At what point do you hold Kirk Ferentz accountable?

You want me to hold a 55 year old man who is currently in Arizona for the actions of a 19 year old man who is currently in Des Moines?

At what point do we hold you accountable for suggesting such a thing?
You want me to hold a 55 year old man who is currently in Arizona for the actions of a 19 year old man who is currently in Des Moines?

At what point do we hold you accountable for suggesting such a thing?

Exactly, He had weed on him. BFD

Ferentz can't follow every player around and make sure they don't do anything stupid.
Why stop there? Why not hold the university accountable? Since it is a state school, why not hold the government responsible. It is clear to me that this is Obama's fault. ;):)
I absolutely despise these posts. How the heck can you hold him accountable for AROB? He is old enough to know better. Poor choices get you in trouble.

Post like this just show ignorance and a high level of it.
KF's message was crystal clear. Of that I have no doubt. He has stepped up every time there has been trouble (life coach, what is expected speeches, etc.)

At some point you have to hold the kids responsible. Not KF. He has made it very clear what is expected.

I'm afraid Adam will not be part of this team. If the DJK thing never happened then maybe Adam would get another shot. Not sure that is even possible now. And who knows the reason he isn't with the team in the first place? Grades? Positive test? He was already treading on very thin ice.

He will be gone.

In his interviews he always seemed to have a good head on his shoulders.
Kirk Ferentz isn't held accountable for anything that goes on in the Iowa program. No reason to see that changing because another one of his players gets arrested.

And another ignorant post.. Seriously some of you people are just not that bright.
Poor choices get you in trouble.

Poor choices are often due to poor character, and poor character doesn't go unnoticed. The fact remains that Iowa under Ferentz recruited him.

After so many of these situations, it is certainly legitimate to question why Ferentz is allow to make so many 'poor choices' in his recruiting and not be called out for it.
Poor choices are often due to poor character, and poor character doesn't go unnoticed. The fact remains that Iowa under Ferentz recruited him.

After so many of these situations, it is certainly legitimate to question why Ferentz is allow to make so many 'poor choices' in his recruiting and not be called out for it. you're DONE!!!!

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