Biggest Challenge of Hiring an Offensive Coordinator Under KF


Well-Known Member
KF needs a yes man. Somebody who won't challenge him with decisions. That's a problem. All the good coordinators who may be innovative or want to try something different would end up butting heads with the "big cheese". I think Greg Davis was a yes man so KF felt comfortable with that situation. We all know how regimented & stubborn KF can be. I just don't see Iowa making a big splash hire. This leaves all the up-&-coming innovative coordinators out of the question. Sucks.

Could you imagine Mike Leach working with Kirk Ferentz. That would be worth the price of admission right there! :D
I think you are right, and that getting a young talent would just not work with KF. Greg Davis' hands were tied. The guy has ran so many different sets in the past, that he would have known/wanted to change it up in early September when we saw that the offense was not clicking... Same with KOK. Where went that no-huddle, shotgun offense that we ran so brilliantly for 5 quarters last year? Why pull Brad Banks when he is tearing it up? Because we didn't execute like somebody wanted.

JVB played horribly this year, but like JM said, I will never believe it was entirely his fault. Nor was it GD. I suspect GD will be gone. Why deal with this crap? KF is too stubborn, and he always age been...

KF will be gone next year, if he cannot win or show marked improvement. Unless us Hawkeye fans keep buying tickets. Which we probably will as Hawkeye football is not just about the game, it is a day-long "event" that is fun. Although the Funhaters of Iowa City & the UI have done their best to squash that.
The biggest challenge is finding someone who wants a short-term deal to keep the chair warm until Brian takes over as OC.
The biggest challenge is finding someone who wants a short-term deal to keep the chair warm until Brian takes over as OC.
If Davis leaves, I see no other choice but Brian. Who wants to work here knowing he's keeping the seat warm untill KF is ready to promote Brian. I hope Brian becomes the OC. He can't do any worse than Davis this year and hopefully he will have freedom to call a game as he wants.
Count me in as one of the people who would be happy seeing Brian F take over right now. He can't do any worse, when we are already at the bottom in the nation.

He cut his coaching teeth under a guy who has very productive offenses and is much more aggressive than KF. He's also young and energetic. That's a contagious trait that could have an instant payoff.
If Davis leaves, I see no other choice but Brian. Who wants to work here knowing he's keeping the seat warm untill KF is ready to promote Brian. I hope Brian becomes the OC. He can't do any worse than Davis this year and hopefully he will have freedom to call a game as he wants.

While I completely disagree with OP's premise that KF micro-manages the offense (it's an absurd notion), I do agree that it is obvious that Brain is in line for the job and it will scare potential candidates away.

However, I have long been saying that we should just let Brain at it and see what he can do. You don't get promoted in the Patriots coaching system if you don't have some talent. He's young, I am sure he has plenty of ideas (worked under Bill O'Brien), and yes, he'll probably have more freedom from Grandpa Ferrets.
While I completely disagree with OP's premise that KF micro-manages the offense (it's an absurd notion), I do agree that it is obvious that Brain is in line for the job and it will scare potential candidates away.

However, I have long been saying that we should just let Brain at it and see what he can do. You don't get promoted in the Patriots coaching system if you don't have some talent. He's young, I am sure he has plenty of ideas (worked under Bill O'Brien), and yes, he'll probably have more freedom from Grandpa Ferrets.

Lot's to like here, but did I miss something over the weekend? Are we hiring an offensive coordinator?
Lot's to like here, but did I miss something over the weekend? Are we hiring an offensive coordinator?

Some genius troll convinced everyone GDGD was resigning, and then Miller gave the rumor legitimacy by saying he "feels" like it could be true.

This is shaping up to be the greatest troll of all of Hawkeyedom since John Lickliter.
Some genius troll convinced everyone GDGD was resigning, and then Miller gave the rumor legitimacy by saying he "feels" like it could be true.

This is shaping up to be the greatest troll of all of Hawkeyedom since John Lickliter.

No, I saw both of those. I was hoping that maybe there was a development overnight, since were now starting threads about the challenges of hiring a new one.
While I completely disagree with OP's premise that KF micro-manages the offense (it's an absurd notion), I do agree that it is obvious that Brain is in line for the job and it will scare potential candidates away.

However, I have long been saying that we should just let Brain at it and see what he can do. You don't get promoted in the Patriots coaching system if you don't have some talent. He's young, I am sure he has plenty of ideas (worked under Bill O'Brien), and yes, he'll probably have more freedom from Grandpa Ferrets.

Ghost, I'm wit you on the original premise of the thread (as I started to read it, I was getting upset at the waste of time it was). But I wanted to share a couple thoughts from your post...

