Well this year we lost our best player. Next year we don't. That doesn't explain the huge drop off, but it explains some. This is how I explain the rest. Every team has a window for how they are capable of playing, with a floor and a ceiling. For whatever reason, this team is playing at their floor level. If this team played at their average level, they would be an average team (give or take).
So next year, if our window is slightly higher, and we play closer to our average, we will be at least a bubble team. If they play above their average, they will be in easy.
If you believe all of what I just said, let me ask you this. Do you think a team that returns all of its players is more likely to play in that same level of their window that they did the year before? Meaning since this team played at their floor level this year, do you think they will more than likely play at their floor level again next year? Or is it just as likely they will start with a fresh start and how they played last year will have no influence on this year? I'm not sure what I think of that.