Bad news

It might take Kathleen a couple of games to get locked in again at point guard. Lucky for us the Hawks have the next 2 games that should be fairly easy games for her to practice on. Would love to have Tania get a red shirt but I don't know the particulars on that for basketball. Just plain rotten luck. That puts us down to 10 players. Amanda and Carly are going to need to step up with some productive minutes.

Who is the two deep behind Kathleen at the point? Any freshman that will see increased PT?
One more thing, at just about time there are multiple threads in the main Hawkeye sports forums about non Iowa teams. Those threads clearly have no place there. These threads do as this is Iowa Basketball. There are 2 teams that are Iowa basketball teams. If there is to be any outrage it should be about other universities being on the main sports forums as I don’t care about those teams.

Agree, it's Iowa and it's basketball. I don't want a thread topic list so long and granular to sort thru. I can tell what a thread is pertaining to when I see your name. I know it's going to pertain to Iowa women, so I open and enjoy it.
Your thread title says "bad news", does not mention Tania Davis at all.

Look, I'll advocate your own sub forum. Just be a little less confusing on your titles. I'm not asking for a lot.

Yea, I get that. It had a little "Shock Jock" to it and may have been a bit misleading. I saw that IAClinton posted it so knew it pertained to women's b-ball, in particular, Davis's injury. I can see your side/point.
Who is the two deep behind Kathleen at the point? Any freshman that will see increased PT?
That's a good question. There isn't really anybody else. The Hawks do have a walk on freshman Zion Sanders that could probably help out with some minutes. 2 many transfers the last 2 years at that position has caused some problems. It will be remedied next year but that doesn't help much for this season. The 3 starters Mac, Alexis and Kathleen could possibly rotate throughout the game at point guard but there's nobody off the bench.
The title for this thread should've been "Tania Davis torn ACL" or something like that. "bad news" is "bad form".
No kidding I was like what the hell happened now? Couldn't care less about womens sports period. It's just not entertaining to watch.
Sorry to hear that Hawkfnntn. Women's basketball has come along ways since they started 5 on 5. I realize it's not for everybody but to say it's not entertaining just isn't correct. This Iowa basketball ream is far from boring. If you haven't watched a game you wouldn't have a clue. I'm sorry you lost 30 seconds of your life reading something about an athlete getting hurt and will be missing the rest of the season for the second year in a row. At least be gracious enough to say something nice. These ladies work very hard just like the men and deserve better than a statement could care less. To be on the safe side don't ever open a thread started by ClintonIAfan and all will be ok.
The title for this thread should've been "Tania Davis torn ACL" or something like that. "bad news" is "bad form".
Yes it could of but it's not the end of the world. I think we all open threads that we wish we hadn't. Most people don't degrade it or belittle whoever or whatever about it. I know I don't. Anyway all that matters is this Iowa Hawkeye Basketball team is being talked about and just maybe they will impress some on Hawkeye Nation that hasn't ever taken the time to watch. This team has got a very special lady making a lot of headlines. Go Hawks! Tania is a hell of good point guard and she'll be missed badly.
Yes it could of but it's not the end of the world. I think we all open threads that we wish we hadn't. Most people don't degrade it or belittle whoever or whatever about it. I know I don't. Anyway all that matters is this Iowa Hawkeye Basketball team is being talked about and just maybe they will impress some on Hawkeye Nation that hasn't ever taken the time to watch. This team has got a very special lady making a lot of headlines. Go Hawks! Tania is a hell of good point guard and she'll be missed badly.