1) A new OC coming in for 3-5 years to keep the seat warm form Brain wouldn't be as unattractive as some may think. Good résumé builder, and a chance to be OC at a bigger school in a high profile conference. IMO.

2) If/when Brain gets it, he will be less likey to be collared by Kurt for taking risks and breaking from his philosophies. And if anyone can talk Kurt into breaking from the norm, the Brain can. That's a plus
IMO it would be interested to see what it would be like with Brian at OC. While I'm one that doesn't necessarily feel that KF micro-manages as much as many believe, I do feel that if promoted to that position Brian would have basically a free reign to take the offense in the direction that he wants due to the father/son relationship. While not sure how successful things would be it would be interesting to see what kind of change might come about as a result of this.
Big premise. How does anyone know Brian's philosophy. He could be a chip off the block. and anybody that allowed this disaster to continue this season obviously didn't have much pull.
Ghost, I'm wit you on the original premise of the thread (as I started to read it, I was getting upset at the waste of time it was). But I wanted to share a couple thoughts from your post...

1) A new OC coming in for 3-5 years to keep the seat warm form Brain wouldn't be as unattractive as some may think. Good résumé builder, and a chance to be OC at a bigger school in a high profile conference. IMO.

2) If/when Brain gets it, he will be less likey to be collared by Kurt for taking risks and breaking from his philosophies. And if anyone can talk Kurt into breaking from the norm, the Brain can. That's a plus

Could you imagine what kind of resume builder it would be for an up and coming coach to say that they were responsible for changing the philosophy of the iowa offense from "safe and conservative" to a say a "more uptempo multi-dimensional" offensive threat. I agree this position could be much more appealing to the younger up and coming coaches that are looking to get their foot in the door in a BCS conference.
I don’t think that KF looked for a yes man. KF looked for someone that already ran a style that he liked. It seems as though Greg had a history of this style of play. Look at this video a Texas fan made a few years ago. Does the offense sound familiar? No matter who the QB is or what kind of players come back if this coaching staff as a whole remains you will have more of the same. Nothing will change especially KFs approach to the game. If they change, then look to the sky because the four horseman of the apocalypse will be riding out of it.

I'm Greg Davis | Xtranormal
Big premise. How does anyone know Brian's philosophy. He could be a chip off the block. and anybody that allowed this disaster to continue this season obviously didn't have much pull.

Really. Why do we want brain so bad? Because dads name got him a job with the pats? Lets do a full search before we hire brain internally.
Any OC from a smaller program that is looking to be a college HC wouldn't be afraid of Brian being on the staff because they wouldn't plan on staying here that long.
I don’t think that KF looked for a yes man. KF looked for someone that already ran a style that he liked. It seems as though Greg had a history of this style of play. Look at this video a Texas fan made a few years ago. Does the offense sound familiar? No matter who the QB is or what kind of players come back if this coaching staff as a whole remains you will have more of the same. Nothing will change especially KFs approach to the game. If they change, then look to the sky because the four horseman of the apocalypse will be riding out of it.

I'm Greg Davis | Xtranormal

Agreed completely. I think rather than the emphasis on who the OC is and what style of play they will bring to IA City, I think the emphasis needs to be on recruiting and what playmakers can we bring in to Iowa City. Whether we like it or not, very little will change in the offensive philosophy while KF is running the shots. That said if we are able to attract play makers and go after athletes we may be able to make it work. If we can bring in speed at the skill positions then it may be enough to give a few sparks to a stale and predictable offense. If we bring in guys that can get in to open space and make guys miss in the open field we may be able to stretch the field enough to get more use out of the ground game. If other teams want to stack the box and go 1 vs. 1 in the secondary lets bring the burners (not the possession receivers) to exploit it.
Really. Why do we want brain so bad? Because dads name got him a job with the pats? Lets do a full search before we hire brain internally.

Brain was hired as a "Scouting assistant" for the Pats. He got promoted in the organization three times in three years before becoming TE coach. All before his 28th birthday.

He didn't get a coaching job because of his name. You think the Pats are an organization that hires and promotes coaches based on who Belichik coached with in the 90's?

Brain has talent.
Brain was hired as a "Scouting assistant" for the Pats. He got promoted in the organization three times in three years before becoming TE coach. All before his 28th birthday.

He didn't get a coaching job because of his name. You think the Pats are an organization that hires and promotes coaches based on who Belichik coached with in the 90's?

Brain has talent.

Brain is not his father that is for sure. He has a little more fire in his belly.

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