Badger Football Hire a Lesson for Iowa?

Yes Stewart Mandel is just a blogger, not the lead football writer for CNNSI.

Good job, good effort.

Oh. In that case, Andersen is the perfect coach for UW. Thanks for clearing that up. I am sure the delay in hiring him was just contract negotiations.
Most every time I write something and a discussion ensues here on the boards, there are angles and aspects that I wish I would have either explored or considered. That's the main thing I truly love about the message boards; the debate and exchange of opinions. Even if I don't agree with all of them, I thank you all for taking the time to chime in and share your thoughts.
Most every time I write something and a discussion ensues here on the boards, there are angles and aspects that I wish I would have either explored or considered. That's the main thing I truly love about the message boards; the debate and exchange of opinions. Even if I don't agree with all of them, I thank you all for taking the time to chime in and share your thoughts.

Jon, you didn't post a smiley face or anything like that so are you serious or being sarcastic?

I NEED TO KNOW!!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!?!!?!??!!?!!!?
I wonder how close wisky got to hiring Chris Petersen. Was it just a token visit or was their serious interest on his part?
the main crux of what I wrote, or what I intended it to be and perhaps did not do a good enough job of making clear, is that a great number of Badger fans I know, or follow, or writers I know and or follow, felt that the Badgers would be in line for a 'name' get, given what they have accomplished.

That didn't happen.

Greg Andersen may turn out to be a good coach, but he was nowhere near a 'name' get. Many of the national writers signing his praises today have likely never even spilled ink on his name or spent a second in the Utah State press box or media room for a weekly presser. Tis the nature of the beast.

I think a great number of Iowa fans will also feel that Iowa will and or must needs land a big name when the day comes that Kirk is no longer Iowa's head coach...and I've read more than a few of those opinions around here over the last few months.

I disagree with that notion as I do not believe the coaching world holds the Iowa job in the esteem that Iowa fans do, save for the fact that Iowa has paid a lot of money to its head coach.
LOLerz. Strawman argument building 101 with Ghost now in session.

What am I arguing? You said most of the media thought this was a great hire. It clearly isn't, and the only evidence you provided was Stewart Mandel and a bunch of blogs with links reading "Hottest Cheerleaders of College Football 2012!"

I am not constructing a strawman to ridicule your argument. I want to be abundantly clear, I am ridiculing your argument head on.
What am I arguing? You said most of the media thought this was a great hire. It clearly isn't, and the only evidence you provided was Stewart Mandel and a bunch of blogs with links reading "Hottest Cheerleaders of College Football 2012!"

I am not constructing a strawman to ridicule your argument. I want to be abundantly clear, I am ridiculing your argument head on.

I said most of the media was high on the hire. They are.

Please provide your argument for why it wasn't a good hire, besides the fact that he wasn't the first guy they asked.

Only a complete idiot would think you can judge whether or not a coach was a good hire the day after they got hired.

But that's what trolls do, so troll on Ghost.
the main crux of what I wrote, or what I intended it to be and perhaps did not do a good enough job of making clear, is that a great number of Badger fans I know, or follow, or writers I know and or follow, felt that the Badgers would be in line for a 'name' get, given what they have accomplished.

That didn't happen.

Greg Andersen may turn out to be a good coach, but he was nowhere near a 'name' get. Many of the national writers signing his praises today have likely never even spilled ink on his name or spent a second in the Utah State press box or media room for a weekly presser. Tis the nature of the beast.

I think a great number of Iowa fans will also feel that Iowa will and or must needs land a big name when the day comes that Kirk is no longer Iowa's head coach...and I've read more than a few of those opinions around here over the last few months.

I disagree with that notion as I do not believe the coaching world holds the Iowa job in the esteem that Iowa fans do, save for the fact that Iowa has paid a lot of money to its head coach.

Really? Because all it looked like was you were making excuses for Kurt's mediocrity and blah blah blah a broom with a bucket for a head would be a better coach blah blah blah with our money we would surely get a better coach than Wisconsin.
Really? Because all it looked like was you were making excuses for Kurt's mediocrity and blah blah blah a broom with a bucket for a head would be a better coach blah blah blah with our money we would surely get a better coach than Wisconsin.

Perhaps I took the East St Louis exit.
I said most of the media was high on the hire. They are.

Please provide your argument for why it wasn't a good hire, besides the fact that he wasn't the first guy they asked.

