Big Tens Best Rivalries

I appreciate you at least trying to take off your black and gold glasses for this. While I like Deace's analysis most of the time, that guy has a really hard time looking at things except from Michigan's perspective.

That said, I think Iowa vs. Penn State is starting to become a pretty good rivalry. I hope we stay in their division so it can continue to grow.
I find it interesting that tOSU is in the biggest rivalry (arguably in the counrtry) but they really only have one rivalry. I'd be interested to see why some of you all think that is. I think Illinois makes a good rivalry for them when Illinois is good (which isn't often these days). But I find it curious because Iowa has Minnesota and Wisconsin for sure. Then you could mention PSU and Michigan too. Thoughts?
I find it interesting that tOSU is in the biggest rivalry (arguably in the counrtry) but they really only have one rivalry. I'd be interested to see why some of you all think that is. I think Illinois makes a good rivalry for them when Illinois is good (which isn't often these days). But I find it curious because Iowa has Minnesota and Wisconsin for sure. Then you could mention PSU and Michigan too. Thoughts?

When you have the biggest bullseye on your back year in, and year out you don't need to have another "rivalry". tOSU gets everyone's best shot, every single game they play. As much as it makes me want to hurl admitting it, tOSU's run of B10 Championships has been impressive, just because of the fact that they've continued beat people despite some very good teams bringing their "A" game against them every week.
I agree history is a big part of a rivalry, for us with our black and gold hats is hard to determine most that dont involve Iowa, but I think the obvious # 1 is Michigan-OSU, except in the last couple years, there's almost always been a Rose Bowl/National championship implications online when they meet....

Some rivalry games regardless of history come and go now because I think so many teams are much more even with each other now than they used to be like Iowa-Wisconsin, Iowa-Northwestern, Iowa-Penn State as of late. You have so many state border rivalries within the conference its hard to determine which is bigger... the rest of my list....

2. Minnesota-Wisconsin
3. Iowa-Wisconsin
4. Minnesota-Michigan
5. Penn St-OSU
6. Iowa-Penn St
7. Michigan-Michigan State
8. Purdue-Indiana
9. Iowa-Minnesota
The Hayden Fry, Bo Schembechler gamesmanship got Iowa-Michigan going in the 1980's, and it's been a decent rivalry since. Remember when Bo saw Iowa's imposter, long-snapper firing snaps over the punter's head in warmups and Coach Fry told Bo. "We don't plan on punting today!"

I heard that, but never knew if it was true or an old wives tail.
Anyone over 50 would tell you that Iowa v. Minnesota is a big, big game (Iowa's biggest). Minnesota's fans are arrogant and like to make fun of our state and they really rub our nose in it when we lose. Many of Iowa's biggest victories have been at the expense of the Golden Rodents. Some examples:

1. 1939 - IA 13 MN 9 (Kinnick's greatest game as he rallies us from 9-0 deficit in 4th qtr)
2. 1956 - IA 7 MN 0 (IA beats them in the old brick stadium, prevents MN from going to Rose Bowl, and puts Iowa in position to go to Rose bowl - huge nationally broadcast game) - both teams ranked in Top 10
3. 1958 - IA 28 MN 6 (IA clinches Rose Bowl up there as Willie the Wisp Fleming runs wild)
4. 1982 - IA 20 MN 16 in the dome (Hayden wears big overalls after the game to mock the gophers - we kicked their *** that day)
5. 1983 - IA 61 MN 10 - in Iowa City; amazing
6. 1985 - IA 31 MN 9 - we clinch Roses in Iowa City
7. 1986 - IA 30 MN 27 - Houghtlin gets second chance and then kicks the winning field goal
8. 1990 - we lose the game, but clinch the Rose Bowl - Iowa fans get penalized in Hump dome for making too much noise
9. 1995 - we win in Hump dome 49-42 - Tim Dwight goes wild
10. 2002 - we clinch Orange Bowl in Hump Dome and tear down their goal posts - who can forget that one?
11. 2004 - we win in last second up there, 29-27
12. 2008 - IA 55 MN 0 Incredible
13. 2009 IA 12 MN 0 - great goal line stand clinches Oranges

So many great memories - great tradition - this is our biggest rival by far, IMO

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