Best Moment in Hawkeye Football History?


Well-Known Member

What's everybody's favorite moment? It doesn't have to be anything you necessarily saw, could be the Rose Bowl wins under Evy, Nile Kinnick's Heisman speech, The Catch, '85 Michigan, anything. Just curious as to what people think is the biggest/coolest/favorite/etc. moment/game/play in Iowa Football history.

My personal choice would probably be Tavian Banks' record day against Tulsa in '97, just as my favorite. That was not only a good piece of history, but it was also my first trip to Kinnick at age 7, and I still have the tiny Tim Dwight jersey that my dad got me at the Hawk Shop that day.
Stanzi to McNutt vs. MSU. TOUCHDOWN IOWA

[ame=]YouTube - Ricky Stanzi Last Second TD Pass To Marvin McNutt[/ame]
I'm going to say Iowa-MSU of "The Catch" those are both kind of the same thing though. But you can't beat keeping the undefeated season and dream alive on 4th and goal with two seconds left. Other than "The Kick in 85" and I don't really remember it. But also in recent history I'd give last years PSU kick honorable mention. That seems to really be the point where Ferentz football returned again.
OH and how could I forget...the Purdue game in 2002...I was just starting to really care about sports and that game cemented me as a Hawkeye...I was listening to Dolph and Ed in a truck haha...started to freak out with every play.
4 for me since particular order

1) CJ Jones opening kickoff return in Orange Bowl

2) Hawks over Penn State 6-4

3) Tate to Holloway

4) Stanzi to Mc-Mc-McNutt @ MSU
Tate to Holloway hands down. While not the most important play in Hawk history, it was easily the most exhilarating moment ever for me.
In person, Bob Sanders body slamming Charles Rogers or knocking his helmet off later in the game and going to Ames this year to watch the Hawks humiliate the clones in front of their own crowd. On TV Tate to Halloway in the Cap One Bowl. (Yes im young and dont have many memories prior KF era. Obviously ive heard about them but thats it) Forgot to mention when Iowa fans were taking down the goal posts in Minnie a few years back.
A few that I was fortunate enough to be present for:

1. Tate/Holloway (while sitting in the middle of an LSU section was awesome).

2. 2009 @ PSU (I have been to a lot of college football games, but I have never heard a crowd as loud as after the first PSU TD, but of course they got pretty quiet in the second half).

3. Not the game itself, but the atmosphere in Kinnick leading up to kickoff in 2006 vs. Ohio State. Easily the craziest I have ever seen Kinnick, other than maybe the post-game celebration after Murray's kick against Penn St. I wish Kinnick could be like that for every game.
A few that I was fortunate enough to be present for:

1. Tate/Holloway (while sitting in the middle of an LSU section was awesome).

2. 2009 @ PSU (I have been to a lot of college football games, but I have never heard a crowd as loud as after the first PSU TD, but of course they got pretty quiet in the second half).

3. Not the game itself, but the atmosphere in Kinnick leading up to kickoff in 2006 vs. Ohio State. Easily the craziest I have ever seen Kinnick, other than maybe the post-game celebration after Murray's kick against Penn St. I wish Kinnick could be like that for every game.

Could be Iowa v OSU 06 2.0 this year, i think with results in Iowa"s favor
1. Tate to Holloway
2. Matt Roth striking the Heisman pose after sacking Carson Plamer
3. Dallas Clark's rumble up the sideline against Purdue
A couple for me would be:

Murray's feild goal beating PSU
Stanzi to McNutt
Tate to Holloway

I agree with SixAm about the atmosphere in Kinninck that night back in '06. That atmosphere started early in the morning and kept building all day. There was a different feeling in the air that day.
there are a lot but im going to choose ones that I was at.

Murrays Kick to beat PSU
Banks to Clark to beat Purdue
Tate to Holloway to beat LSU
Could be Iowa v OSU 06 2.0 this year, i think with results in Iowa"s favor

I'm thinking there's a distinct possibility that it could be more of '85 Michigan v. 2.0.

If 'Bama stumbles somewhere (and there are several good opportunities before Nov. 20), then it could be 1 vs. 2 if both Iowa and OSU are unbeaten.
One of the most memorable moments for me was a day after the student killed four prof's and a student on campus in 1991. The Hawks were in Columbus when it happened and decided to play the game. They took all of the decals of the helmets and beat Ohio State.
Mine would be rushing the field in the 2008 PSU game. The delay of game penalty we as fans got for rushing the field gave me and my friends just enough time to leave our north endzone seats and get to the field. Murray kicked off near the north end zone and then circled back to pick up his tee, when a crowd of people ran him over. I just happend to be pushed right to him and helped him off the turf. Looked him square in the eyes and then the tidal wave of people pushed us all apart. Got to see it the next morning on espn2 replay. It will live in DVR history!!

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