Ben Jacobsen and the Iowa job

I wouldn't hate hiring Jacobsen as much as I would hiring Keno. Jake's Midwest connections on the recruiting trail seem pretty solid. I just don't know if Iowa can conceivably go that route though after Alford/Lick/McDermott.

That bozo Matt saying Jake would turn down the Iowa job is completely ridiculous. What guy is going to turn down a job that quintuples his salary???? Only a moron would say something so absurd.
I don't think Ben Jacobsen to Iowa would be an improvement at all. We should have learned by now that it's an entirely different level going from the MVC to the Big 10....just as McDermott how that's working for him.

We need somebody with recruiting ties that span nationwide, or at least in some hotspots like Chicago or St. Louis. I don't see Jacobsen doing that.

FWIW....I've never thought UNI has been all that great this year. They've played in what could be weakest MVC in the last decade. They've got a ton of seniors and experience which clearly shows, but it's not like the talent level is far and above what Iowa currently has.

They could go to the ELITe 8 or Final Four and I still would NOT want Jacobsen. You look at most cinderella teams that make deep runs and most are comprised of seniors and leadership....not necessarily talent that could do it year in and year out.
I don't think Ben Jacobsen to Iowa would be an improvement at all. We should have learned by now that it's an entirely different level going from the MVC to the Big 10....just as McDermott how that's working for him.

We need somebody with recruiting ties that span nationwide, or at least in some hotspots like Chicago or St. Louis. I don't see Jacobsen doing that.

FWIW....I've never thought UNI has been all that great this year. They've played in what could be weakest MVC in the last decade. They've got a ton of seniors and experience which clearly shows, but it's not like the talent level is far and above what Iowa currently has.

Did you even watch the UNI/Iowa game? It was a blow out and even THEN it wasn't that close.

They're better at every position. And deeper.
I could see Jacobsen turning down Iowa... I guess I just don't see the allure of taking the Iowa job over UNI at this point other than money? Don't know if he's set on UNI as his destination job, but there might be some more attractive opportunities out there for him unless he really wants to rebuild Iowa?

Likewise, I really don't see Scott Drew from Baylor taking the Iowa job (if he truly is in the discussion)- he's worked so hard to rebuild Baylor, don't think he bolts to rebuild Iowa? Could be wrong, but I just don't see all these guys salivating to get the call from Barta.
Is it possible that Jacobsen would see what happened to McDermott and maybe see that his grass is greener on his own side of the fence? He is best friends with McDermott and is the godfather of Doug who is coming to UNU. Just curious.
Who would you guys take off the UNI roster and plant on the Iowa roster? Egelseder, Koch and the point guard would be my choices. UNI is a TEAM, they play team defense and seem to find ways to score....not very consistent on the offensive end. Jacobson likes to run set plays to which isn't my most favorite style of basketball to watch. Ben is a good guy, a good coach but is not the right fit for Iowa. I don't think UNI could compete in the Big 10 with their roster though. Even with the depth UNI has they are young and usually get minutes if the game is close and they can afford to get the starters some rest. I'm in no way trying to disresoect UNI and what they have done but at this time Jacobson is no the right fit. I think if he stays at UNI and consistently gets in the dance and wins a couple games every year Iowa could afford to bring him in but at this point it isn't an option.
If I had to stake my horse to an instate basketball program for the next 10 years it would Iowa and I wouldn't think twice. Yes UNI has had a nice run the last 5-6 years and I think they can consistently compete for MVC titles but with the right person Iowa can consistently win in the B10.

Without a doubt the Iowa job is a much better job than the UNI job. That's not to say some people would rather have the UNI job. It's a great town, a great school, and has a great fanbase. If you were in a position where you wanted a stable job that pays well at a good school in a great place to raise your family it would be a terrfic job.

But to anyone who wants to make a difference or thier mark on college basketball UNI just wont get it done. I could see someone saying I'd rather stay one or two more years at UNI and see what jobs open up but I can't see anyone saying "I'd rather coach at UNI" unless they fit the criteria/idealogy I listed above.

