable to asssume that a now healthy Olesani is possibly working his way up in the eyes if the coaching staff.

Lets watch the next few games and see if and how quick they call his number.
Did Brommer pick up 2 fouls, or 1? He set the illegal screen (within the first 10 seconds he was in) and was pulled. I actually was excited because I thought Fran was lessoning his "leash" and saying, "Dammit, Brommer, I can't watch you discombobulate over opposing players anymore!"

So, it is disappointing that Brommer did commit 2 fouls (OMG, how do you commit 2 fouls in 1 minute of play? 1 minute?!?!!).

I thought Gabe did a solid job in his 2 minutes. He guarded a post 1 on 1 and altered his shot to create a miss, played the pick and roll well, and drew a foul (oh wait, they didn't call a foul on the player that slid in late and undercut him).

On another note, props to both Gabe and Brommer for being great teammates on the sidelines. I was getting a great kick watching Gabe go crazy over the last 5 minutes; Brommer was right in the middle of the "jump around" in the locker room.

For those wondering about Archie, go back and look at the last few games (Boise St. especially if you have BTN2GO0). You'll see the entire bench springing up, clapping, being excited, except for one notable 6'10" exception.
that was my point Gabe got in for a couple of minute when the minutes counted
not at the end in a blowout in mopup duty
lets see if the 2 minutes turn into 3-4 min then 5-6 as the season goes on
gradually building his confidence which from talk going around that is weak suit at the moment, it seems he gets down on himself more than the coaches do for making a mistakes which limits his playing time
I hate to say it, but Brommer is one of Lickliter's failed scholarship offers.. Averaging about 2.5 ppg as a senior.. I agree with others that I would just as soon see Olaseni get some more minutes and develop him for the future. If I'm not mistaken, Gabe saw the floor yesterday before Brommer did.

Its much easier to pick out the hand few that weren't a failure.
For those wondering about Archie, go back and look at the last few games (Boise St. especially if you have BTN2GO0). You'll see the entire bench springing up, clapping, being excited, except for one notable 6'10" exception.

It was surprising that he came back anyway, he hasn't gotten better and is made of glass. Payne did the same thing after his injury last year, at first he cheered a lot, but then sat there toward the end of the season and especially against Purdue.
Payne saw the writing on the wall early and knew that he was not going to fit into Fran's system as the starting point guard and he was not about to be the bench warmer backing up another player. Had Brommer and Archie chosen to transfer Iowa would have been overloaded on scholarships so perhaps it is better than they stayed so the scholarships are more spread out from year to year?

It is too bad about Brommer's play because he gave some good minutes last year but certainly seems out of whack this year due to the injury. Archie unfortunately just never achieved. So the two will play a few minutes a game spelling other players. That is their future as Iowa players and Archie might play little if any.

Just part of the rebuilding. We may see May and McCabe get less and less playing time the rest of their career as the freshmen develop? Unless their skillset develops more theya are probably going to see less playing time. Even this year they are playing less as the freshmen progress than they did last year. Last year Fran had a complete lack of bodies but slowly but surely he is taking care of that. I like the present Iowa kids that Lickliter recruited to Iowa but they just do not have the skills and talent to turn the Iowa program around and are going to end up as little more than role players. However, the Iowa kids that Fran is recruiting do have that ability. Lickliter not have had a chance at recruiting Gesell or Woodbury.

As the years progress it is easy, very easy, to see the gap between most of the players that Lickliter was recruiting and the players that Fran is recruiting...the difference is day and night. Now, Brust would have been a nice player had he remained because of his shooting skills and I always have liked Gatens, but Gatens was going to be a Hawk regardless of who recruited him. You or I could have recruited Gatens to Iowa...he just bleeds black and gold as does his family. Larsen appears to be more trouble than he is worth and is doing little at Florida.

We know Gesell and Woodbury are going to be very good players. What will be interesting will be to watch the other three that he recruited and see how they develop.
Many of us knew this was a failed experiment 3 years ago. The kid isn't D1 material...never has been. I'm disappointed Archie didn't get a stronger look but then again Fran's knowledgable so we have to trust his judgment on those things. I think he gave Brommer EVERY opportunity to pick up his game. He's just NOT that good.

Like Brommer, Archie is another player that is not D1 material. He didn't even start on his JUCO team.. Yet Lick thought he was worthy of a Big Ten scholarship?

I guess I'd rather see us go a little smaller than have a big man out there who is a liability. Hopefully that situation will change next year with Woodbury and Meyer coming in, but for the team being, Fran has to do the best with what he has.

I'm ready to forget the past 4-5 years and just enjoy the Fran era, so I hate to keep railing on Lick, but it's hard not to do when we're still seeing Lick's scholarship players taking up roster spots and producing zilch. Marble is an obvious exception to Lick's recruiting, but he is also a legacy recruit that likely would not be at Iowa if his dad hadn't played here.

