Anyone Else Getting To This Point At Games?

I wear ear plugs when we go to games or concerts, I don't need any more hearing damage. For the last 20 years I've had ringing in both ears caused by very load explosive noise. My work requires that I get an audiogram every year, thankfully I don't need hearing aids yet. When shooting I wear double hearing protection, unless I'm shooting suppressed then it's just ear plugs.
No problem at games, but I always wear ear plugs and 25 db ear muffs if I go shooting or to a car race. Make my boy do the same. I effed my ears up in high school from loud music. I have to turn the TV up loud enough that it garners complaints from the Missus and I am basically deaf in a large group setting with ambient music, but other than that it ain't bad. Yours sounds really bad. All you can do is try to protect what is left. You better keep muffs and ear plugs in your truck and judiciously use them, including at games. One thing you could consider is getting a radio like they use at NASCAR races. There are some with really good ear muffs that are similar to what the teams use and then you could listen to Ed and Dolph call the game. I don't know how great they would be if it is 25 degrees and windy outside, though.
Reading this thread made me feel really Fing old. Mostly because I was interested in reading it. I don't use plugs at games, but know folks who do.

Unrelated hearing story. My son had his first trap practice Saturday, and his mother bought him shells at Walmart before practice. The first two kids on the line shoot and then my son fires. She bought him heavy rounds. It sounded like a cannon by comparison, and his coach, who was not wearing ear protection, fell backwards and started cussing. Thank god I brought a case of trap load to switch him out.
Unrelated hearing story. My son had his first trap practice Saturday, and his mother bought him shells at Walmart before practice. The first two kids on the line shoot and then my son fires. She bought him heavy rounds. It sounded like a cannon by comparison, and his coach, who was not wearing ear protection, fell backwards and started cussing. Thank god I brought a case of trap load to switch him out.

You wrote this as if it is an indictment on your wife or baby mama, but in reality it is an indictment on you. She shouldn't be buying at WalMart, she should be buying from a local reputable shop not some soulless multinational. And you needed to instruct her as specifically what to buy. My old lady knows every caliber we need and the acceptable brands and if she ever sees them on sale at Academy she is instructed to buy up to the daily limit. Never had a problem. Nothing like coming home to 5 boxes of Tul 7.62 that she got for 7 bucks a box. The inventory got so low at Academy in the summer of love that they had temporarily put in a 2 box limit at our store. Ugh, I hope that never happens again.
You wrote this as if it is an indictment on your wife or baby mama, but in reality it is an indictment on you. She shouldn't be buying at WalMart, she should be buying from a local reputable shop not some soulless multinational. And you needed to instruct her as specifically what to buy. My old lady knows every caliber we need and the acceptable brands and if she ever sees them on sale at Academy she is instructed to buy up to the daily limit. Never had a problem. Nothing like coming home to 5 boxes of Tul 7.62 that she got for 7 bucks a box. The inventory got so low at Academy in the summer of love that they had temporarily put in a 2 box limit at our store. Ugh, I hope that never happens again.
Um, maybe I should have been more clear. She is my ex. It was her weekend with the kids. I don't have any control over what she does and she does not know shit about guns or loads. She informed me she bought shells. She did not ask for my help. Not much I could do. But, I had a case of trap load in my truck just in case. And my post wasn't an indictment of her. Honest mistake for someone who knows nothing about guns. But, she bought a case of heavy load!! I told her just to give it to me and leave the shell buying to me. It will last us the next 10 pheasant seasons!
Um, maybe I should have been more clear. She is my ex. It was her weekend with the kids. I don't have any control over what she does and she does not know shit about guns or loads. She informed me she bought shells. She did not ask for my help. Not much I could do. But, I had a case of trap load in my truck just in case. And my post wasn't an indictment of her. Honest mistake for someone who knows nothing about guns. But, she bought a case of heavy load!! I told her just to give it to me and leave the shell buying to me. It will last us the next 10 pheasant seasons!

Okay, you're off the hook.

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