Being at the game can be soooooo annoying...

I hate mr superfan who yells at fans from the other team as they go in and out of the stadium. I dont like when some assdumb yells at me when Im at another stadium so I dont like it when a Iowa superfan does it to other teams fans.
I hate when our entire crowd starts yelling at the officials, and student section chants "Bull-Spit" when it's obvious that the Iowa guy committed the foul or it was a good call on the review. Our fans have to be top 10 dumbest in the nation.
Thatll happen when you get three straight years of bad football.

In those 3 years we have a BCS appearance and victory. We have been fortunate enough to have a football coach who could raise our level of expectations to a point where the last couple of years could be considered "bad football."
In those 3 years we have a BCS appearance and victory. We have been fortunate enough to have a football coach who could raise our level of expectations to a point where the last couple of years could be considered "bad football."

I'm thinking he's including this season in that three year stretch and not the 2009 season.
I hate when fans stand the entire game and block my view.

I also hate when people complain about every aspect of the Hawks like nothing good will ever happen again.

By the way, anyone notice how cruddy our waterboys/managers are? No wonder we play awful football. They're more concerned with getting water to the TV "Red hat" man than our own players!!
I hate when our entire crowd starts yelling at the officials, and student section chants "Bull-Spit" when it's obvious that the Iowa guy committed the foul or it was a good call on the review. Our fans have to be top 10 dumbest in the nation.

Maybe that ties in with us being the Number Two Party School in the nation! Woo Hoo!
Unfortunately drinking and tailgating is a HUGE part of the game day experience for many people. Many people can't handle their alcohol.

You can't go to a place where where there are thousands of drunk people and expect to not see some idiots acting like a-holes.
Unfortunately drinking and tailgating is a HUGE part of the game day experience for many people. Many students can't handle their alcohol.

You can't go to a place where where there are thousands of drunk people and expect to not see some idiots acting like a-holes.


Seriously, I don't see that many people over the age of 25 that are absolutely wasted beyond belief.
Unfortunately drinking and tailgating is a HUGE part of the game day experience for many people. Many people can't handle their alcohol.

You can't go to a place where where there are thousands of drunk people and expect to not see some idiots acting like a-holes.

No but the UI police could deputize me to just knock out the morons...Sort of like Diesel could deputize me to clean this place up with the ban hammer when he has to be away. (JD if you need a resume with references before handing over this sort of power, let me know :) )
I hate it when I am in Carver, trying to get some knitting done, when a young blade from the wrong side of the tracks stands up in my section and begins to applaud what is happening on the court. Why do people do that? After the philharmonic finishes the first movement of Beethoven's 5th, do you stand up and applaud then? This is what happens when Democrats are in power....
It has actually improved in my section, we've lost the couple geniuses we had around me.

What will never change is complaining about the refs from people who don't know the rules.
I hate it when I am in Carver, trying to get some knitting done, when a young blade from the wrong side of the tracks stands up in my section and begins to applaud what is happening on the court. Why do people do that? After the philharmonic finishes the first movement of Beethoven's 5th, do you stand up and applaud then? This is what happens when Democrats are in power....

EXACTLY!!!! Someone else understands!!!
I hate it when I am in Carver, trying to get some knitting done, when a young blade from the wrong side of the tracks stands up in my section and begins to applaud what is happening on the court. Why do people do that? After the philharmonic finishes the first movement of Beethoven's 5th, do you stand up and applaud then? This is what happens when Democrats are in power....

Youre a nerd just for thinking up this story. U mad...Come at me brah....Didnt read....derp
There's a lady in my section that actually turns away from the field and sits and watches the entire game on the screen in the corner. Bothers me.

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