Badger Football Hire a Lesson for Iowa?

I've read plenty of people posting that they want to see Ferentz gone regardless. That they don't care who Iowa gets just as long as there is change. I think that's pure stupidity. And believe me if Iowa hired to Gary Andersen? People would be furious about that.

Right again. JM--21 Trolls--0
This would be the only point I think Jon overlooked in his assessment. Regardless, I still think Jon's point is valid, that it is naive to think Iowa is a given to bring in some top name coach should KF leave.

You could say that about 98 percent of the college football programs in the country. Not a legitimate reason to not consider making a change at this point.
A much better question would be "Why is he in a position in year 14 to have to turn it around?" Therein lies the question and the answer as to why people want to see him gone.

Very dumb post...not at all unusual for programs to have up/down cycles, especially the Iowa's, the Wisconsin's, the Northwestern's of the world (just three quick examples).
This would be the only point I think Jon overlooked in his assessment. Regardless, I still think Jon's point is valid, that it is naive to think Iowa is a given to bring in some top name coach should KF leave.
Who needs one?! All we need is some obscure NFL position coach to come in, turn this mess around, and stay as long as he keeps the program moving forward.
Out in the real world, is it considered "lynching," when the shareholders expect performance from a CEO with 14 years on the job who is being compensated at the top of his profession?

Clearly, if you were smart enough to look around the coaching profession, regardless of the KF issue, you would quickly recognize that big time football coaching is far more brutal than what you imagine to be the "real world."
Clearly, if you were smart enough to look around the coaching profession, regardless of the KF issue, you would quickly recognize that big time football coaching is far more brutal than what you imagine to be the "real world."

lol yeah those poor bastards and their millions of dollars. Get real clown.
To get back to the original point that I think Iowa has more advantages to hiring a coach then Wisconsin.
1. more money to throw at Coach
2. Not in Barry's shadow all the time. Bret could have went to 5 straight rose bowls and went 1-4 and they would have said he sucked and Barry was 3-0.
3. i have not done the research but I feel like we have way more coaches with Iowa Ties than wisconsin ties.
4. Some would say as of now we are in the "easier" division to win and make it to the BIG championship game.

I also understand that a good coach in a Big conference is not going to come to Iowa. Peterson from Boise is not going to come to Iowa even if we paid him $5mill a year. But i think we could get a solid OC/DC from a big conference. The problem all schools have with that is you don't know what they will be as head coaches. I thought Wisc should go after Kirby Smart and pay him the 2.3 mill that Bret was making. He likes the ground and pound game and I thought that would be a great first job for him that he could lead into a SEC job.
You make some very good points and you use some nice stats to back it up but the big thing that is glaringly staring at everyone in the face is ROI. If the U of I is fine with this then everyone needs to shut up, but I have a hard time believing and would not myself pay for this. Iowa has made a huge investment in KF. So big, that there are only 5 other coaches that maybe have been invested in more than KF, yet I can point to probably 20 other coaches that have been putting more consitent and better results than KF. Actually I can probably in the last 3 years prove that the ROI for 50 other coaches is greater than that of KF. Do you really believe we are seeing our investment being returned? If he was given this contract to maintain a succesful program then he has failed. If he was given this contract for building a program up through 2009 then shame on Iowa and thye have to eat it.

I assume that by "our investment" you mean that you are a major donor to the Iowa athletic program? Remember not one penny of tax dollars go to KF.
Lickliter's style of play was never, ever a fit for the Iowa program. Ever.

I remember a press conference where Barta defended the style of play and said that he thought people would like it. Fail.

Kind of the same way Wisconsin fans hate Bo Ryan's style of play? If Lick could have recruited and related to his players and the fans the way Ryan does, his system would likely have been just fine. Its almost never the system, man; its usually the way the recruiting and player relations go.
Clearly, if you were smart enough to look around the coaching profession, regardless of the KF issue, you would quickly recognize that big time football coaching is far more brutal than what you imagine to be the "real world."
LMAO! You have never managed anything, have you?
That's the selling point right there, if we want a top level coach, go throw 4 milly at him and see if he can turn that down. I highly doubt wisky threw that type of bread at any coach they looked at prior to GA.

Lets just say that things don't get better. Lets just say that after the 2014 season, KF is asked to retire/resign. My guess is that $4 million will not, by that time, be viewed as an excessive salary for a head coach in the Big Ten. What do you think?
Lets just say that things don't get better. Lets just say that after the 2014 season, KF is asked to retire/resign. My guess is that $4 million will not, by that time, be viewed as an excessive salary for a head coach in the Big Ten. What do you think?

I think you are an idiot and should just leave because you don't seem to get that you are an idiot.........
lol yeah those poor bastards and their millions of dollars. Get real clown.

Here is what I used to tel people when they complained that I was overpaid: "Well, I understand. But, all I did was apply for the job. When I leave here, you should get out your resume'."
I think you are an idiot and should just leave because you don't seem to get that you are an idiot.........

A little scared of being challenged, Myth? Sorry. I will not pick on you any more...don't want to hurt your feelings or downgrade your self esteem.
I knew I'd be peeing into the wind with this because the Ferentz lynch mob would not like it. That's ok.

Agreed! You are throwing your pearls to swine. Fortunately the crazed, irrational cynics who seem to have taken over this forum are not accurate slices of the representation of attitudes of the vast majority of Hawkeye football fans.

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