Anyone here


Well-Known Member
Work out, eat healthy, walk, cycle or otherwise do beneficial things towards being healthy?
Thought a post about anything from recipes to a what did you do today, to a encouraging words thread would be cool.
I'll go first.
Yum. Absolutely delicious and every place that sells tacos needs these on the menu.
As for what I've been up to, I separated my shoulder many years back. Just like anyone if it hurts to do something, you don't. Compounded by many years = not good. It's taken quite awhile, but it's coming along. I'm up to 15 pounds, 3sets 10 reps of controlled lats.
Which may not sound like much to some, but I let it get so bad, I couldn't even fully rotate it without pain before. I remember doing 5 pounds a few times for 3 sets and being so sore after.

Now your turn. Brag away, cut me down for not lifting much weight. Post a recipe. Share how far you ran. Whatever. We have either all been there or probably will be someday.
I take this stuff I saw on Shark Tank. I'd say it's working quite well, wouldn't you?

Tried one workout plan and was working out twice a day, but the only thing that got bigger was my right arm, so I quit.

Seriously, though, it was 3 years ago and I was giving some kids crap about how they can't do any push-ups and how they were soft, etc. They asked me how many I could do and told them I could do a heck of a lot more than them. I got to thinking, so when I got home, I tried and could do 7. I was weak and uncoordinated. Really hadn't done much working out in years. Wasn't really overweight, but was getting a gut and was just soft, so it was definitely time. Found a free (because I knew I wouldn't stick with it) 3 month workout plan online and swore I'd stick with it no matter what, unless I got hurt. I started and realized that I needed to build strength to try to get through it, so I took a month to just practice so I could make it through one 20-minute workout. I finally started, went from 210 to 180 pounds and have felt great and still enjoy doing the workouts, and I've never enjoyed working out. Really didn't change my diet, but probably should. I'm not ripped by any means, have tried other workout stuff to mix it up, but haven't touched a weight or done much running or biking. I'm a lot healthier and am glad I did it.
Tried one workout plan and was working out twice a day, but the only thing that got bigger was my right arm, so I quit.

Seriously, though, it was 3 years ago and I was giving some kids crap about how they can't do any push-ups and how they were soft, etc. They asked me how many I could do and told them I could do a heck of a lot more than them. I got to thinking, so when I got home, I tried and could do 7. I was weak and uncoordinated. Really hadn't done much working out in years. Wasn't really overweight, but was getting a gut and was just soft, so it was definitely time. Found a free (because I knew I wouldn't stick with it) 3 month workout plan online and swore I'd stick with it no matter what, unless I got hurt. I started and realized that I needed to build strength to try to get through it, so I took a month to just practice so I could make it through one 20-minute workout. I finally started, went from 210 to 180 pounds and have felt great and still enjoy doing the workouts, and I've never enjoyed working out. Really didn't change my diet, but probably should. I'm not ripped by any means, have tried other workout stuff to mix it up, but haven't touched a weight or done much running or biking. I'm a lot healthier and am glad I did it.
That's awesome!!
I just do my stuff myself as well. I haven't had the best of luck at gyms. I'm a fairly tiny guy (which is why I'm trying to gain weight) but I'm fairly well built. Defined I should say. Better than 99% of the average younger guys walking around.
But I hear you on having to work up to things. Just recently I have been able to keep up with a good program (I designed). I know I need to get after some cardio in there too, but haven't added a bunch of that yet. I hate cardio. Swimming is ok, maybe some hiking, but there isn't very many cardio routines I like or will/would stick with.
But I'll get it figured out. Right now, I'm like you were, building muscle and endurance. Then I'll add more to the work outs.
I have been known to walk aways, but that made me super thin and tiny.
One step at at time, but always moving forward.
I’ll bite. My wife and I started a transformation plan a little over 3 years ago. I’ll never forget what brought it all on. My wife had been having girl part problems, and her doctor told her at the appointment, exact words “I’m not gonna lie to you. You’re young enough that you’re just overweight now, but in 10 years you will feel like shit.” We went home, on her recommendation, and found a clean diet plan minus gluten, red meat and dairy. Kept clean carbs, veggies and clean meats. Found a workout plan to “lift with the boys, don’t be a dumb girl on the elliptical all day.” And we got after it. Lost about 65 pounds in the first year, and have kept it off ever since. I went from 244 to 180. Still work out 5-6 days a week. Never ever felt better, even with the sore joints. Best change we ever made.
I’ll bite. My wife and I started a transformation plan a little over 3 years ago. I’ll never forget what brought it all on. My wife had been having girl part problems, and her doctor told her at the appointment, exact words “I’m not gonna lie to you. You’re young enough that you’re just overweight now, but in 10 years you will feel like shit.” We went home, on her recommendation, and found a clean diet plan minus gluten, red meat and dairy. Kept clean carbs, veggies and clean meats. Found a workout plan to “lift with the boys, don’t be a dumb girl on the elliptical all day.” And we got after it. Lost about 65 pounds in the first year, and have kept it off ever since. I went from 244 to 180. Still work out 5-6 days a week. Never ever felt better, even with the sore joints. Best change we ever made.
Jesus dude, that's great. It does sometimes take a wake up call.
Sometimes it's nice to have another to hear it at the same time.
Congrats and bless. What you have is very special. and I hope you never stop pushing or wanting each other to be the best versions of yourselves.
I’ll bite. My wife and I started a transformation plan a little over 3 years ago. I’ll never forget what brought it all on. My wife had been having girl part problems, and her doctor told her at the appointment, exact words “I’m not gonna lie to you. You’re young enough that you’re just overweight now, but in 10 years you will feel like shit.” We went home, on her recommendation, and found a clean diet plan minus gluten, red meat and dairy. Kept clean carbs, veggies and clean meats. Found a workout plan to “lift with the boys, don’t be a dumb girl on the elliptical all day.” And we got after it. Lost about 65 pounds in the first year, and have kept it off ever since. I went from 244 to 180. Still work out 5-6 days a week. Never ever felt better, even with the sore joints. Best change we ever made.
100% agree with your approach, but you can get pretty shredded on an elliptical. Just throwing that out there for those with bad knees or backs. There are some gruesome workouts online.
When it comes to weight loss, it's 80% diet, 20% exercise. That 20% can be pretty important, especially if you've let yourself become a butter pillow...muscle tone and cardio health are important. But you can't out-exercise a bad diet. Eat whole foods, graze don't gorge and enjoy things you like.... just in reasonable amounts. (portions are WAY oversized in America).

