Brian Ferentz

Thx for the link. I'm always looking for good/more Herky podcasts to subscribe to (I also enjoy the OnIowa podcasts, HN podcasts, and BHGP podcasts)

I look forward to listening to this one later.

He's a lot like his Dad in terms of what's important, but he's far from his Dad in terms of speaking his mind. I kinda like the happy medium. It's refreshing to hear an Iowa football coach say how they really feel without giving a typical preconceived response.
I listened to this a few days ago as well. Enjoyed his insight and stories he shared about some of his experiences thus far. Sounds like he overcame quite a bit personally with his knee issues during his playing days.

I like him as a candidate. I think he has handled his personal responsibilities with OL and recruiting very well thus far but I think the overall program needs to be successful as well. Should the program struggle in years prior to his Dad's departure I think his chances become diminished.
I think BF should be taken seriously when the time comes. He has the background and resume, understands the IOWA program, and as previously mentioned...seems to have the best of his Dad's qualities...with perhaps a more progressive (much as I despise that term) approach.
I think Ferentz shows the value of having an organized professional head-coach. You see so many head coaches that just seem unfocused and sloppy.

The recruiter-first type of head coach seems to fail (Brewster/Zook). Charlie Weiss showed that "schematic advantage" coaches don't necessarily succeed. You see a lot of programs struggle with coaches in-fighting and that sort of thing too.

Coaches with a vision, that empower their assistants and players, develop their players, and run an organized ship seem like the best bet.

Division 1 coaching is really no different than being CEO of a company. There is too much going on for you to micro-manage it all.

He's a lot like his Dad in terms of what's important, but he's far from his Dad in terms of speaking his mind. I kinda like the happy medium. It's refreshing to hear an Iowa football coach say how they really feel without giving a typical preconceived response.

I agree. I think he does things Kirk doesnt and at the current time it seems to be working. I could see more changes out of BF if he was to take over. I think BF could be a very good HC.
The name Ferentz = medicority until proven otherwise. Iowa is a whopping 12-13 since Saint Brian joined the staff, and Iowa hasn't even sniffed a Big Ten title for 5 years now, and hasn't actually won one for 10. Let's not get carried away here.
Fact: 12-13 since BF came to town...won't argue that. I also think 2012 was the perfect storm of offensive coordinator, injuries decimate the OL, and it was all downhill from there. Remember that team was 4-2 coming off a win at MSU...and one of those losses was a fluke to Central Michigan. If Scherff and Donnal don't go down, we still go to a bowl that year. I know...if's and butts...right.

I'll say it here, this guy is going to be the OC in a few years and will take over the head coaching job when his dad retires. Iowa could have a Ferentz at the helm for the next 45 years. I loved that he singled out a few players in this interview...Keppy, Simmons, Ward, Boettiger...I think those guys are almost ready also. It will make for a great battle this fall and we are no where near the lack of depth that was 2012. With the recruiting class last year and this...we have a good opportunity to be set on the OL for years to come. I wouldn't be surprised to see Simmons in the mix with Welsh or win the job outright. I think he found his way into a doghouse with BF, but it was good to hear him speak highly of him.
KF > HF at bowl game prep and performance.

Important to remember HF didn't have a bubble for his first 2-3 bowls I believe...they had to practice outdoors in mid to late December in Kinnick.

Also, IMO, the quality of opponent in bowl games KF has faced has been less than HF since there are a ton more bowl games now to slot teams into....just my opinion.

He's a lot like his Dad in terms of what's important, but he's far from his Dad in terms of speaking his mind. I kinda like the happy medium. It's refreshing to hear an Iowa football coach say how they really feel without giving a typical preconceived response.

A football coach is supposed to be reserved. Running your mouth doesn't give you a competitive edge, so why do it? To make fans happy? Maybe a guy like Paul Rhoades has to be a troll to placate his fans since he can't coach, but Iowa coaches shouldn't need to do that.
True Hayden didn't have the facilities that KF has and I'm sure it impacted preparation. He also never won the big one. To say that the quality of teams that KF has faced is less than HF is ridiculous. The SEC has been the dominate conference winning 6 of 7 of the last NC or whatever. Iowa has played several SEC teams over the past 10 years...and KF's teams are evenly matched physically and have won their fare share...including a BCS win over a team that had been unstoppable on offense. GT had punted 5 times in their previous 10 games or something like that, and they punted 5 times in the first half against Iowa. KF has his teams ready to play and his bowl prep is without question a strength of his staff. I don't think those UCLA teams we faced were world beaters...we just wet the bed when we got to Pasadena.
Important to remember HF didn't have a bubble for his first 2-3 bowls I believe...they had to practice outdoors in mid to late December in Kinnick.

Also, IMO, the quality of opponent in bowl games KF has faced has been less than HF since there are a ton more bowl games now to slot teams into....just my opinion.

Totally disagree about the quality of bowl opponents in the HF vs KF eras. Iowa has faced Texas Tech, USC, Florida, LSU, Florida,Texas,South Carolina, Ga. Tech, Missouri, OK,and LSU in the KF bowls.
Point out the weak program in there?
With the slotted bowls the last 14 years, the Big Ten always gets slotted upward, and with our fanbase, we are the ones who get moved up more than any Big Ten team. Hence the marquee programs in the country are who Iowa is matched up with year after year.
KF's talents are showcased when he has that month to prepare.

Lets see how the next 5 years go, but certainly if they go well, Brian is a good candidate to take over when KF retires....
I like how he is willing to be less cautious( as an assistant , that is a given) than KF when addressing the ISU coach and implied he would discuss the PSU coach also.
I think his mom's genes make him a bit more irascible, which is fine by me...I remember KF saying Mary looked at him all down in the mouth after losing the Rose Bowl and she said....''snap out of it, you guys had a great season''

That sounds like Brian...little blunter than KF...good by me.
Don't you guys think Brian will be our OC in a year or two ?? I have always felt that was the master plan when GD was hired

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