Barta on Brust/Larson release hubub

It kind of makes you wonder whether these guys were getting contacted before their releases, and in hearing that others would be interested, they wanted to shop their wares and see what would come up. Now, findng out that they cant play the game, that there are limits to whats available, that they are disappointed and angry, so it has to be directed elsewhere(not at themselves). I wonder if other teams in the BigTen knew of this, and baited these guys to do this? It would be an interesting tactic, and may well have worked.
When they came and asked to be released, Barta had no way of knowing that other Big Ten schools would be coming at them...why would he? So he is supposed to anticipate that other schools would ignore the rule and pursue these guys? This is on the other schools, who should have made it clear from the git-go that these recruits would have to pay their own way.
Talk about ungrateful. Iowa could have really been pr!cks and not let them out of their LOI's. They would have been sitting out no matter where they were going. Instead, these young men and their families got some delusions of grandeur thinking they'll just jump ship to another Big 10 school, ask to get out of the LOI (and get release) . . . but find out that they can't just go free-ride at another conference school.

This is Iowa's fault how? They got exactly what they asked for, and all of the ups and downs that go with it. Recruits & their families need to accept the responsibilities associated with signing a National Letter of Intent. Do they care if they are hosing Iowa? Obviously not. But they can still find a reason to complain because they can't have their cake and eat it too? Pathetic.
This whole thing makes no sense. It's not like Barta did these kids any harm whatsoever releasing them from the LOI's. Even if there was a miscomunication that is not the reason they can't go to another B10 school, the rule is.

Heaven forbid these kids parents and kid finds out a way to pay for one year of school on thier own before they get that 4 year free ride.

Three choices.

1) Honor your commitment to Iowa.
2) Go play for another team outside the B10.
3) Go to a B10 school, pay your first year, and shut up.

Choice 3 is not pay one year. You can NEVER receive a scholarship after you transfer within the Big Ten. So they would have to pay for all four years.
If Barta had explained it to them or made sure they fully understood this rule, that maybe they would of stayed at Iowa. If they are both upset they obviously wanted to play in the big ten, and if they'd of known other big ten schools weren't an option, maybe Iowa would of still been their top choice. No matter if it's Barta's fault or the players fault, I think it might of benefited us if they'd of known.

Your statement really doesn't make much sense. As I said, if this is true then resign with Iowa.

There is no way this is anyone at Iowa's fault.
Im thinking both parties were not happy with Lick being fired and this just adds fuel to the fire. Not that it is justifiable fire, but none the less they were not happy the way Barta sent Lick packing. Pretty childish behavior, and until this post by Jon I really wanted them back.
Choice 3 is not pay one year. You can NEVER receive a scholarship after you transfer within the Big Ten. So they would have to pay for all four years.

If they want to play in the Big Ten there is an easy answer. Get to work filling out the FAFSA and mommy and daddy can start to figure out how to pay for their kids education like the rest of us. A scholarship to play sports and receive a FREE EDUCATION at one of the finest universities in the nation is a priviledge not an entitlement.

Edit: One other thought, if this is the childish manner in which they are going to conduct themselves, maybe both parties are better off having them move on.
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Could it be that 6 Big 10 Schools, including Iowa, didn't think the rule applied since they hadn't enrolled and the scholarship "clock" hadn't started.

It's common knowledge once the athlete is in school but...
How is it considered a transfer if they are released from their letter of intent?

But it should be the responsibility of the student to understand the commitment they are making when signing a letter of intent and should know their limits in being released from scholarship.

I would think the documentation for signing with a big 10 school would detail information like this.

Then again, I would also think that there should probably be a provision for making an exception to the limits of being released when there is a coaching change.

I'm missing this point, too. How can this be a "transfer" if these two players have not yet taken a class at Iowa?

I suppose it is possible it is somewhere in the language of the various documents they've signed along the way -- letter of intent, acceptance of scholarship offer, acceptance of admission -- but it would be helpful to get a clearer explanation of why this is an issue and why the word "transfer" is being used when technically it does not appear they have anything to "transfer" from.

Something's not making sense.

Assuming the "transfer" rule does apply, what would be the ramifications if another Big 10 school offered a scholarship and one of these players accepted? Would Iowa have to raise the issue? Or would the Big 10 office presumably be aware of it on its own (big if) and investigate?
Could it be that 6 Big 10 Schools, including Iowa, didn't think the rule applied since they hadn't enrolled and the scholarship "clock" hadn't started.

It's common knowledge once the athlete is in school but...

Good could be onto something. I still don't get why the families would be mad at Barta for it...if they truly still have interest in being re-recruited by the Hawks.
In order for this to become a problem there not only had to be a miscommunication/misunderstanding between Barta and families, but also a very basic failure of due diligence on the part of the other B10 schools recruiting Brust and Larson.

If the families are holding Iowa solely responsible for the problem they face, then they are being irrational and unfair.

Not unfair--just idiotic. They wanted out...Iowa didn't tell them to leave. It is on them to find out what the rules are. I won't hold it against them for wanting out of their LOI's, but it is their decision, therefore their responsibility.
Why does Larson care he is going to Florida

Brust is a baby about it because he wanted to go to Wisc
When they came and asked to be released, Barta had no way of knowing that other Big Ten schools would be coming at them...why would he? So he is supposed to anticipate that other schools would ignore the rule and pursue these guys? This is on the other schools, who should have made it clear from the git-go that these recruits would have to pay their own way.

If they want to play in the Big Ten there is an easy answer. Get to work filling out the FAFSA and mommy and daddy can start to figure out how to pay for their kids education like the rest of us. A scholarship to play sports and receive a FREE EDUCATION at one of the finest universities in the nation is a priviledge not an entitlement.

Edit: One other thought, if this is the childish manner in which they are going to conduct themselves, maybe both parties are better off having them move on.

Good could be onto something. I still don't get why the families would be mad at Barta for it...if they truly still have interest in being re-recruited by the Hawks.

It is not on Barta (or anyone within the althletic staff at Iowa) to know who might be recruiting these kids. I believe it is possilble they were contacted by another school in the B10 before they were released from their LOI's. If they were, then they were not telling Barta this-and it would most certainly ALL be on the recruit and his family.
All this means is that they are mad about a B10 rule. Whether we let them out of their scholarship or not has no bearing on anything. They can still come to Iowa, now they have all options open to them, except they would have to pay at a B10 school.

If they had understood the rule better they wouldn't have asked out of the LOI? Would they just have stayed with Iowa as opposed to looking like they might leave if they couldn't be on scholarship at a B10 school next year?

What is the reason for them to be mad at Iowa, other than the fact that the coach that recruited them was fired?
I was not happy with either of these kids not honoring their commitment, but with the coaching change I felt that Iowa did the prudent thing and let them out of their LOI's. At any time until now I would have welcomed either of them back into the fold. But now with this kind of whining, I say good riddance, I don't want either of them back.
Mark me down as glad they are gone...I don't want them back even if they do want to come back...good riddance...the post about having mommy and daddy fill out the FAFSA is 10000000% had a shot, you blew it, go away.

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