I've also discovered the value of intermittent fasting. Difficult initially, but it does some crazy (good) things to your body. (actually it's nothing new, some cultures have been doing it for centuries). We slam so much crap into our bodies (both intentionally and unintentionally) that our organs are major stressed. A little refresh periodically helps.
I'm pretty solid build but with a nice little tire from the beer I drink. 6' 220, when I work out and diet I don't really lose weight, just transform and look better. I did P90x a few years ago and lost maybe 5 lbs but looked totally different. I smoke half a pack a day and drink a 6 pack 3-4 times a week. Can still do 45 pushups and run a 5k (slowly) though. I recently started doing 15 squats every time I go out in the garage to smoke :)

I lived in the gym when I was in high school and still have that frame but it's slowly turning mushy. I decided to make a change for the summer and started a low carb diet - meats and veggies mostly and it's going pretty well, I'm down about 5 lbs in a few weeks. It's really hard to find time to work out with two young kids so I try to exercise in short bursts throughout the day.
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I've also discovered the value of intermittent fasting. Difficult initially, but it does some crazy (good) things to your body. (actually it's nothing new, some cultures have been doing it for centuries). We slam so much crap into our bodies (both intentionally and unintentionally) that our organs are major stressed. A little refresh periodically helps.
Hah I didn't even know that was a thing but I've been intermittent fasting for years!

The 16/8 Method: Also called the Leangains protocol, it involves skipping breakfast and restricting your daily eating period to 8 hours, for example from 1 pm to 9 pm. Then you "fast" for 16 hours in between.
Tried one workout plan and was working out twice a day, but the only thing that got bigger was my right arm, so I quit.

Seriously, though, it was 3 years ago and I was giving some kids crap about how they can't do any push-ups and how they were soft, etc. They asked me how many I could do and told them I could do a heck of a lot more than them. I got to thinking, so when I got home, I tried and could do 7. I was weak and uncoordinated. Really hadn't done much working out in years. Wasn't really overweight, but was getting a gut and was just soft, so it was definitely time. Found a free (because I knew I wouldn't stick with it) 3 month workout plan online and swore I'd stick with it no matter what, unless I got hurt. I started and realized that I needed to build strength to try to get through it, so I took a month to just practice so I could make it through one 20-minute workout. I finally started, went from 210 to 180 pounds and have felt great and still enjoy doing the workouts, and I've never enjoyed working out. Really didn't change my diet, but probably should. I'm not ripped by any means, have tried other workout stuff to mix it up, but haven't touched a weight or done much running or biking. I'm a lot healthier and am glad I did it.

