Barta on Brust/Larson release hubub

Perhaps they are upset because Iowa released them out of their LOI without this being explained to them. Had this been explained then Brust and/or Larson may not have asked out of their LOI. I know the coach has sounded like he wants them back but perhaps this is not truly the case and they may not have the chance to resign.
Perhaps they are upset because Iowa released them out of their LOI without this being explained to them. Had this been explained then Brust and/or Larson may not have asked out of their LOI. I know the coach has sounded like he wants them back but perhaps this is not truly the case and they may not have the chance to resign.

This would make things interesting.
Perhaps they are upset because Iowa released them out of their LOI without this being explained to them. Had this been explained then Brust and/or Larson may not have asked out of their LOI. I know the coach has sounded like he wants them back but perhaps this is not truly the case and they may not have the chance to resign.

In an article linked by tweeterhawk Brust himself is quoted as saying, "At this point I just need to spend some time getting to know Coach McCaffery. We talk every day and I like what I've heard from him. But now, I also have offers from other schools that would be good opportunities as well.

That's why I don't buy the excuse that Coach didn't/doesn't want him.
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I believe stormin posted earlier that Coach had been in near constant contact with Brust. Correct me if I'm wrong. If so, then I can not buy that Coach didn't want him.

I seen all of that also. But why else would the parents be so upset at Barta?
I believe stormin posted earlier that Coach had been in near constant contact with Brust. Correct me if I'm wrong. If so, then I can not buy that Coach didn't want him.

Not to mention the fact that Coach has been here how long? Oh, less than a month? And he's supposed to know about a Big Ten transfer rule that apparently 5 other Big Ten coaches didn't know about? Use some common sense people.
SSCKelley- I highly doubt they were released from their LOI with the intent of good riddance, although not impossible. The notion that they were told it may be a good idea isn't impossible though and would make things very interesting. I just wish this would end... how hard can it be to answer... Do you want to play for the Hawkeyes or not? If no... let it go. If yes... great. If they have been "asked" to leave... which is looking more and more like it may have been. Then say so... I am sure the Big Ten would waive the rule in this case?
The rule makes sense... you stop recruiting that roster spot when you gain an LOI. If recruits could just go to another B10 school after this, it puts a double pain on the team who was expecting the commitment.
Mr. Brust and Mr. Larson should just come fwd with the facts.
I would think that if either player had been released by desire of the Iowa program, they (U of I) would have petitioned the Big10 to allow the players to transfer to ANY school, conference included since they're both in the Big10 region...and if Fran is still going hard after Brust, as it sounds that he is, I don't see how releasing them was of any plan of the University of Iowa.

The only thing the parents should be upset with Barta about is that he fired "their coach" to that I say, get to know THIS one, fall back in love with Iowa, re-sign and help Iowa get back to being IOWA, again!

Ok, I need to calm down...all of this is making me mad again...
Well, I doubt anybody at U or I intentionally did it to get rid of them. First they fall in love with Lick and his staff, not the school. Then they don't check with the Big Ten or anybody else on transfer rules. Doesn't Ryan, Crean, Matta and Tubby know; they are chasing them.

Sometimes you got take responsibility. Niether is going pro in one year, so they better like the school and find one where the staff won"t change.
I'm no Hawk fan but Iowa is 100% not responsible for telling them about the Big 10 rule. If I'm thinking about transferring from a school I certainly wouldn't expect the team I'm leaving to explain everything to me. Brust and Larson can **** up a rope if they don't like it.
This is the fault of the other big ten schools recruiting these kids. Here's why: If the kids transfer to another big ten school, it is up to the new school to request a big ten waiver. If they didn't do that then Brust and Larson can get upset with them. Iowa did nothing wrong but perhaps could have communicated a little better. I am not sure Barta even realized the big ten had this rule however. Where the hell was Fred Mims in all this? He is an associate AD and this is something he should have known about as he is the "rules" guy at Iowa.
This situation makes absolutely no sense.

Has Coach pulled the scholarship offers of either player? My understanding is he has not and would welcome both back.

So there is an easy answer. If they want to play in the Big Ten and be on scholarship, resign with the Hawks.

If Iowa had not released them from their LOI, then they would have lost a year of eligibility and the Big Ten rule would still have applied. Instead Barta and Coach Caff did the right thing and released them. Do we really believe they would not have requested their release if they had known the Big Ten rule up front? I think not. They still would have made the request so it seems to me things are getting blown way out of proportion on this.
I still cannot figure out why they would be mad at Iowa. Let's assume they were told of the rule. Would that mean they would not have asked out of their LOI? I am having a hard time understanding how their situation would be different if they had known of the rule earlier.
How could anyone possibly blame Iowa for this?

They didn't want to play here, we released them so they can play elsewhere.

If they don't like the Big Ten rules, that's too bad.
Hopefully Lick gets a job real soon or they find another coaching staff they fall in love with. Unfortunately, the marriage does not always work out perfectly. Be careful what you wish for.
I honestly always thought this was common knowledge. What I never knew is if other conferences have the same rule.
If Barta had explained it to them or made sure they fully understood this rule, that maybe they would of stayed at Iowa. If they are both upset they obviously wanted to play in the big ten, and if they'd of known other big ten schools weren't an option, maybe Iowa would of still been their top choice. No matter if it's Barta's fault or the players fault, I think it might of benefited us if they'd of known.
Sounds like 2 families should have done there homework first... How is this Iowa's fault, they asked out they got what they asked.

Trust me if it was my boy, I would have done my research.

Brust/Larson parents are solely to blame. Do your homework next time and furthermore stop complaining.
Regardless, if they wanted to be at Iowa, they could be. If they were choosing a school, they would be. They chose a coach. He won 10 games, ugly at that. No surprise here.

I really doubt doubt Fran ran them off or raised any concerns that made them shiver with fear.
It appears they were potentially going to get an offer from one of the Big 10 schools or several schools and probably were going to take one of those offers. Now they can't and if they want to play in the midwest it will have to be at a minor school or they will have to move farther away where the parents won't be able to watch all of their games.

So they need to blame somebody because they are angry but they are also being irrational. Iowa did exactly what they wanted, let them out of their LOI. End of story. It was probably more the other schools fault for starting to recruit the players and THEIR fault for not knowing the rules. Iowa did not need to know the rules once they let the players out of their LOI, they were perfectly legal to continue recruit them, the other Big 10 players were not.

It is really too bad but it is also apparent that both players and families weren't planning on coming back to Iowa.

I like the rule. The rule stops other schools from within the conference from preying on other schools players when something like this happens. Do you think some Iowa fans might have been a little ticked if Larsen had gone to OSU and been a star or Brust to Wisconsin and starred? Let them go somewhere else and be stars...or come back to Iowa.
This whole thing makes no sense. It's not like Barta did these kids any harm whatsoever releasing them from the LOI's. Even if there was a miscomunication that is not the reason they can't go to another B10 school, the rule is.

Heaven forbid these kids parents and kid finds out a way to pay for one year of school on thier own before they get that 4 year free ride.

Three choices.

1) Honor your commitment to Iowa.
2) Go play for another team outside the B10.
3) Go to a B10 school, pay your first year, and shut up.

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