Well-Known Member
A friend of mine about 15 years ago was coming home at dusk...was pretty dark. He cut the corner of his street and put his front tire in the ditch which threw him headlong into the culver. Cut his head wide and I mean wide open. He was always on his bike and made that corner hundreds/thousands of times. People couldn't see his body in the ditch and it took hours before he was found.I was going to get into biking but I wanted an F-150 and my wife insisted that we get an Explorer instead and I'm too cheap and lazy to get one of those bike carrier things. We have a ridiculous amount of serious bikers here and because it is in the foothills it is inevitable that you will be stuck behind some asswipe on his bike going 2 mph up a hill. And oh by the way there are absolutely no shoulders on most roads plus all sorts of blind curves so you're stuck behind that asswipe until you hit the right spot to pass.
To be clear, I wanted an F-150 because I would NEVER ride my bike on the road here and wanted to truck my bike up to the mountains or to the trail system they have built. There are bicyclist fatalities all the time. One of my buddies almost died a few weeks ago when he spilled it on Paris Mountain, which is a tiny mountain. Dude was riding down and biffed while going over 35. Broke his clavicle and three ribs. Punctured lung. Said it happened around dusk and no one found him for almost an hour until the ranger was making final rounds. Dude was in the hospital for 5 days and thinks he would have died had the ranger not seen him.
This morning with temps in the 60s going downhill among trees, sweating, and then hitting cool moist air..., nothing feels (well almost nothing) better than that.