Fifteen years ago Iowa was a top 30 basketball program, it's only one good hire from being there again.
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This is the only Iowa poster on here making any sense - listen more to him.

-5 for Matt

Although there have been some absurd points made, there have been a lot of other people making good sense. This is why I hesitate listening to your show while not even knowing you had one judge Matt... or am I "not accurately reflecting your opinion"?
Hey, Hold up big boy - I said WHAT IF he did....I didn't say he would. Be accurate.

That is completely false. You said you thought he would turn down the job if offered, and said he is "too good" for the Iowa job.

Go back and listen to the podcast if you don't believe me.
Matt is a heel, not unlike heels in pro-wrestling. A heels job in pro-wrestling is to get the crowd riled up and emotional, same for a heel in radio.

Essentiall a heels number 1 job is to draw "heat" from the crowd. In wrestling there are a few ways to do this. There are ways to draw "cheap heat" like flipping the crowd the bird, spitting on a state flag when you perform in that state, etc. There are also ways to draw "real heat" by being skilled in your profession and having enough acting ability to pull off your character.

In radio there are a few ways to draw heat as well. Radio's version of cheap is what you get out of guys like Rush who say things so outrageous that it's obvious their main goal is to get a reaction (note there are left wing nutballs that do the same thing this is not a policital thing). Radio also has real heat. Real heat is generating by having well informed and interesting opinions even if they run contrary to a good portion of your listeners, and most importantly being good at your job.

What kind of heat does Matt bring?
What drives me crazy is that now he is trying to say he never said that Jacobson wouldn't take the job. He did.

Although I disagree, I'm not going to criticize him for his opinion, but for lying about what he said.
Ohh and I should also mention, radio (or even wrestling) people that are really really good at thier job don't try to bring heat. They generate it by being geniuinely interesting people.

They don't have to do things like defend themselves on internet message boards to generate interest in thier opinions and shows.
IT seems one thing to keep in mind here would be BIG things like money. For one, any candidate is going to look at what facilities are there and on the way (practice facility). THe fan base in very engaged (at least they want to be) which will provide more money.
Iowa is in a league that will afford the university A LOT of cash in the next 10-12 years. The conference will change in the next few years FOR THE BETTER most likely. Other conferences will change probably not for the better. Many universities will have have cash issues (see the front page of the DSM Register today). I feel the Iowa job will be viewed as a very, very good job if you project out over the next 10 years. This will make a difference to any candidate.
Has anyone heard or seen anything about potential seating changes in Carver? When I was back in the state this weekend, I heard multiple people say it needed to be done, but wasn't sure if that's even being discussed or not? I just look at some of the college games/teams on TV with the students covering the seats behind the benches and scores table and it looks so much more alive (literally and figuratively) than Carver even when times are good.
He may a good coach, but right now he is not what Iowa needs. They need a coach filled with charisma and energy. They need uptempo basketball, because first and foremost the next hire needs to be exciting enough to get fans back to Carver. Ben Jacobsen's name won't do that.
Wow. listened to the Pod cast I would think that you have a vandeta agaisnt him. I agree that you shouldn't hire him based on 1 game (assuming the beat KU which is unlikely), but I feel we need to atleast still consider him.

I guess to me if UNI were to beat KU I'd have him on the "look at seriously" list. Any canidate needs to come in with a plan for recruiting and I'd want to know what it is prior to any hiring. and the stories of when Jacobsen took over for Mac, driving to each recruits place to imediately to refirm-up the commitment shows that he knows recruiting is important. because of that I doubt he wouldn't hire a staff that couldn't get in the doors quickly (Lick/Alford), possibly a well known and popular AAU coach as the top assistant (maybe BJ can give some suggestions to who could it could be).

Sure, Jacobsen isn't on the top of my list (doubtful he is in my top 5) but I'm not going to say no, never, I don't care if UNI wins it all. no. that is the impression I got you're saying Jon.

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