BHGP: Devan Bawinkel Is The World's Greatest Trillionaire

Did anyone read the comments after the article? Should mail them to Barta and Lickliter. Those comments should make Iowa fans feel good about their coach and team.

Comments such as, "that idiot Iowa coach..."...And I know Iowa is scraping the bottom of the pan trying to get players..."

See, it isn't just us that know about Iowa BB...much of the nation knows about Lickliter and Iowa BB. Much of the nation now makes fun of our coach and our team, it isn't just us anymore. Iowa BB is a true embarassment around the country!

Congratulations Gary and Lickliter...We should send them both a card for their efforts.
That's amazing. And hilarious.

On another note, when I initially tried to access the basketball forum tonight, it said "fatal error."

I couldn't agree more.
Another little Bawinkle blurb I read or heard somewhere is that he's NEVER gotten an offensive rebound in his two years playing at Iowa. Can that really be true?