Just making a point. The fan base isn't stupid as far as students. You are wanting to make a story out of nothing. If Fry had been fired over something similar, promise quite a few would have objected. Why would Iowa have more of a conscience? Or less? Why obsess so much to keep looking at their message boards. The whole system needs to be change...and obviously it is...maybe too slowly. There are those who think some things were covered up in Iowa City. If you think Iowa is so clean, hang around downtown hotels and see what athletes are camping out there. Football and athletics get away with too much everywhere.
There are many good people at Baylor. I know them personally. There are good people at Iowa. Idiots are in plenty at both places. Football players around the big ten every year talk about Iowa fans and what they say, do and throw at them. I'm a Hawk fan through and through. It is not Mecca and at times can be embarrassing.
Get over the fans at Baylor.
I feel like you read what I say, and then completely ignore it, and respond to what you made up in your head that I said. You seem to be the one obsessed with the fans at Baylor. All I said was I saw a lot of them defending Briles, and acting like the whole situation was being blown out of proportion. You're the one who simply can't accept that statement, and continue to beat a dead horse.
1. I never said their fanbase was stupid. Ever. It's not about making a story out of anything. It's a fact based on what I've read that many are defending Briles. That's it, it's not a story, it's an observation.
2. Of course some Iowa fans would have objected if Fry was fired. I never said anything to the contrary.
3. I guess if obsession is being curious to their reaction right after it all happened then yes I was obsessed. I just wanted to see what their initial reactions were given the magnitude of the revelations. In your opinion I shouldn't ever read another team's message boards?
4. I never said I thought Iowa was super clean. Like you said, football and athletic departments get away with a lot of stuff. I would like to think it happens less at Iowa since we are in the midwest and in Texas football is religion, but that's just my opinion/hope. Again, you are making something out of nothing.
5. I never said there weren't good people at Baylor. Your continued insistence on defending them for no apparent reason makes it hard to believe you're an Iowa fan. If you were you would just let it go since no one is giving you a reason to continue to defend them. Of course there are good people and idiots at both schools. Again, I've literally said nothing to the contrary.
6. If you have to state that you're a Hawk fan through and through it suggests that either you aren't, or you are but have given plenty of reason for people to be suspicious.
Please, do us a favor and move on to another thread. We get it, you think Baylor is awesome and Iowa is not. You've made that abundantly clear by what you've said and haven't said. I disagreed with some of what you said giving you a simple example of what I had witnessed.
If you feel compelled to respond again, I'd politely request that you actually respond to what I said, and not just make shit up.