Arob not transferring according to Keith Murphy

I would love to see ARob to rejoin the team and graduate - I do not care whether he smokes pot or not. I enjoyed watching the kid and he gave his best for hawkeyes.
If he rejoins the team, I hope he is only a backup and does not carry more than 5-10 times a game. It is very easy to get another concussion after those two and more of them can be debilitated for him.
Why the heck wouldn't we want him back? Even if he doesn't start at running back, he would be a terrific reserve and absolutely lethal on special teams.
Setting aside football entirely, this says loads about the character this kid has...owning up to your mistakes is very hard to do when you're 20 years old. So he's showing some real maturity here and a determination not just to feel sorry...but to actually make amends for his mistake. No excuses either, I like that. So even if this young man never plays another down of football, he is putting his life on the right track. Personally, I don't think a little use of marijuana is all that epic...but letting his teammates down WAS a big deal...and he's acknowledging that fact. Kudos to you, young man, kudos!

You can own up to your mistakes all you want but if you keep making them it doesn't matter. He obviously doesn't take school seriously enough, he's let his teammates down several times already. He's had enough chances, when you're suspended for the bowl game you should be smart enough to avoid situations where you can end up in trouble.

Good for him for staying in school, but if he can't even stay eligible with all the tutors the football team has, lets see how he does on his own.
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You can own to your mistakes all you want but if you keep making them it doesn't matter. He obviously doesn't take school seriously enough, he's let his teammates down several times already. He's had enough chances, when you're suspended for the bowl game you should be smart enough to avoid situations where you can end up in trouble.

Good for him for staying in school, but if he can't even stay eligible with all the tutors the football team has, lets see how he does on his own.

If you'll recall, Kirk said that Robinson was eligible. He apparently just wasn't doing as well as Kirk thought he should have been, even if it was good enough for the NCAA/Big Ten/etc.
This very well may sound a bit d-baggy, but I don't care. My question is this:

Why should A-Rob get a 4th strike? Strike one was the "academic indigestion" incident against Wisky. Then you get strike two in getting suspended for the bowl game, at which time the captain said he could return in January, but it was up to a-rob. Strike three was the brain fart that happened just before the bowl game. KF has been consistent in his 3 strike policy, and I believe it would be wrong to reinstate him, even if it is as a walk on. A-Rob screwed up multiple times, he was already given his 2nd chance. It's time to move on.
This very well may sound a bit d-baggy, but I don't care. My question is this:

Why should A-Rob get a 4th strike? Strike one was the "academic indigestion" incident against Wisky. Then you get strike two in getting suspended for the bowl game, at which time the captain said he could return in January, but it was up to a-rob. Strike three was the brain fart that happened just before the bowl game. KF has been consistent in his 3 strike policy, and I believe it would be wrong to reinstate him, even if it is as a walk on. A-Rob screwed up multiple times, he was already given his 2nd chance. It's time to move on.

I'm torn on this. In a way I'm with you. But I'm no stranger to bad runs lasting several months (even a year), and could see this all part of one semester-long downward spiral that included increased pressure on the field, the departure of one teammate and season-ending injury to another, increased media focus and then two concussions. Not that that excuses poor classroom performance and ultimately his arrest for marijuana possession, plus I understand Adam had a huge support system around him to keep bad from getting to worse.

Still, I think he deserves another chance. I hope Ferentz leaves the door open to his return. Let Adam square things away, get the counseling he needs, get the grades up and show a good work ethic, then see where things stand heading into fall camp. If all is positive, allow him back on the team at that time; make him earn his spot in the RB rotation.
This very well may sound a bit d-baggy, but I don't care. My question is this:

Why should A-Rob get a 4th strike? Strike one was the "academic indigestion" incident against Wisky. Then you get strike two in getting suspended for the bowl game, at which time the captain said he could return in January, but it was up to a-rob. Strike three was the brain fart that happened just before the bowl game. KF has been consistent in his 3 strike policy, and I believe it would be wrong to reinstate him, even if it is as a walk on. A-Rob screwed up multiple times, he was already given his 2nd chance. It's time to move on.
Arob deserves more credit than many of you are giving him. Some say his initial academic problems are 'strike 1.' Well, many kids struggle in school. Its hard as hell to pass some classes, while working your *** off in sports.

Also, he literally carried the load for the team on gameday. Most of you (and I) have no idea how much that hurts. If you want to try it out, let a buddy whack you a few times with a bat on monday morning before you head out to classes.

Then there's the concussions. If you don't know how these affect a person, read up. Then shut the f up. If he's anywhere close to the same person that he was last summer, he's lucky. He's probably still got a migraine style headache that throbs with pain every time he laughs, coughs, or sneezes. You can't imagine the fear that you feel, because sometimes the symptoms don't lessen until years later.

