Badger Football Hire a Lesson for Iowa?


Obviously, you can't speak the "unvarnished truth" about the Iowa football program because of potential reprisals against your website. You posts are like reading statements by politicians.

WTF??? This is HN, not Melrose Place brah.
You make the assumption Anderson will be a no-good hire. Do you think that a coach has to have the last name of Stoops, Meyer, Saban, etc. to be a good hire?

Did you ever hear of Hayden Fry when he was hired at Iowa?

Also, should Iowa continue to sink with Ferentz, you suggest Iowa just sticks with him?
what exactly don't I get? Please expain.
It's not the HC, it's the coordinators. Newsflash Einstein, who is responsible for hiring the coordinators? Who has seen to it that we have implemented the same schemes on both sides of the ball for the past 14 years? This is KF's style of football, and it doesn't matter who the OC or DC is, under him things will never change. You're an idiot if you don't understand that.
Utah St. Coach is a better coach than KF, and being second winning coach in Iowa history means absolutely nothing, you know people are grasping for straws when they say stuff like this. I remember several years ago when I said I wanted to change coaching staffs with Wisky and Homer and others thought that was nuts. I will gladly take the Wisky program with Gary Andersen over an Iowa led team with KF everyday of the week and twice on Sunday.
I think the only certainty is that when Ferentz leaves, if Iowa does better with the new coach, there will be those that say I told you so, and if Iowa does worse with a new coach, there will be those that say I told you so.
I think the only certainty is that when Ferentz leaves, if Iowa does better with the new coach, there will be those that say I told you so, and if Iowa does worse with a new coach, there will be those that say I told you so.

That's true of every coaching change, irregardless of the incumbent's success or lack thereof, bince they all develop some base of support. There were some -- even here on these boards -- who thought Lickliter deserved more time to work his National Coach of the Year magic with teh basketball program.
Every coaching change comes with its own risk/reward; risk that the new guy will do worse than the person they replaced, reward that they do better.

Rarely a reason not to make a change when performance isn't satisfactory.
I don't want KF to leave. All I want is a new OC and DC. Obviously we are not getting either of those so at least change up some of the schemes. Fake a blitz once in a while, not throw a 3 yard pass when you need 10 on third down. You get the drift....

what exactly don't I get? Please expain.

What you aren't "getting" is that your above post is actually making Jon's point. When O'Keefe was around many of us were screaming for a new OC. Well we got our wish this year. Enter our savior, Greg Davis. How did that work for us? Not so well.

What Jon was articulating in his article is the same thing could happen with KF. If we run him out of town or he leaves, we can't assume we will bring in a top name and things will get better. The odds are we won't get a brand name coach. As the Greg Davis experiment reinforces, that means things could get a lot worse than they are currently.
Jon, your imaginary status as the Iowa top dog Internet Wanker and your opinion of the Wisc. hire are meaningless. I see what you're doing,'re back on the KF azzkiss trail and defiantly going against the system

Welcome back to quit worrying about Wisc
It's not the HC, it's the coordinators. Newsflash Einstein, who is responsible for hiring the coordinators? Who has seen to it that we have implemented the same schemes on both sides of the ball for the past 14 years? This is KF's style of football, and it doesn't matter who the OC or DC is, under him things will never change. You're an idiot if you don't understand that.

Considering the fact that I am an "idiot," let me clarify some things. We all might as well accept the fact that KF is not leaving. Even if he did leave or was fired, where would that leave us? I don't believe the university would spend the money for a top tier coach, and who knows is a top tier coach would even want to coach at Iowa. Would the program be better off with a different coach at this point in time? Who knows, but I'm thinking probably not.

My comment about wanting a new OC and DC stems from above. If the head coach isn't going to change, some other things needs to change. Unfortunately it's NOT going to happen. If that's the case, they could at least switch up some schemes. But that's probably not going to happen as well. so....we are
You make the assumption Anderson will be a no-good hire. Do you think that a coach has to have the last name of Stoops, Meyer, Saban, etc. to be a good hire?

Did you ever hear of Hayden Fry when he was hired at Iowa?

Also, should Iowa continue to sink with Ferentz, you suggest Iowa just sticks with him?

The premise of this entire article wasn't that Andersen is a bad hire, the premise is that he is clearly not the guy they wanted, and not the type of coach Wisconsin fans expected coming off a string of championships. Jon pointed out, correctly, that finding a coach is more difficult than just having an opening, and pointed out, correctly, that if Iowa fired Ferrets and hired a WAC coach, Iowa fans would meltdown, at least at first.