Based on Fran's recruiting so far, Iowa's roster will look much different a couple years from now than it does today.
God just look at Lick's recruits. That guy was probably one of the worst div 1 coaches in the history of the game. How do you recruit those types of players:

Brommer, Archie, Tucker, Kelly, May.

Now May is an athlete and has shown glimpses of hope and is actually a pretty good defender. The other players are just mind boggling. Kelly was a great player for us down the stretch, but he didn't do much in the MVC. Tucker was a drunk, Broomer & Archie are just mind boggling, how do you get div 1 scholarships and can't make a FT, or a jump shot?
God just look at Lick's recruits. That guy was probably one of the worst div 1 coaches in the history of the game. How do you recruit those types of players:

Brommer, Archie, Tucker, Kelly, May.

Now May is an athlete and has shown glimpses of hope and is actually a pretty good defender. The other players are just mind boggling. Kelly was a great player for us down the stretch, but he didn't do much in the MVC. Tucker was a drunk, Broomer & Archie are just mind boggling, how do you get div 1 scholarships and can't make a FT, or a jump shot?

Unlike Lickliter who used to stand over on the sidelines and smile over every bad call and not get in his players faces Fran does thank GOD.
Those of you busting on Brommer must forget he was committed to Minnesota before Tubby Smith was hired and was ranked pretty high for a center. At the time he seemed like a good recruit that Scout said was a "good outside shooter big man". Between him, Tucker, and Gatens it seemed like Iowa was getting a pretty good recruiting class. That class is what doomed Lick this incoming class for next year is going to define what happens to Fran.
Payne saw the writing on the wall early and knew that he was not going to fit into Fran's system as the starting point guard and he was not about to be the bench warmer backing up another player. Had Brommer and Archie chosen to transfer Iowa would have been overloaded on scholarships so perhaps it is better than they stayed so the scholarships are more spread out from year to year?

Are you talking about after he had surgery or before?

As I recall, he started until he had surgery, I don't think Payne would have had a lot of trouble fitting in this offense, he just had trouble being a back up and it is a shame. Payne was not great, but he wasn't the worst PG Iowa has had in recent memory.
Those of you busting on Brommer must forget he was committed to Minnesota before Tubby Smith was hired and was ranked pretty high for a center. At the time he seemed like a good recruit that Scout said was a "good outside shooter big man". Between him, Tucker, and Gatens it seemed like Iowa was getting a pretty good recruiting class. That class is what doomed Lick this incoming class for next year is going to define what happens to Fran.

See: FT shooting

I don't recollect him being highly rated anywhere, if you can find the bio where he was please post and I am not being jerk...I know on Rivals he was a 2*.

Andrew Brommer - Yahoo! Sports
ESPN had him at a 3* and 31 best Center. More telling is that he graded out at a 86. I do not believe we have anyone in the rotation that graded that low except May and McCabe. I think they both graded some where around there. Marble-89, Basabe-89, Gatens-91, Oglesby-91, White-89, Incoming class AW-95, Gesell-93, Meyer-89, Ingram-89, Clemmons-85 i think. So yes, although Andrew was a good center in his class not necessarily a top talent. Andrew wants to succeed as much as anyone. He will be ok, I think we will get some decent output from him yet this year. I think his injury this summer has really set him back. Too bad for him. I personally want to thank him for sticking with the hawks. He could have easily left for more minutes with all the turmoil we have had over the past 5 years.
Many of us knew this was a failed experiment 3 years ago. The kid isn't D1 material...never has been. I'm disappointed Archie didn't get a stronger look but then again Fran's knowledgable so we have to trust his judgment on those things. I think he gave Brommer EVERY opportunity to pick up his game. He's just NOT that good.

I disagree, in part. Brommer is D1 material, physically. He just isn't mentally. He doesn't have the drive, will or confidence to do it. It takes hard work and countless hours of practice. The kind of determination we all heard Fran talk about towards the beginning of the season in Marble, Gatens, White, Basabe, etc. Brommer is just not motivated enough...

Brommer's time is done, it's over. Let's see if Gabe will rise to the opportunity. One thing is for certain - he won't get the 3 year hall pass Brommer did. He will have 1 year, starting now, to prove his worth. This time next year we will have two more talented freshman hit the 5 spot. If Gabe doesn't bust his balls the next 52 weeks, his balls will be riding the pine by 2013...

Count on it.

On Iowa!
See: FT shooting

I don't recollect him being highly rated anywhere, if you can find the bio where he was please post and I am not being jerk...I know on Rivals he was a 2*.

Andrew Brommer - Yahoo! Sports

I said it at the time. Someone was tracking the recruiting class in their senior year and Brommer was not producing anywhere near where a HS senior needs to produce to be successful in the B1G. Next guy I said that about was Archie. Guys have to dominate at lower levels to be able to play in this conference.

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