Anyone here

My gal and I are pretty lit for being 50.
We actually decided to add a little chub over the last 8-9 months or so. She says she feels better 8 pounds heavier (5'7 @ about 140 now).
I noticed it's different with age, I used to bulk and it spread out easier, now it seems like it goes to my stomach first then everything gets bigger.
So I'll be back at working on my core here pretty soon.

When I was young and skinny/light grades 2-12 and almost to 30 years of age I would always catch a bug at least twice a year and get pretty ill for days or so. After gaining about 30 lbs into my 40s I got sick much much less, really sort of weird. And being even heavier I hardly ever get sick now. I never tried to research it.
When I was young and skinny/light grades 2-12 and almost to 30 years of age I would always catch a bug at least twice a year and get pretty ill for days or so. After gaining about 30 lbs into my 40s I got sick much much less, really sort of weird. And being even heavier I hardly ever get sick now. I never tried to research it.

She just feels happier. We don't get sick much.
Ok, my story is the gut would be 6 pak city without beer. It's definitely not at the moment. Why does it taste so good? Weekdays I try and normally keep it to 2 beers after work/before supper. Weekends, more than 2 less than 10, yikes. Empty calories. I'm 54 and awaiting for the mellowing out a bit but so far not much.

Can still pump out 60 pushups in a set, typically do 3-4 sets of 50 2-3 times a week and walk the dog. Could use more exercise for sure but beer is my cryptonite. During some of the Hawk games still do pushups to match the score each time they score, like the male cheerleaders. Fun and helps burn some of those beer carbs!

I think diet is more than 20%, it's the biggun imo. Both are incredibly important, for sure. 5'11" and 195 lbs here. BMI is on the high side, weight would be low 180's if beer suddenly disappeared from the earth.

Good topic, typically eat well but slipped as of late. Time to up my game, thanks guys!