Arob not transferring according to Keith Murphy

Adams actions in the last several months were entirely consistent with someone to whom football was just not important. I wouldn't assume that any of that has changed just because he's returning to Iowa. It's entirely possible he's not transferring because he just doesn't want to play football anymore.

IMO that's much more likely than the idea he's comming back with the hopes to rejoin the team.

He said in his talk with the DMR that he hopes to be reinstated, and if not he might look elsewhere to play.
I know everyone is excited about Coker and the young guys coming in but how could it not be a positive to have Robinson on the team? Were some of you not watching the last two years? He played his heart out, had a chance for first team all big 10 this year if it wasn't for concussions.

We would be better to have him back next year.
If all that comes out of this is A-Rob getting his life straightened out, then it's a win for him. I don't want to see him with the team in spring ball, though. I'd like to see him put together a strong semester both in the classroom and in his down time. If he can stay out of trouble, get good grades, and keep getting help, then I'd be open to seeing him on the team next year (preferrably as a walk-on for a semester).
My opinion has nothing to do with him as a player, but I don't think he should be let back on the team. He had grade issues, several times this year and then the drug issue while there was huge controversy on the team. My opinion is set a precedent for the players that it is unacceptable, you can't screw up, apologize and hope to be reinstated to the team. That is my opinion.

The MM case, I haven't paid attention so I will not comment on the lateral comparison of the 2 cases.
I think letting Robinson rejoin the team with a loss of his scholarship would be a punishment that would fit the crime, so to speak. Even if he loses his former standing at starting running back, you've got to think he can be a third down back or special teams starter.

If I were him, though, I'd almost be more inclined to go where I knew I could play for sure (i.e. UNI) . But it's really up to what he wants to try for. I wish him well and hope whatever happens that he keeps things together. I'm a fan of giving people a chance to redeem themselves.
Setting aside football entirely, this says loads about the character this kid has...owning up to your mistakes is very hard to do when you're 20 years old. So he's showing some real maturity here and a determination not just to feel sorry...but to actually make amends for his mistake. No excuses either, I like that. So even if this young man never plays another down of football, he is putting his life on the right track. Personally, I don't think a little use of marijuana is all that epic...but letting his teammates down WAS a big deal...and he's acknowledging that fact. Kudos to you, young man, kudos!
Iowa would have a better team in 2011 with ARob a part of it, if he puts his transgressions behind him, of that I have no doubt.

But even if he does make it back, I think he comes back in a reserve role, as it's Coker PACE

fixed :cool:
I got no problem with him coming back, if that's what the coaches and the players want. It's admirable that he's coming back to Iowa, and going to try to make amends. The vast number of guys in this situation would have just gone elsewhere without a second thought. However, there will have to be some truly exceptional conduct by him to have any shot at being allowed back on the 2011 team. Too much scrutiny over the program right now, otherwise.
Coker>Arob by was PAINFULLY obvious and cost us the OSU game imo...Why he didn't play the entire osu game is always going to be a mystery.
ARob is making a decision that if he does what he says he will/should, then my respect is back on his side and I would have no problem with him earning a spot on the team again.
Where has that been mentioned by a solid source? Because word was that 20 Iowa players had failed drug tests and were going to be suspended, and Prater was going pro.
Wasn't that back when every crazy rumor was flying around? 20 players kicked off the team, 20 players failed drug tests, it was all BS from the crazy fans on this board. I see him as an example and if he shows great determination, he may or may not be back on the team. I won't be upset either way.
I'm rooting for Adam all the way. I would love to see him back in the black & gold. I already think he is a great story...he lost his way a little bit and goofed - I think he is even a better story if he works his way back.
Wasn't that back when every crazy rumor was flying around? 20 players kicked off the team, 20 players failed drug tests, it was all BS from the crazy fans on this board. I see him as an example and if he shows great determination, he may or may not be back on the team. I won't be upset either way.

That was my point. Word has had "it" on a lot of things around the Iowa program for the better part of two months. Little of it turned out to be true. I won't be upset either way, either.

But, if Robinson can keep out of trouble, get good grades, and keep up with counseling, I'd be happy to see him come back as a walk-on for next season.
Setting aside football entirely, this says loads about the character this kid has...owning up to your mistakes is very hard to do when you're 20 years old. So he's showing some real maturity here and a determination not just to feel sorry...but to actually make amends for his mistake. No excuses either, I like that. So even if this young man never plays another down of football, he is putting his life on the right track. Personally, I don't think a little use of marijuana is all that epic...but letting his teammates down WAS a big deal...and he's acknowledging that fact. Kudos to you, young man, kudos!

Very well said! I like the way ARob is handling this a man.
The important thing for Adam is he learns from this mistake and gets an education. There is no doubt in my mind it would be better for Adam if he was allowed back on the team. There is no doubt the team would be better with him on the roster. However, I don't think it would be better for the program for Adam to be allowed back on the team.
If Arob comes back fine, if not no one to blame but himself. I was impressed he pled guilty instead of playing the system. I was not impressed Alfredo Parrish organized the meeting and he stated he understood being kicked off because KF was taking heat.
I have no problem with his return, but I think he needs to earn back a scholly for 2012.

He should be considered a walk-on for fall practice, and not allowed to play spring ball period. Until he can prove himself in the classroom and keep his nose clean, he should not do anything with the team until a walk-on fall camp.

Just my opinion. I like that he is being a man here, but I am sooo pi$$ed that he got busted the night before our bowl game. That was a national embaressment.
ARob helps the team if he can come back and play, but he has a lot of mending with the coaches and team to be able to do that. I would like to see him as the third down back with his blocking and pass catching.

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