Bowlsby Vs. The ACC


So the rumor down here is Clemson and FSU to the B12 and NC State and VA Tech to the SEC. What do you think the chances of either happening?

If both happened, the ACC would be down to 10 teams and ripe for Bowlsby to pick off a couple of others (he has said that they are interested in adding teams in 2014). With the new conference SOS component of the BCS plan, this could leave the ACC locked out in favor of the B12.

If that happened, do you think Delaney would make his move for the ACC teams he covets?
The Big East still has some fairly decent schools to poach so if the ACC got raided they still have a pool to select from. I really think if any of the Big 6 conferences disappear the Big East will be first.
What's funny is how clones are so excited about this. If Bowlsby is able to assemble a super conference (likely the beginning of that movement across the country), they'll celebrate it as a victory for their program.

But they'll still be at the bottom of the pile annually. Just a bigger pile.
Why leave the ACC for the Big 12??? Doesn't make any sense.

2 reasons (1) Delaney and Scott want conference SOS built into the BCS and now they have an ally in Bowlsby. The ACC has the lowest conference SOS of the 5 majors, so their champ most likely will be on the outside looking in of the four team playoff.

and (2) THIS

I really didn't see it coming, but do you think Bowlsby takes that job if he didn't really think he was going to be one of the Big Four?

Regarding the Big East disappearing, if the ACC loses their battle with the Big 12, which comes down to whom loses their key programs (Texas, NC, Maryland, Oklahoma, etc.), I would expect some kind of reconfiguration with the remaining ACC and Big East teams centered on BBAll (Wake, Syracuse, Pitt, Duke, GTown, Memphis, Louisville, etc.) Would be an insane hoops conference, and they might sneak a team into the Top four in football every now and then if one of the other conferences had a particularly bad year.
Why leave the ACC for the Big 12??? Doesn't make any sense.

First being money. Each Big12 school is expected to get >$20 mil in the TV deal that's being negotiated. There are rumors of that number being closer to $30 with the addition of more high profile teams and a CCG.

Second is that the ACC is branding itself as a basketball conference and the quality of football is suffering. If FSU or Clemson want a shot at the new playoffs, they need to be in a better conference than the ACC is shaping itself to be.
So the rumor down here is Clemson and FSU to the B12 and NC State and VA Tech to the SEC. What do you think the chances of either happening?

If that happened, do you think Delaney would make his move for the ACC teams he covets?

Realignment seems to be about football and the television revenues for broadcasting it, hence it is possible Clemson and FSU could move. One can understand the reformation of the Big 12 if it can expand further into the eastern time zone. Geographically with Clemson and FSU it would stretch from So Carolina to West Texas and add the Florida TV markets. It would increase the audience thereby the potential for more TV Revenue.

On the matter of Delaney I see no urgency on his part to expand. I think more interest in expanding will occur when the current Big Ten TV contracts end. If adding teams will produce more revenue for the current members and new members then it could happen.
This is kind of sad really. All these decisions are based on football, which is where the revenue is, but they are tearing up a couple of really good basketball conferences.
Speculation is that Delaney would ultimately want UVA, Maryland, NC, and ND.

That could make a nice divisional split of:

PSU, UVA, Maryland, and NC
OSU, Indy, Purdue, ND.
Nebby, Wisky, Minn, Iowa
Would still have to guaranty Ohio State and Michigan playing each other regardless of which divisions they are assigned to.
Speculation is that Delaney would ultimately want UVA, Maryland, NC, and ND.

That could make a nice divisional split of:

PSU, UVA, Maryland, and NC
OSU, Indy, Purdue, ND.
Nebby, Wisky, Minn, Iowa

Just for fun...rank those divisions. A pretty good balance, but I'd say Penn St has the easiest draw, our division might be the most balanced.
Speculation is that Delaney would ultimately want UVA, Maryland, NC, and ND.

That could make a nice divisional split of:

PSU, UVA, Maryland, and NC
OSU, Indy, Purdue, ND.
Nebby, Wisky, Minn, Iowa

Yes please....that would be AWESOME...every division game is a rivalry game (even though Nebraska is kind of a "manufactured" rivalry, it's a border war still)
Just for fun...rank those divisions. A pretty good balance, but I'd say Penn St has the easiest draw, our division might be the most balanced.

Ours would be a war! The whole competitive balance thing played a large part in the last division. I am sure it would here too, so the nice geographic split probably wouldn't happen. But if it was like this, PSU would seem to have the easiest road.

Always thought UNC was a sleeping giant in football. Helps if you don't get half your team ruled ineligible.
If Penn State ever returns to Penn State, they will love this set up. Penn State with three round ball schools in its division.
2 reasons (1) Delaney and Scott want conference SOS built into the BCS and now they have an ally in Bowlsby. The ACC has the lowest conference SOS of the 5 majors, so their champ most likely will be on the outside looking in of the four team playoff.

and (2) THIS

I really didn't see it coming, but do you think Bowlsby takes that job if he didn't really think he was going to be one of the Big Four?

Regarding the Big East disappearing, if the ACC loses their battle with the Big 12, which comes down to whom loses their key programs (Texas, NC, Maryland, Oklahoma, etc.), I would expect some kind of reconfiguration with the remaining ACC and Big East teams centered on BBAll (Wake, Syracuse, Pitt, Duke, GTown, Memphis, Louisville, etc.) Would be an insane hoops conference, and they might sneak a team into the Top four in football every now and then if one of the other conferences had a particularly bad year.

why would Scott be OK with this? I don't understand how he could benefit from conference realignment? What college football teams could he add to make the PAC 12 earn more money to keep up with the other three major conferences big 10, big12, and sec? In my Opinion the PAC 12 would then become the worst major BCS conference. I think this would be great for the big 10, Im for what makes the big ten the strongest conference if this happens it would, in my op:Dnion make the big 10, and all conference members a ton of money.