It's amazing how much better one feels dropping 20-30lbs. Breathe easier, more energy, etc.. Systemic benefits.
I’ll bite. My wife and I started a transformation plan a little over 3 years ago. I’ll never forget what brought it all on. My wife had been having girl part problems, and her doctor told her at the appointment, exact words “I’m not gonna lie to you. You’re young enough that you’re just overweight now, but in 10 years you will feel like shit.” We went home, on her recommendation, and found a clean diet plan minus gluten, red meat and dairy. Kept clean carbs, veggies and clean meats. Found a workout plan to “lift with the boys, don’t be a dumb girl on the elliptical all day.” And we got after it. Lost about 65 pounds in the first year, and have kept it off ever since. I went from 244 to 180. Still work out 5-6 days a week. Never ever felt better, even with the sore joints. Best change we ever made.


Well done sir. Way for you and your wife to take it seriously and stay focused. One question. Help me out here. What exactly are "clean" carbs or meats? White meat such as pork, chicken and fish?
When it comes to weight loss, it's 80% diet, 20% exercise. That 20% can be pretty important, especially if you've let yourself become a butter pillow...muscle tone and cardio health are important. But you can't out-exercise a bad diet. Eat whole foods, graze don't gorge and enjoy things you like.... just in reasonable amounts. (portions are WAY oversized in America).

I've also discovered the value of intermittent fasting. Difficult initially, but it does some crazy (good) things to your body. (actually it's nothing new, some cultures have been doing it for centuries). We slam so much crap into our bodies (both intentionally and unintentionally) that our organs are major stressed. A little refresh periodically helps.

What is an example of your periodic fasting? Is it scheduled or random when you just feel a need?
I'm pretty solid build but with a nice little tire from the beer I drink. 6' 220, when I work out and diet I don't really lose weight, just transform and look better. I did P90x a few years ago and lost maybe 5 lbs but looked totally different. I smoke half a pack a day and drink a 6 pack 3-4 times a week. Can still do 45 pushups and run a 5k (slowly) though. I recently started doing 15 squats every time I go out in the garage to smoke :)

I lived in the gym when I was in high school and still have that frame but it's slowly turning mushy. I decided to make a change for the summer and started a low carb diet - meats and veggies mostly and it's going pretty well, I'm down about 5 lbs in a few weeks. It's really hard to find time to work out with two young kids so I try to exercise in short bursts throughout the day.

The only thing that is killing your progress, unfortunately, is the empty calories in that beer. Same problem with me. I know if I cut that down, I'd drop 20lbs in a matter of several weeks. It's like a fuel to the gut, If you let it go empty and not fill it, that weight comes off fast. Hard to stop that vice, though.

I think you are on the right track with everything else you are doing, though. Well besides the heaters.
Since this is the garden season I will bring up one of my all-time favorite sandwiches. Anybody ever have a green onion and radish sandwich? Terrific!

2 slices of whole wheat bread (I've even toasted on occasion which is really good)
2 green onions including green part
3-4 radishes
pinch salt (optional for you health freaks but hard for me to omit)
Margarine (again optional)

lightly spread breast or toast with margarine
Cut both green onions in half and layer on bread
Slice radishes about 1/8" thick and layer on bread
Lightly dash with salt

This is one of those foods that taste a heck of a lot better than sounds. It is amazing. I don't know why the bread and butter make the veges taste so good but they are all a great marriage together, for some reason. I even take these to work.
What is an example of your periodic fasting? Is it scheduled or random when you just feel a need?

There are many variations. I've done the 5-2 thing. 5 days of normal caloric consumption, 2 days of minimal (20-25% of normal...even less if you can manage). I do a specific support drink with that. On the morning of day 3, you feel great...the nutritional equivalent of getting a really good night's could say. A small meal is very satisfying.

Ree4 has another variation above, which we're toying with now. 8 hours on, 16 shorthand. with the 16 overlapping your sleep period.

We eat way too much in America and a lot of it has minimal nutritional value (and believe me, I'm no vegan nazi, Love to smoke my ribs, grill a good steak etc). You'd be surprised how quickly you can reprogram your body to thrive on less and feel great doing it. I still eat red meat, have my pizza...but going leaner most of the time is a good move. This is the best time of year to do it...warm weather, more fresh fruits and veggies available.
The big thing for me is cutting my alcohol intake. I will always work out and eat relatively crappy, but I lose weight whenever I cut the alcohol. I've also shifted to drinking less beer and more "Tito's + Soda" or "Jack + water". Makes a big difference.

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