I have several times. He's an older coach from the WAC who has only coached in the state of Utah the past 15 years. He has never coached in the Midwest. He has no recruiting ties in the midwest. He has no ties with assistants who coach the midwest. He's never even been on the staff of a BCS school. He coached a spread option at Utah St, which his new boss will not let him run at Wisconsin. He's going to start his job as coach with the AD literally coaching the same team at the same time. He is going into a situation where immediate results are expected, despite the fact he'll probably have a steep learning curve.
Yeah, badger coaches have just torn it up:

Steve Yoder...Losing overall and Big Ten record
Stu Jackson...Losing Big Ten Record
Stan Van Gundy ...Losing overall and Big Ten record
Dick Bennett...Losing Big Ten record

Heck, I've visited your basketball forum. Even your fans don't look back fondly on that bunch.
LMAO. Just because Iowa DOES throw more money at their coach doesn't mean they HAVE more money to throw at their coach. Wisconsin has a healthier football program, basketball program and has sold out both major sports for well over a decade.

In case you didn't notice we are going to our 3rd consecutive Rose Bowl and our 6th in 20 years. Wisconsin is on a higher tier than Iowa is right now and it isn't even an arguable point.

You may want to research the profitability of your athletic department, bro. You won't like what you find. If the program is so "healthy" as you claim, why didn't Barry pony up the sheckles for Bert's assistant's?
I have several times. He's an older coach from the WAC who has only coached in the state of Utah the past 15 years. He has never coached in the Midwest. He has no recruiting ties in the midwest. He has no ties with assistants who coach the midwest. He's never even been on the staff of a BCS school. He coached a spread option at Utah St, which his new boss will not let him run at Wisconsin. He's going to start his job as coach with the AD literally coaching the same team at the same time. He is going into a situation where immediate results are expected, despite the fact he'll probably have a steep learning curve.

Those are reasons why you think it might not be a good hire. Saying this is a bad hire is typical internet, we have to judge everything right now, this is the worst hire evAR! mindset. The Skip Bayless type of argument, there's no in between, no letting things play out.

Nevermind that Andersen pulled off a huge turnaround at Utah St of all places. He took the Aggies to their first bowl game in 14 years, finished this season 11-2 and ranked in the top 25, competed well with several BCS programs. He's known as a great defensive coach, he had Utah St in the top 15 in the country, his offensive strategy, while spread based, is heavily dependent on the run, 6th in the nation this year. He can hire assistants who know the midwest and have recruiting connections, and luckily he has an AD who has tons of those connections. You can establish the recruiting pipelines, you can't make up the head coaching experience which he brings. He's actually ran a program before not just been a coordinator.

He's not going to achieve the same level of success Bielima did with 3 straight Rose Bowls, no coach is going to with Urban Meyer at OSU, but there's just as many reasons you can point to for why it's a good hire.
You may want to research the profitability of your athletic department, bro. You won't like what you find. If the program is so "healthy" as you claim, why didn't Barry pony up the sheckles for Bert's assistant's?

Don't know the specifics but Bret said in his interview with Jim Rome that it had to do with state law in Wisconsin with percentage of pay raises for state employees that prevented it.

Sure wish Iowa had that law!
I knew I'd be peeing into the wind with this because the Ferentz lynch mob would not like it. That's ok.

Good Article. Many have the same thoughts on KF and our future. I completely understand peoples angst, anger, etc. But your article is in line with my thoughts.

Activebadger is mmmmmaaaaaaaadddddddd though.
There is literally no answer, truth or otherwise, that the ferentz haters would accept.

It's ok, we can disagree on the premise.

We are, in fact, all Hawkeye fans.....
Haven't read all the posts but I agree with the overall intent of the article that when it comes time for Iowa it will likely be similar to the WI experience if not more challenging. Couple thoughts........

* college football success is not measured in decades anymore

* there will always be risk involved with the next hire regardless of who it is

* you can be critical of Iowa's program under Ferentz as of late yet still believe he's not due to be fired at this stage
Good Article. Many have the same thoughts on KF and our future. I completely understand peoples angst, anger, etc. But your article is in line with my thoughts.

Activebadger is mmmmmaaaaaaaadddddddd though.

He is a badger fan, no one cares about him. If he is going to come here then odds are he is leaving mad. Not many fans of other teams leave here happy.

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