the main crux of what I wrote, or what I intended it to be and perhaps did not do a good enough job of making clear, is that a great number of Badger fans I know, or follow, or writers I know and or follow, felt that the Badgers would be in line for a 'name' get, given what they have accomplished.
That didn't happen.
Greg Andersen may turn out to be a good coach, but he was nowhere near a 'name' get. Many of the national writers signing his praises today have likely never even spilled ink on his name or spent a second in the Utah State press box or media room for a weekly presser. Tis the nature of the beast.
I think a great number of Iowa fans will also feel that Iowa will and or must needs land a big name when the day comes that Kirk is no longer Iowa's head coach...and I've read more than a few of those opinions around here over the last few months.
I disagree with that notion as I do not believe the coaching world holds the Iowa job in the esteem that Iowa fans do, save for the fact that Iowa has paid a lot of money to its head coach.