At what point do you hold Kirk Ferentz accountable?

When you say hold Coach Ferentz accountable what do you mean? Firing him? Giving him a stern talking to? Demoting him from Captain Kirk to Lieutenant Kirk?

I think it'd be reasonable to work incentives into his pay structure where he gets paid better if players don't get arrested, just like he gets paid better for graduating a large percentage of his players. Besides that, short of firing him, what can you really do except try to do a better job next year?
Oh give me a break. He is the head coach. He recruited them, ergo, he takes some measures of responsibility for their actions while they are a member of the University of Iowa football team.

But hey, maybe Iowa can just become the U of the midwest? That's ok with everybody, right? We can stop reporting on all these arrests; who cares? Let DJK and ARob play in teh bowl game!

And people think Xerxes is full of it when he says that nobody ever holds Ferentz responsible for anything? :rolleyes: This thread is proof of it. Pathetic.

I'm sure Kirk does take responsibility for his players. However that's not the question that was asked. It was asked at what point do YOU hold Kirk accountable. The answer for me is quite simple. If Kirk knew about it and did nothing, I hold him accountable. My guess is that he didn't know or may have suspected something was up but didn't have proof or know to what degree something was up. We do know that he has tried correcting something with the said player before. To me that's taking responsibility, right?
Silvan your clueless and again we are talking about a player that is already suspended from the team. Who has been away from team activities for quite sometime.

Last post to this thread.

Not quite.

History continues to repeat itself under Ferentz. You can pass the blame and cry about culpability all you want, but no one outside of the diehard Iowa fanbase is going to see it that way. It's just another Hawkeye player in a very long list thats been arrested while Ferentz was in charge. Honestly what number is this? It has to be pushing 50 at this point.
I think the following hypothetical situation would be the only thing that would appease some fans:

(Cut to scene: KF in 4 star recruits living room trying to close the deal)

KF: Listen, Johnny, we really want to you to be a Hawkeye. We have a strong tradition of producing winning teams, a great education and graduation rate and the opportunity to play football at the next level should you work hard and have the talent necessary. While we're not flashy, the foundation we will provide to you will not only help you on the field, but in life.

Johnny: Sounds good coach, but Michigan and Nebraska are high on my list as well.

KF: I understand. Those are fine schools, but as you have seen with your recruiting visits and attending the Iowa-Ohio State game at Kinnick, I think if you really think about it you know being a Hawkeye is special.

Johnny: Coach, my parents and I have discussed it and with the winning program and strong graduation rate, I will be a Hawkeye.

KF: That's great Johnny. Oh by way, I have had alot of pressure put on me by the media, fans and school administration to be 100% accountable for each of my players actions. You know, you're 18 yrs old and despite everything your parents have taught you and the lessons and values our coaching staff will instill in you during your time on the team, you're still an idiot like most 18 year old boys.
So we have a few little things we will require in order to keep track of your every action. Really not a big deal.

Johnny: Like what coach?

KF: Well first off you will live in university housing.

Johnny: OK, not a problem.

KF: The university housing has surveillance cameras on 24/7 tracking your every move and you can only enter by key card. No non-football players will be allowed to enter. Parents can visit, but only in the designated areas. You will be allowed to leave for classes and practice.

Johnny: OK.....

KF: When you do leave you will be required to wear an ankle bracelet with GPS and alchohol/drug detection abilities. Not a big deal.

Johnny: OK....

KF: Oh, also, when you use the restroom, your urine and other waste will be analyzed for illicit substances. Not that you would take anything illegal, but it also allows us to make sure you are eating your brocholli.

Johnny: OK....

KF: See, Johnny it's not that bad. It's not like prison at all and with all these devices, me and my coaching staff can keep track of your every single waking moment of your life at Iowa. Of course, we will make time to conduct practices, put together game plans, recruit, help raise money for the program if we have some time. I know we're stretched a little thin with our duties as coaches to produce winning teams but should be ok since we took the advice of several of our message boards fans and hired a QB coach.

Johnny: OK, coach. I'm definately in!
You can't hold KF responsible for the behavior of a few sick, perverted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the athletic department? And if the whole athletic department is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, ottoman89! Isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do what you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you bad-mouth the United States of America!
You can't hold KF responsible for the behavior of a few sick, perverted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the athletic department? And if the whole athletic department is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, ottoman89! Isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do what you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you bad-mouth the United States of America!

I laughed out loud, Kudos to you sir.
You can't hold KF responsible for the behavior of a few sick, perverted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the athletic department? And if the whole athletic department is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, ottoman89! Isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do what you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you bad-mouth the United States of America!

dumbest post ever
yet another idiotic post.
Post like this just show ignorance and a high level of it.
And another ignorant post.. Seriously some of you people are just not that bright.
Just like the rest of these idotic ramblings.
Silvan your clueless.

I'm so glad everybody was able to discuss this in a rational manner.

Rumors? We'll delete those! Insults as a first resort? A-Ok! :rolleyes:
When you say hold Coach Ferentz accountable what do you mean? Firing him? Giving him a stern talking to? Demoting him from Captain Kirk to Lieutenant Kirk?

I think it'd be reasonable to work incentives into his pay structure where he gets paid better if players don't get arrested, just like he gets paid better for graduating a large percentage of his players. Besides that, short of firing him, what can you really do except try to do a better job next year?

