Big Ten may reconsider division names

Hopefully they reconsider the trophy names as well.

Since the trophy names are tied into the whole legends and leaders fiasco one can only hope they change those as well.

No way should Nile Kinnick be getting second billing to the most bumbling, inept, ineffective, non-elected president this country has ever had.
As a Husker fan, i'm probably the only one on the face of the earth who actually likes "Legends & Leaders".

Big 10 Football is all about legendary players and great leaders. No other BCS conference has the history & tradition that the Big 10 has. What better way for the Big 10 to honor it's heritage with those division names?

Best of luck to the Hawks at the Insight Bowl.

You didn't join the Ivy League.....

Power is shifting South. Nothing says "we kicked *** in 1930" like naming your division "legends". I know you, as a Husker fan, have grown accustomed to reliving glory days, but the direction of change should be forward.
Stars and Stripes, or anything patriotic, while nice, would be too corny. Legends and Leaders, or other such 'show-offy' names just come off as pompous and arrogant...and just provides more ammo for the other conferences who feel we are pompous and arrogant.

Keep it simple with East-West, or North-South, or with the geographic descriptors like Lakes and Plains. People outside the conference aren't going to know exactly who's in which division anyway. How many of you can name, off the top of your head, the schools in the SEC East and West divisions? How about the organization of the ACC? Or the MAC, where Bowling Green and Miami (OH), which are West of Toledo and Eastern Michigan, are in the East division, while Toledo and EMU are in the West division?
File:SEC-USA-states.PNG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
File:ACC-USA-states (1).PNG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mid-American Conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Point is, call it East-West, North-South, Plains-Lakes, Grain Belt-Rust Belt, something simple, because NOBODY OUTSIDE THE CONFERENCE IS GOING TO CARE BEYOND THE NAME!
Since the trophy names are tied into the whole legends and leaders fiasco one can only hope they change those as well.

No way should Nile Kinnick be getting second billing to the most bumbling, inept, ineffective, non-elected president this country has ever had.

You realize Ford was a starter for two national championship Michigan teams, a decorated war hero, and House minority leader for eight years?

Yes, he was never elected, and I personally don't line up with his politics, but to say he doesn't belong on trophy with Nile Kinnick is pretty outrageous.
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Yeah I don't think the division should be named for paterno....let's not forget...PSU has only been here for what...15...20 years??
Yeah, JoePa shouldn't have a division named after him when 1) he's still coaching and 2) he's coaching a team that hasn't been in the Big Ten for all that long (relative to others).
I just don't like "Legends" or "Leaders". It sounds like what you would have in a flag football division. Plains and Lakes divisions would work for me...really anything other than what we have now would be better.
The old logo was just fine (remove the hidden "11" from it). The new logo is wimpy and probably what many creatively-challenged elementary kids would come up with.

I find it difficult to understand how an organization that got the marquee for the basketball tourney so right could come up with such a bad conference logo.
Call them the "Buckeye" and "Wolverine" Divisions. That seems fair doesn't it? The BTN would be fine with those names.
Have a contest. Via a poll. If multiple people have the same winner, random draw for a pair of tix to the inagural big-10 champ game.

Also, have a contest for the logo....the current one sorta suxx.

Instead, we get typical Delaney pontification.
"We know what's best for you!"
You realize Ford was a starter for two national championship Michigan teams, a decorated war hero, and House minority leader for eight years?

Yes, he was never elected, and I personally don't line up with his politics, but to say he doesn't belong on trophy with Nile Kinnick is pretty outrageous.

Yes I realize that however I stand by my statement that Nile Kinnick should not get second billing to him. The whole two names per trophy is just as lame as the division names. If they want to honor Kinnick, give him his own trophy. If you find this point of view outrageous you must be easily upset.
Campbell & Prince of Wales have a nice ring..

Maybe the Hayes & Schembechler conferences.. Those 2 are probably the most well know coaches to have ever coached in the Big 10. (Penn State joined later in the process so I throw Paterno out of the mix).
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The argument against this is what? Michigan isn't in the West? Well, their fight song says they are the Champions of the West, right? I think it fits perfectly, even the Michigan schools.

if it can't be east and west, then I vote for STAGG & PATERNO
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I REALLY like Black and Blue. We'd obviously be in the Black division and Michigan would be in the Blue. Plus, it sounds pretty bad ***!!
My thoughts....say Legends Division champion __________
say Leaders Division Champion_______________
say any other word other than a direction Division champion _______________

They all sound stupid. East division champion versus West Division champion. North Division Champion versus South Division champion...whatever...anything but a gimmick.
LEADERS = Teams that ARE GOING to win the Big Ten Title
LEGENDS = Teams that USED TO win the Big Ten Title.

Really need different names, really.

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