At what point do you hold Kirk Ferentz accountable?

Kirk Ferentz isn't held accountable for anything that goes on in the Iowa program. No reason to see that changing because another one of his players gets arrested.

So says the person who would be first in line to sue.

In today's world everyone is looking for who is to blame... people need to start realizing that there is a little something called personal responsibility. Blame the idiot kid for making idiotic decisions.
A 55 yr old man in Arizona and a 19 yr old in Des Moines... yeah, it's that simple. Give me a break, it's not two random, unrelated parties we're talking about.

I'll be sure to try that one if my kid gets into trouble when I'm out of town. Using that "logic" (and I use the term loosely) you could disconnect virtually any chain of command or responsiblity.

NO, KFz can't be responsible for every move of every player. That's obviously unrealistic. But the CEO is ultimately responsible for the kind of people his organization hires, retains and how they're trained. Corporate "culture"...if you will. And, his staff is on the hook for recognizing and dealing with budding problems (there's my pun for the day) before they become widespread.

Robinson is responsible for his own stupid actions. But KFz is not without some culpability.
Poor choices are often due to poor character, and poor character doesn't go unnoticed. The fact remains that Iowa under Ferentz recruited him.

After so many of these situations, it is certainly legitimate to question why Ferentz is allow to make so many 'poor choices' in his recruiting and not be called out for it.

Seriously.. hahahahaha....... LMAO.

I can't help some of these posters and care not to. Just to ignorant for me.
A 55 yr old man in Arizona and a 19 yr old in Des Moines... yeah, it's that simple. Give me a break, it's not two random, unrelated parties we're talking about.

I'll be sure to try that one if my kid gets into trouble when I'm out of town. Using that "logic" (and I use the term loosely) you could disconnect virtually any chain of command or responsiblity.

NO, KFz can't be responsible for every move of every player. That's obviously unrealistic. But the CEO is ultimately responsible for the kind of people his organization hires, retains and how they're trained. Corporate "culture"...if you will. And, his staff is on the hook for recognizing and dealing with budding problems (there's my pun for the day) before they become widespread.

Robinson is responsible for his own stupid actions. But KFz is not without some culpability.

blah, blah , blah blah, blah.

This isn't corporate america were talking about Drummer.:confused::confused:
This has gone on long enough already...

Look if you want to win playing major college football, you recruit players from all parts of the country, but many of the most gifted players come from neighborhoods where drug use is completely out in the open.

Second, you bring them to campus, and Iowa City ain't Provo freakin Utah ok. Kids at Iowa party... party really hard. Now you're on the football team and you're a freakin celebrity.

So let's not wax poetic about how it is the head coach's fault. You sign up for this when you are a fan of major college football. You don't want this? Go root for Notre Dame or N'Western or Stanford who have insane academic requirements that by and large are not lowered for scholarship athletes.

This type of ******** goes on at 95% of the schools in the country. The difference, our kid got caught. That's it. You don't want it to happen to your school, go root for Duke.
It starts from the top down.

Enough said.
AT what point does a kid need to grow up and be held accountable for HI actions? He was held out of the OSU game, he was then told he wasn't playing in the bowl game even though he was cleared medicly and academicly..............just how in the hell does this even come close to falling on KF?
This isn't corporate america were talking about Drummer.:confused::confused:

Oh give me a break. He is the head coach. He recruited them, ergo, he takes some measures of responsibility for their actions while they are a member of the University of Iowa football team.

But hey, maybe Iowa can just become the U of the midwest? That's ok with everybody, right? We can stop reporting on all these arrests; who cares? Let DJK and ARob play in teh bowl game!

And people think Xerxes is full of it when he says that nobody ever holds Ferentz responsible for anything? :rolleyes: This thread is proof of it. Pathetic.
I'll add on....

Duke had a LAX scandal.
Notre Dame currently has a sex scandal

So even at the thumb your nose down at the other schools **** happens.

Athletics creates celebrities out of 18 year old kids.

Kid actors always end up ****ed up, so do teeny bopper "music" stars. Why should we be surprised when a Division 1 athlete ends up the same way?
Silvan your clueless. Your reply makes no sense. Go have another one.

Again we are talking about a player that is already suspended from the team. Who has been away from team activities for quite sometime.

Last post to this thread.
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To the OP how would you like him to correct the problem? How should he specifically handled Robinson differently? Just curious?

I disagree with your post. But maybe you can change my mind. Personally I think this is 95% on the individual.
Silvan your clueless and again we are talking about a player that is already suspended from the team.

Is he still on scholarship?

And, I do believe his suspension was for academics, that he was expected to rejoin the team.

Or does your 'last post until I really feel like commenting again because I just can't resist' silliness actually apply?

Go have another one.

Yeah, maybe I'll go smoke a bowl and get myself arrested like just another moron from the Iowa football team.
One last thing. Let's not forget we talking about a player that is CURRENTLY SUSPENDED from the team...


Adam currently is suspended from the team and before this took place wasn't going to be able to rejoin the team until January at the earliest. If a player is suspended then Kirk really has no jurisdiction over him. Add to that, Kirk is over a 1000 miles away and separated by about five states.

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