Am I the only one who remembers the day Fran was hired?
The premise of this entire article wasn't that Andersen is a bad hire, the premise is that he is clearly not the guy they wanted, and not the type of coach Wisconsin fans expected coming off a string of championships. Jon pointed out, correctly, that finding a coach is more difficult than just having an opening, and pointed out, correctly, that if Iowa fired Ferrets and hired a WAC coach, Iowa fans would meltdown, at least at first.

Am I the only one who remembers the day Fran was hired?

This right here. Although I don't think that Jon was saying that Andersen was a bad hire just not the first, second, etc. choice.

Could he turn out to be a great coach? Sure, but I think the point was it isn't like Iowa will have the top 5 guys in the nation beating down Barta's door to interview for the job like so many on here think will happen.
The irony in the initial post and what has been spawned since, is simply incredible. Ferentz was a no name hire that nobody wanted when he was hired. It happened! Now, that's the lesson from the Wisconsin hire? Now, the Skipper and his Gilligans, are the ones jumping up and down trying to preserve the regime of of a "little known hire." < You just can't make this up!

Next, GA's 2012 program would bury KF's at home or in Kinnick, and he has a small fraction of the resources that KF has to work with. < Boy, would I hate that swap.

Finally; but not last, who cares if the hire is Bill Belicheck for UNI's equipment manager? If the guy works out, he works out. If he doesn't, you move on {quickly} as would any ordinary and professional organization that is not frozen by the fear of failure and it's own shadow. Show me one example anywhere, where any entity sits on its hands for nine [9] years, watching an exec who is compensated at the pinnacle of his profession average five [5] losses per season?
The premise of this entire article wasn't that Andersen is a bad hire, the premise is that he is clearly not the guy they wanted, and not the type of coach Wisconsin fans expected coming off a string of championships. Jon pointed out, correctly, that finding a coach is more difficult than just having an opening, and pointed out, correctly, that if Iowa fired Ferrets and hired a WAC coach, Iowa fans would meltdown, at least at first.

There you go again, ghost. In a very clear and concise manner, in the midst of 252 responses in this thread, explain exactly what JM's point was in his article. When will you learn that rational thought and logic will get you nowhere on this site? Now if I could only get you to spell Kirk's name correctly...and, yes, I do remember the day Fran was hired. Another good point that will be lost in the shuffle.
The irony in the initial post and what has been spawned since, is simply incredible. Ferentz was a no name hire that nobody wanted when he was hired. It happened! Now, that's the lesson from the Wisconsin hire? Now, the Skipper and his Gilligans, are the ones jumping up and down trying to preserve the regime of of a "little known hire." < You just can't make this up!

Next, GA's 2012 program would bury KF's at home or in Kinnick, and he has a small fraction of the resources that KF has to work with. < Boy, would I hate that swap.

Finally; but not last, who cares if the hire is Bill Belicheck for UNI's equipment manager? If the guy works out, he works out. If he doesn't, you move on {quickly} as would any ordinary and professional organization that is not frozen by the fear of failure and it's own shadow. Show me one example anywhere, where any entity sits on its hands for nine [9] years, watching an exec who is compensated at the pinnacle of his profession average five [5] losses per season?

This post is just as stupid as the last time you said the same thing. Try an original thought, if you have ever had one. Hi, myth...I'm back!
This post is just as stupid as the last time you said the same thing. Try an original thought, if you have ever had one. Hi, myth...I'm back!
Another powerful and thoughtful retort from SheBoyGin's favorite paperboy! The irony here, is that you seem to be improving.....
The premise of this entire article wasn't that Andersen is a bad hire, the premise is that he is clearly not the guy they wanted, and not the type of coach Wisconsin fans expected coming off a string of championships. Jon pointed out, correctly, that finding a coach is more difficult than just having an opening, and pointed out, correctly, that if Iowa fired Ferrets and hired a WAC coach, Iowa fans would meltdown, at least at first.

There you go again, ghost. In a very clear and concise manner, in the midst of 252 responses in this thread, explain exactly what JM's point was in his article. When will you learn that rational thought and logic will get you nowhere on this site? Now if I could only get you to spell Kirk's name correctly...and, yes, I do remember the day Fran was hired. Another good point that will be lost in the shuffle.

The true point is: who the hell cares [who] the hire is, as long as he can do the job. Kirk Ferentz can't or won't do the job, so let's find someone who can/will, regardless of who the fans want. Wisconsin is coming off three straight trips to the Rose Bowl, while Iowa is coming off a 6 loss '10, a 7 loss '11, a 8 loss '12 while staring a 8+ loss '13 straight in the face. Which fanbase do you suppose should/will be more concerned about the [who]?
Not to like KF as our coach is one thing. But Im not sure how anyone can say he has sit on his hands for nine years when he has had 3 or 4 top ten finishes. Been in two BCS bowls. That may not meet some people expectations but its not chicken feed either

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