Arob not transferring according to Keith Murphy

Arob deserves more credit than many of you are giving him. Some say his initial academic problems are 'strike 1.' Well, many kids struggle in school. Its hard as hell to pass some classes, while working your *** off in sports.

Also, he literally carried the load for the team on gameday. Most of you (and I) have no idea how much that hurts. If you want to try it out, let a buddy whack you a few times with a bat on monday morning before you head out to classes.

Then there's the concussions. If you don't know how these affect a person, read up. Then shut the f up. If he's anywhere close to the same person that he was last summer, he's lucky. He's probably still got a migraine style headache that throbs with pain every time he laughs, coughs, or sneezes. You can't imagine the fear that you feel, because sometimes the symptoms don't lessen until years later.

The fact that he even wants to play ball again is enormously positive... speaking on a emotional level. He could have easily gone of the deep end, never to be seen again.

Show some respect you d'bags.
Well done. I agree with you. You have to remember that on this board people will soon be calling you a criminal if you get a parking ticket. A lot of what happened to Arob is related to the concussion he recieved in the MSU game. Not an excuse to hang out with a high school buddy with drugs. On the other hand, how many students go home for the holidays and hang with people they haven't seen for sometime and overlooking the fact that they no longer are the people you remember. Lets wait and see for the next 7 months and let KF make the decision instead of us.
Getting caught with marijuana, after you've been suspended for the bowl game, after your team had a huge nightmare scenario with drugs, was stupid to say the least. Anybody know how many strikes ARob has, legally speaking? Underage drinking, drugs, etc?

I do believe the concussions he suffered should be taken into account, but they shouldn't be used as an excuse to forgive everything.

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