The fact that he even wants to play ball again is enormously positive... speaking on a emotional level. He could have easily gone of the deep end, never to be seen again.

Show some respect you d'bags.
Arob deserves more credit than many of you are giving him. Some say his initial academic problems are 'strike 1.' Well, many kids struggle in school. Its hard as hell to pass some classes, while working your *** off in sports.

Also, he literally carried the load for the team on gameday. Most of you (and I) have no idea how much that hurts. If you want to try it out, let a buddy whack you a few times with a bat on monday morning before you head out to classes.

Then there's the concussions. If you don't know how these affect a person, read up. Then shut the f up. If he's anywhere close to the same person that he was last summer, he's lucky. He's probably still got a migraine style headache that throbs with pain every time he laughs, coughs, or sneezes. You can't imagine the fear that you feel, because sometimes the symptoms don't lessen until years later.

The fact that he even wants to play ball again is enormously positive... speaking on a emotional level. He could have easily gone of the deep end, never to be seen again.

Arob deserves more credit than many of you are giving him. Some say his initial academic problems are 'strike 1.' Well, many kids struggle in school. Its hard as hell to pass some classes, while working your *** off in sports.

Also, he literally carried the load for the team on gameday. Most of you (and I) have no idea how much that hurts. If you want to try it out, let a buddy whack you a few times with a bat on monday morning before you head out to classes.

Then there's the concussions. If you don't know how these affect a person, read up. Then shut the f up. If he's anywhere close to the same person that he was last summer, he's lucky. He's probably still got a migraine style headache that throbs with pain every time he laughs, coughs, or sneezes. You can't imagine the fear that you feel, because sometimes the symptoms don't lessen until years later.

The fact that he even wants to play ball again is enormously positive... speaking on a emotional level. He could have easily gone of the deep end, never to be seen again.

Show some respect you d'bags.

Boom. Roasted.
I think he deserves another chance assuming he gets his grades up. Really the only thing he has done wrong is possession of pot. He has always been eligible academically.
Arob deserves more credit than many of you are giving him. Some say his initial academic problems are 'strike 1.' Well, many kids struggle in school. Its hard as hell to pass some classes, while working your *** off in sports.

Also, he literally carried the load for the team on gameday. Most of you (and I) have no idea how much that hurts. If you want to try it out, let a buddy whack you a few times with a bat on monday morning before you head out to classes.

Then there's the concussions. If you don't know how these affect a person, read up. Then shut the f up. If he's anywhere close to the same person that he was last summer, he's lucky. He's probably still got a migraine style headache that throbs with pain every time he laughs, coughs, or sneezes. You can't imagine the fear that you feel, because sometimes the symptoms don't lessen until years later.

The fact that he even wants to play ball again is enormously positive... speaking on a emotional level. He could have easily gone of the deep end, never to be seen again.

Show some respect you d'bags.

YES!!! Terrific post!
I dont know if a return option is open to him or not. I would wager there is no shot at being in spring ball. The next 8 months of his life has to be all books, and doing right there, as well as spotless social behavior.

I have no inside info as to Adam's chances of returning to the team either, but IMO , Adam should not have taken this whole thing up with media and gone on TV. The more Adam makes his image-rehab and his intentions on how to go about it public, using the media, the less his chances are of getting back on the team.

My advice to Adam is; shut up and don't let your face be seen or your voice be in the media again.

Think like KF..... his mantra is privacy boardering on secrecy and remember, KF resolves things in house and not in the public domain. I would suggest you take the same approach....just my opinion.
Adam has had a challenging year, with the highs of great games and lows of poor choices and concussions. He's only 21 and had the weight of the world on his shoulders on game day. He showed flashes of maturity during the season, then crashed at the end. As much as I dislike pressers, he showed remorse and a willingness to get his ship righted.

I sincerely hope he goes about his business consistently day in and day out, and gets his degree. If he does, good things will happen to him, and it may even include football.

I'll be pulling for him.
I have no inside info as to Adam's chances of returning to the team either, but IMO , Adam should not have taken this whole thing up with media and gone on TV. The more Adam makes his image-rehab and his intentions on how to go about it public, using the media, the less his chances are of getting back on the team.

My advice to Adam is; shut up and don't let your face be seen or your voice be in the media again.

Think like KF..... his mantra is privacy boardering on secrecy and remember, KF resolves things in house and not in the public domain. I would suggest you take the same approach....just my opinion.

Yes. Unfortunately, I'm not sure Alfredo Parrish subscribes to that philosophy.
I hope to see Robinson in a Hawkeye uniform next year.

Everyone makes mistakes (multiple). All you can really do is learn and continue living life to it's fullest.

I'm not a fan of "3 strike" kind of rules. Every situation is different. For me, it all depends on the person and how they handle it.

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