Beathard Rudock Question

Pretty sure that 2 of the 5 dropped passes were in the 1st qtr and were on 3rd down and a reception would have meant a 1st down. Sure, every qb has receivers that drop passes. But if you are evaluating the qb, you're looking at the decision and the throw and if the receiver drops a pass, then you have to count that as a successful play/conversion for the qb.

I understand your point but I disagree. If the receiver drops the ball, you do not count it as a successful play. If it is just bad luck, then that will even out over time. If the QB is doing something that results in more drops, whether its its his throws themselves, or a bad decision, that will also show up in the stats over time. If it is just the receivers need to get used to the new QB, that will also work itself over time. So I agree CJB does need more attempts to find out for sure what is causing the drops.
Starting Rudock is really the best option for KF. He's standing by the guy who won the starting position and showing loyalty, yet Jake knows he's got to perform or CJ takes over. This is like Rudocks last stand. So the coaches want the ball downfield, the fans want the ball downfield, so do you think Rudock comes in an checks down? I think he's going to try to make more plays vertically...and who knows, maybe everyone will forget about The Golden Child if he's successful.

It's an interesting situation. I can't wait to see how this plays out.
I don't think it's that simple. I think they see both QBs as pretty equal, but the second half of the Pitt game showed that Iowa does have the potential to be better with CJ. However, they still trust Jake, and as you mentioned, he did win 8 games last year.

Could have been #10 with CJ :rolleyes:
Rudock lost to Iowa State. For that alone he should be riding the pine.
We were up 14-3 and coaches play calling was to conservative after that. Wasn't QB's fault.Until coach stops playing games close and take more chances it won't matter who is behind center.
Sounds like we will see both QBs Saturday and against Indiana we better have about 500 yards of offense ... Anything less ... well ...
KF doesn't have to reel in Rudock as much which he likes. KF is a perfectionist so he plays the safe route instead of opting for 60 minutes of nerves. I think everyone realizes whose ceiling is higher, but Rudock is a bit safer play & that what KF puts a lot of emphasis on.
Is it a bad sign when you have a guy named GrandpaHawk saying you are to conservative?

No offense GrandpaHawk.
how much better is one than the other anyway?


CJ has a quicker release with more velocity on the ball.Jake seems more at ease under pressure and reads the defense quicker,he will take the safer play over a riskier one.They both know how to win.Jake shouldn't lose his job because of a injury unless he isn't 100 percent.I feel good about either one of them in charge but if one of them gets hot stay with them.
Here's the deal, if the O does not produce for either QB, they'll both be dogs in the eyes of the fans....especially if the hawkeyes lose.

and I think this is the most anticipated game since the Nebraska game last year.
I didn't get to watch the Purdue gm because my BTN ch was out in my area during the game. But what I have seen so far from both QBs is I think the offense looks more fluid and smooth when CJ is in the game. We just look more capable of scoring when CJ is on the field.
Beathard is better. He just is. You all know it. Your eyes aren't lying to you.

Kurt's got himself all tied up in knots and it might prove to be catastrophic. He just can't quit Jake, but even he knows that Sunshine is better.

Sunshine doesn't deserve token series. He deserves the starting job. Jake Checkdown can be his capable backup.

Kurt needs an intervention.
Beathard is better. He just is. You all know it. Your eyes aren't lying to you.

Kurt's got himself all tied up in knots and it might prove to be catastrophic. He just can't quit Jake, but even he knows that Sunshine is better.

Sunshine doesn't deserve token series. He deserves the starting job. Jake Checkdown can be his capable backup.

Kurt needs an intervention.


CJ needs to start, and if he's still going to be a backup he made a huge life mistake by coming here. HUGE. I feel bad for him. He didn't know Ferentz was a clueless senile idiot. If I'm a high school recruit watching this I'll go to West Memphis Cosmetology College before I go to play for Ferentz.
CJ has a quicker release with more velocity on the ball.Jake seems more at ease under pressure and reads the defense quicker,he will take the safer play over a riskier one.They both know how to win.Jake shouldn't lose his job because of a injury unless he isn't 100 percent.I feel good about either one of them in charge but if one of them gets hot stay with them.

This is pretty much how I feel. I like both QB's and hope they both can be effective. I do believe CJ's physical abilities are ahead of JR, but I don't think it's as large of a gap as many would believe.

That said, I do think JR checks down a little to quick, and a little too often, but again, that's more of a mental, confidence, or "coached into saftely" thing, not a physical limitation.

It's a tough call for KF and it is absolutely a "results driven thing".

Best case scenario - Both QB's get significant time and both are productive with multiple play, scoring drives. It doesn't get us any closer to a single QB scenario, but a convincing win with offensive production would make that moot.

Worst case scenario - Both QB play poorly and/or KF "stays with the NOT hot hand" and Iowa loses. There will be so many levels of meltdown, anger, frustration - it will be time to take an extended break from HN.

Honestly, if we can get a couple wins the next couple of weeks, and see some growth/improvement....I have no issue with who is the QB.
Here's the deal, if the O does not produce for either QB, they'll both be dogs in the eyes of the fans....especially if the hawkeyes lose.

and I think this is the most anticipated game since the Nebraska game last year.

I agree that it’s a huge game. It could very well be the game that the season hinges on. Homecoming, already lost at home and the offense has stunk. I like CJ but I hope Jake kills it Saturday.

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