I wasn't trying to belittle, just hoping for a better tomorrow :cool:
First off the bench will be Amanda Ollinger at forward, with Meyer shifting to the point guard position. Next in the rotation would be Zion Sanders. I don’t know if Carly Mohns can play the 3 position or not.
I can watch anything as long as I have a rooting interest. I can't flip on a soccer game and watch two random teams, but if it's the US playing another country, I'll end up screaming at my t.v. I can watch random men's basketball games where I don't care who wins but I can't do that with women's basketball. I can watch the hell out of the women's Iowa team tho.
Sorry to hear that Hawkfnntn. Women's basketball has come along ways since they started 5 on 5. I realize it's not for everybody but to say it's not entertaining just isn't correct. This Iowa basketball ream is far from boring. If you haven't watched a game you wouldn't have a clue. I'm sorry you lost 30 seconds of your life reading something about an athlete getting hurt and will be missing the rest of the season for the second year in a row. At least be gracious enough to say something nice. These ladies work very hard just like the men and deserve better than a statement could care less. To be on the safe side don't ever open a thread started by ClintonIAfan and all will be ok.
I've watched womens basketball before. Compared to mens I just don't like it. It's like the difference between Varsity ball at a 4 A school in HS and 7th graders at a 1A school. It's not even close. If you and others enjoy it then that's great for you. I just can't get over the fact women are all about 'equality' right? Yet they play games with a smaller basketball. Why don't they just lower the hoop and shorten the court for them too?
So just because women work hard they deserving of praise? Regardless of how good they are. That sounds sexist and condescending to me. I'm just being real. They aren't as good or as fun/entertaining to watch compared to men to me. Be honest with yourself if there's a mens game and a womens Iowa game on at the same time which one are you watching? And don't say you'll flip back and forth. You have to miss one of them which do you pick?
I watch on and listen to the other, at the same time trying to post to the forums. Game time when both teams are playing is very busy for me!
I've watched womens basketball before. Compared to mens I just don't like it. It's like the difference between Varsity ball at a 4 A school in HS and 7th graders at a 1A school. It's not even close. If you and others enjoy it then that's great for you. I just can't get over the fact women are all about 'equality' right? Yet they play games with a smaller basketball. Why don't they just lower the hoop and shorten the court for them too?
So just because women work hard they deserving of praise? Regardless of how good they are. That sounds sexist and condescending to me. I'm just being real. They aren't as good or as fun/entertaining to watch compared to men to me. Be honest with yourself if there's a mens game and a womens Iowa game on at the same time which one are you watching? And don't say you'll flip back and forth. You have to miss one of them which do you pick?
Lol I happen to DVR all women's games. Like I said they've come along ways. As far as watching the men's game they haven't actually been very fun to watch and there's probably a dozen threads about that but I'm not going to try and compare them to other sex. You don't like them because it's like watching Varsity ball at the 4A school in HS and the 7th. graders at a 1A school. Hmmmmmm to each his own but you're missing the mark by a lot. And to answer the question about the ball yes it's smaller and was intentionally done to help the women's game advance. Which it has. The hoop will always be the same as it is in the men's game. You just like all the dunking in the men's game because that's the only difference between the 2. By the way I DVR all women's games because I want to know what the Hawks will come up against. I watch the men 99% of the time and root for them just as any Hawkeye sport. Sorry you have the wrong impression of the women's game. I take it you've never had a daughter play basketball. It really is awful for Tania. Go Hawks! I'm sorry I keep dragging into this thread about women's basketball. :)
Lol I happen to DVR all women's games. Like I said they've come along ways. As far as watching the men's game they haven't actually been very fun to watch and there's probably a dozen threads about that but I'm not going to try and compare them to other sex. You don't like them because it's like watching Varsity ball at the 4A school in HS and the 7th. graders at a 1A school. Hmmmmmm to each his own but you're missing the mark by a lot. And to answer the question about the ball yes it's smaller and was intentionally done to help the women's game advance. Which it has. The hoop will always be the same as it is in the men's game. You just like all the dunking in the men's game because that's the only difference between the 2. By the way I DVR all women's games because I want to know what the Hawks will come up against. I watch the men 99% of the time and root for them just as any Hawkeye sport. Sorry you have the wrong impression of the women's game. I take it you've never had a daughter play basketball. It really is awful for Tania. Go Hawks! I'm sorry I keep dragging into this thread about women's basketball. :)
So your insinuating that my opinion about what I enjoy/prefer is wrong. Just because I enjoy basketball played by men doesn't mean I'm wrong to not enjoy it being played by women because it's NOT THE SAME. You want me to rattle off major differences that I see. The obvious size difference. The speed of the men is way faster. The overall athleticism. The ball handling is better, Why is it in womens ball they have like 20 jump balls a game? You don't see that in the mens game very much at all. It's so annoying to watch that most every rebound/loose ball ends with 2 or 3 girls hugging the ball for a jump ball. It's not just the dunking that I enjoy and yes I do enjoy that too. Why is it that a game that's so good needs 'advancing'? That means it must not be that good.... But to say dunking is the only difference is just wrong and not true at all.

If women want equality I think there should only be one basketball team per university. If women are good enough to make teams and get scholarships then great but good luck finding any that could compete for men for one. You'll never see it. They aren't athletic enough. But for the mens programs to be financially propping up the womens is just beyond unfair and BS. It's the opposite of equality. None of the arenas around the country could have been built or ran if it not for the mens programs bringing in the money. Women want it both ways. They want to be catered too and preferential treatment at the same time 'equality'. Give me a break. Where else in the real world does it work that way?
Well, due to your ignorance, you may be missing a very special Iowa season including a rare All-American player that could contend for the most valuable player in women's college basketball. To each his own.
Sorry womens sports aren't entertaining to me regardless of the jersey they wear. I'm not missing anything if I couldn't care less about it. Did you miss out on who won the championship in womens water polo in Poland this year? Not really because you didn't care. I'd have to give a rip about Iowa womens hoops to be able to miss it to me. They can win it all but it'd still be womens basketball. If they beat the mens team then I'll watch.
Sorry womens sports aren't entertaining to me regardless of the jersey they wear. I'm not missing anything if I couldn't care less about it. Did you miss out on who won the championship in womens water polo in Poland this year? Not really because you didn't care. I'd have to give a rip about Iowa womens hoops to be able to miss it to me. They can win it all but it'd still be womens basketball. If they beat the mens team then I'll watch.

No, because the Hawks weren't playing. I enjoy watching a multitude of sports, but I particularly enjoy watching a game where the Hawks are involved. I'm not much of a wrestling fan, but I will watch the Hawks wrestle. I really enjoy football, volleyball, mens and womens basketball, mens and womens track & field, softball and baseball. I've watched them all on TV and live.
Even HawkeyeSports has different sections for Mens and Womens Basketball. HN should do the same thing. Just reading this post indicates that there is sufficient interest that a WBB forum could possibly be viable. By separating them into two different forums enables posters to pick and switch to sports they want to follow. For example, I frequently switch between the Football and Basketball forums. So those interested in WBB could just as easily switch between MBB and WBB.
No, because the Hawks weren't playing. I enjoy watching a multitude of sports, but I particularly enjoy watching a game where the Hawks are involved. I'm not much of a wrestling fan, but I will watch the Hawks wrestle. I really enjoy football, volleyball, mens and womens basketball, mens and womens track & field, softball and baseball. I've watched them all on TV and live.
And that's cool. We all like what we do for whatever reasons we have. I was taking issue with those saying I am missing out and or wrong for not liking Iowa womens hoops just because I like Iowa's mens team. To me that's like saying you have to like the Lingerie football team in your town just because they play in the same city of the NFL team there you like. No you don't...

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