I think a Keel Hauling should do the trick.
Ridiculous post. This is in NO WAY KF's fault. The dude wasn't on the team! I just saw in the CR Gazette that a couple people got OWI's last night. Should KF be responsible for them too? They were even in IC!
You can't hold KF responsible for the behavior of a few sick, perverted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the athletic department? And if the whole athletic department is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, ottoman89! Isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do what you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you bad-mouth the United States of America!

These guys are old enough to know right and wrong as well as what an amazing opportunity the have to play football for IOWA. A-Rob's miscues have all been on him. Bad grades and now this. Get rid of him! It's Coker time!
For those that say we should hold Kirk accountable for all this then answer this question for me; what should happen to Kirk? I see all these people that want to wag their finger Kirk's direction but nobody out there has offered any ideas as to what should be done to Kirk.
It starts from the top down.

Enough said.

So what exactly would you like to see done to hold KF accountable? Have him fired? Fined? What?

Also, what makes you think that Ferentz turns a blind eye and/or encourages this type of thing? Unless there's something I've forgotten about, when has KF failed to discipline someone who breaks the rules?

Ferentz isn't responsible for every player on the team who screws up. That stuff happens. If there was a team-wide epidemic, then it might be a different story, but I have a hard time blaming KF for a couple of players getting caught with a bag of weed or things like that.
For those that say we should hold Kirk accountable for all this then answer this question for me; what should happen to Kirk? I see all these people that want to wag their finger Kirk's direction but nobody out there has offered any ideas as to what should be done to Kirk.

[ame=]YouTube - Red Queen : OFF WITH HIS HEAD! (Alice In Wonderland)[/ame]
Thanks for the mature response. Since I'm obviously not too bright, enlighten me. What has Ferentz been held accountable for?

Better yet for more entertainment, why don't you enlighten us and tell us how KF should be held accountable for this when he is 1500 miles away.
I think the following hypothetical situation would be the only thing that would appease some fans:

(Cut to scene: KF in 4 star recruits living room trying to close the deal)

KF: Listen, Johnny, we really want to you to be a Hawkeye. We have a strong tradition of producing winning teams, a great education and graduation rate and the opportunity to play football at the next level should you work hard and have the talent necessary. While we're not flashy, the foundation we will provide to you will not only help you on the field, but in life.

Johnny: Sounds good coach, but Michigan and Nebraska are high on my list as well.

KF: I understand. Those are fine schools, but as you have seen with your recruiting visits and attending the Iowa-Ohio State game at Kinnick, I think if you really think about it you know being a Hawkeye is special.

Johnny: Coach, my parents and I have discussed it and with the winning program and strong graduation rate, I will be a Hawkeye.

KF: That's great Johnny. Oh by way, I have had alot of pressure put on me by the media, fans and school administration to be 100% accountable for each of my players actions. You know, you're 18 yrs old and despite everything your parents have taught you and the lessons and values our coaching staff will instill in you during your time on the team, you're still an idiot like most 18 year old boys.
So we have a few little things we will require in order to keep track of your every action. Really not a big deal.

Johnny: Like what coach?

KF: Well first off you will live in university housing.

Johnny: OK, not a problem.

KF: The university housing has surveillance cameras on 24/7 tracking your every move and you can only enter by key card. No non-football players will be allowed to enter. Parents can visit, but only in the designated areas. You will be allowed to leave for classes and practice.

Johnny: OK.....

KF: When you do leave you will be required to wear an ankle bracelet with GPS and alchohol/drug detection abilities. Not a big deal.

Johnny: OK....

KF: Oh, also, when you use the restroom, your urine and other waste will be analyzed for illicit substances. Not that you would take anything illegal, but it also allows us to make sure you are eating your brocholli.

Johnny: OK....

KF: See, Johnny it's not that bad. It's not like prison at all and with all these devices, me and my coaching staff can keep track of your every single waking moment of your life at Iowa. Of course, we will make time to conduct practices, put together game plans, recruit, help raise money for the program if we have some time. I know we're stretched a little thin with our duties as coaches to produce winning teams but should be ok since we took the advice of several of our message boards fans and hired a QB coach.

Johnny: OK, coach. I'm definately in!
LMFAO!!!!! Perfect!!!!!!!
I am not surprised to see so many of you basically confirm the OP's point.

It doesn't matter what it arrest, player defection, choking games away in the final minutes, horrible special teams play, terrible playcalling, predictable some of you, NONE of this is EVER Kirk's fault.

Don't get me wrong....I am not "blaming" anyone but Robinson in this incident but....when and at what point should Kirk be held accountable for the Iowa football program/players??

Methinks if all this were happening to Iowa State, there would be a lot of Hawk fans yukking it up about how Rhoads has lost control of his program.
Results on the field is where Kirk needs to be held accountable. It's amazing that we call the players kids, who can't be called out or criticized, when in fact they are young men who make the choices most of us made as young men; and if we got caught, we were criticized and called out, because we should have known better, at our age. Holding Kirk accountable for A-robs or DJK's choices, makes about as much sense as holding the governor accountable because two dudes held up a liquor store somewhere in the state. Arob and DJK are about to find out, they are no longer kids.

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