Beathard Rudock Question

I didn't get to watch the Purdue gm because my BTN ch was out in my area during the game. But what I have seen so far from both QBs is I think the offense looks more fluid and smooth when CJ is in the game. We just look more capable of scoring when CJ is on the field.

You may want to see this drive chart from the Purdue game. CJB led us on seven 3 and outs, including four of the first five possessions of the game. The only non-punt of the five was... a pick six.
This is pretty much how I feel. I like both QB's and hope they both can be effective. I do believe CJ's physical abilities are ahead of JR, but I don't think it's as large of a gap as many would believe.

That said, I do think JR checks down a little to quick, and a little too often, but again, that's more of a mental, confidence, or "coached into saftely" thing, not a physical limitation.

It's a tough call for KF and it is absolutely a "results driven thing".

Best case scenario - Both QB's get significant time and both are productive with multiple play, scoring drives. It doesn't get us any closer to a single QB scenario, but a convincing win with offensive production would make that moot.

Worst case scenario - Both QB play poorly and/or KF "stays with the NOT hot hand" and Iowa loses. There will be so many levels of meltdown, anger, frustration - it will be time to take an extended break from HN.

Honestly, if we can get a couple wins the next couple of weeks, and see some growth/improvement....I have no issue with who is the QB.

What? That's just when things get interesting around here. You're right though if we can win these next two games, (especially if the offense looks good), it might be temporarily difficult to have an issue with who is QB. Although in reality I think that's going to be an ongoing story for the next 1.5 years. It may become obvious at some point.
You may want to see this drive chart from the Purdue game. CJB led us on seven 3 and outs, including four of the first five possessions of the game. The only non-punt of the five was... a pick six.

I can't imagine the nerves you would feel getting ready for your first start knowing all the things the fans and media are saying. It's possible that the first quarter is who CJ is and he just got lucky the other 5 quarters but my money says the other 5 quarters are more representative of who he is.
There isn’t a huge difference between the two, but when we get matched up with a team with superior talent, CJ has to be the guy. I’m convinced CJ would’ve given us the best chance to beat LSU.
Wow, their incumbent has the support of roughly 23% of that poll, with the other 77% going to the backup.

And Hawk fans were worried about their starter. Apparently, everyone's backup is better.

No, ours is actually demonstrably better. Most of these other fan bases want the unknown over the known.
Look...Sumshine makes Sunday throws. Riddick doesn't. Sunshine is going to evolve. Riddick appears to have maxed out. If they were totally equal (they are not; Sunshine is better) you still go with Sunshine cuz he could be a three year starter and really excel. It's a tough thing to demote a good student athlete like Riddick, but Kurt is getting paid 4 mil to make hard choices. And don't feel too bad for Riddick, who'll prolly be a wealthy physician with his health intact.
The problems are much greater than who is the starting QB for Iowa and all the games have show that. :)

National Rankings:
99th in Total Offense.
72nd in Passing Offense
95th in Rushing Offense
87th in Offensive Efficiency

That's not an argument for starting your second best QB
If Bethard is 2nd best, it is only because of the number of snaps. It is or will be temporary. CJB has far more upside and with more PT he will breeze by JR.
"In the deep dark meetings of the coaching staff, I don't think who the best QB is really a debate at all. I believe they all know it is Beathard, but Ferentz is too decent to cut Rudock off at the knees and full on bench him after an 8 win season last year, and a respectable, albeit not great, start to this season. If the coaches really felt that Rudock should be the unequivocal starter, there would be none of this shared First String line going on; he'd continue to be the starter, no questions asked-type status. The fact that he isn't, in light of starting every game last year, and not being horrible this year (I know, some standard, huh?) suggests that Beathard is their man - they just can't be that overt about it."

I agree with the OP's theory. You can tell Kirk knows. Iowa is a developmental program. You get guys to buy in, stick around, work their butts off and by the time they are juniors/seniors the coaching staff has developed them into BIG 10 players some with NFL talent. The coaches have to show they will be loyal to those upper classmen. The young guys need to see that payoff & respect. The coaches manage to get the super talented young guys on the field early. When a young guy shows rapid growth and contends for an upperclassman's position, the staff has to ease the transition. Let the older guy heal if injured, give him a chance to keep his spot, praise his intelligence and play. Some times a leader emerges the team can rally around and if he gets outplayed, it's handled carefully. Football's a team sport & team chemistry is important in college football. I personally respect the integrity the Iowa coaching staff has always shown vs. the bench him/dump him/strip his scholarship method some teams employ.
I can't imagine the nerves you would feel getting ready for your first start knowing all the things the fans and media are saying. It's possible that the first quarter is who CJ is and he just got lucky the other 5 quarters but my money says the other 5 quarters are more representative of who he is.

How bad do have to hate CJ to give the thread I quoted a thumbs down? I try to give a hawkeye the benefit of doubt and get thumbs down for it.
CJ has a quicker release with more velocity on the ball.Jake seems more at ease under pressure and reads the defense quicker,he will take the safer play over a riskier one.They both know how to win.Jake shouldn't lose his job because of a injury unless he isn't 100 percent.I feel good about either one of them in charge but if one of them gets hot stay with them.

Agree. They are so close but each has just a couple of things they do a little better. I'm at the point I don't care who starts since they are that close. CJ does throw the more effective ball to the WR screen, though. The ball gets there quicker allowing the receiver to get another 5-8 yards with it. It the DB is playing off 10-12 yrds, that's a big deal. I like the velocity CJ throws with and his balls seem more decisive. I guess I give the edge to CJ as I don't think he is careless by any means, just not as experienced.
Also, I wonder with Ruddock if he misses receivers downfield because by the time they may get open or he goes thru his reads & notices them, he may not have or trust his arm strength to chuck it downfield. I have been wondering this. There just doesn't seem to be a good flow with the downfield passing game with Ruddock. I don't think the receivers can outrun CJ as easily. He can get it there.

To my eyes, it just seem the offense in general looked more fluid with CJ at the helm. Don't pizz on me and tell me it's raining. That's what I see.

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