Ballard fails drug test at NFL scouting combine

I agree it's stupid to take the chance, but it's stupid for the wrong reasons. Smoking does not automatically equal bad character or other drug use. They should be more concerned about players that binge drink or abuse alcohol, and that has been widely accepted in professional football as long as the game has been played.

Is it really that hard to comprehend? We are days before the draft and these guys know drug tests happen. It leaves a poor perception of character when you cannot stay clean prior to the draft even when you know the tests are coming. So what happens during the season...this tells teams they guys could be a problem and some teams do not want to deal with suspensions down the road.

I dont disagree with your other points.
Is it really that hard to comprehend? We are days before the draft and these guys know drug tests happen. It leaves a poor perception of character when you cannot stay clean prior to the draft even when you know the tests are coming.

I dont disagree with your other points.

I don't think I'm the one failing to comprehend anything. I fully understand that it's a stupid chance to take, as I have already stated. All I am saying is that it's stupid for the wrong reasons. People smoke weed; we know this. The NFL has this taboo regarding marijuana that makes no sense whatsoever. There are tons of other things they have accepted since the beginning of the league that are far worse yet do absolutely nothing about.
I don't think I'm the one failing to comprehend anything. I fully understand that it's a stupid chance to take, as I have already stated. All I am saying is that it's stupid for the wrong reasons. People smoke weed; we know this. The NFL has this taboo regarding marijuana that makes no sense whatsoever. There are tons of other things they have accepted since the beginning of the league that are far worse yet do absolutely nothing about.

You realize the NFL doesn't make the laws in this country, right? They have this crazy rule banning illegal drugs, which coincidently nearly every other company in the US also has too.
Does anyone know if a positive test at the combine counts a player's first offense in the NFL drug policy?

If so he would be looking at a 4 game suspension if he gets caught again.

If that is in fact the case, I wouldn't be surprised to see him fall quite a bit.
Come on, Christian... it's hard enough to get any respect for the Hawkeyes down here in the middle of SEC country as it it. Now they'll think the Hawks are just a bunch of stoners. Oh wait, that ship has already sailed. (Of course I never smoked any weed while I was living in Slater Hall... I swear. :cool:)

The only good thing about this story is that a Georgia Bulldog did the same thing, so maybe my Bulldog fan friends won't give me too much grief about it.
You realize the NFL doesn't make the laws in this country, right? They have this crazy rule banning illegal drugs, which coincidently nearly every other company in the US also has too.

Yes, and the NFL has had a very long history of looking the other way with other illegal drugs.
I agree it's stupid to take the chance, but it's stupid for the wrong reasons. Smoking does not automatically equal bad character or other drug use. They should be more concerned about players that binge drink or abuse alcohol, and that has been widely accepted in professional football as long as the game has been played.
Gravy, most people(me included) could care less how other people choose to live their life on their time. The problem is a large % of people can't separate work and play.
Almost everyone gets tested for drug use now..well unless you don't work and live off the taxpayers dime, then you are free to use and abuse all you want, at our expense.
I'm looking at this from another angle. Maybe this poor choice of timing drops his stock enough that the Chiefs can pick him up. I'm not too worried about his long term commitment, I guarantee a good percentage of the NFL smokes weed. He's going to be a stud and I want him on my team!
Yes, and the NFL has had a very long history of looking the other way with other illegal drugs.

Maybe in the 1980s and before. Prior to testing. You can say it's stupid that marijuana is illegal in this country (and the NFL) if you want. But it doesn't make it any less idiotic that Ballard did this - assuming it's not a false positive.

In short, I think you're arguing a different issue than most people are talking about here.
Yes, and the NFL has had a very long history of looking the other way with other illegal drugs.

Completely agree with GravyJones on their long history of the NFL looking the other way concerning illegal drugs. I also can't imagine all of the "legal things" that these players are ingesting that at some point down the road is going to cause adverse health effects.

Pot is illegal, he needs to pay the consequences but if he showed well enough in the combine a positive test on pot is not going to curtail his draft status very much. If it is one of other flags though that may have come up during the interview process with teams then it will hurt him even more.
Ahh, didn't this same banned substance dramatically affect Heisman winner Ricky Williams in the NFL? He at least didn't get caught until AFTER the draft and bonus'.

I think he also had some depression or other mental illness issues. But his lack of judgement cost him. Talent has kept him around, but not anywhere close to the superstar he could've been.

Ballard is a fool. Too bad it shines a light back on the U of I. Like it or not, it may affect other Hawks. Guilty by association. I'm sure It wasn't Ballard's first rodeo!

What I'm seeing is kinda typical of some of our fan base:

While playing for the Hawks it's "Yeah, Christian, way to get the sack you're the greatest!"

After making a mistake: "Man, Christian, are you a moron or what?"

He made a bad mistake and smoked some weed but let's not blow it out of proportion.
A lot of name calling against Ballard in this thread. Not cool. A day ago many of u name callers would have given Ballard a slurpy now u despise him? Even with getting caught i would still rather be in his shoes than yours.