Anyone else about done with KF?

Of course I'm not done with Kirk Ferentz. This is our fourth consecutive bowl game, in a very difficult conference.

Iowa football will have a great season very, very soon. History tells us that it will happen:

In 1979 and 1980, Iowa went 5-6 and 4-7 and then went 8-3 in 1981, finishing in the Rose Bowl.

In 1988 and 1989 Iowa went 6-4-3 and 5-6, and then in 1990 went 8-3 and finished in the Rose Bowl.

In 1992, 1993 and 1994 Iowa went 5-7, 6-6 and 5-5-1 and then bounced back with 8-4 and 9-3 seasons in 1995 and 1996.

In 2006 and 2007 Iowa went 6-7 and 6-6, but bounced back with 9-4 and 11-2 in 2008 and 2009.

Although I don't consider 8-5 and 7-5 the past two years to be poor records, I expect a bounce back year in 12, 13 or 14. History tells you it will happen at Iowa. The coaching staff is simply too good to predict otherwise.
I care about the program itself and am sick of seeing it tarnished year in and year out with this BS. KF certainly does not make choices for these kids, but he does bring them into the program. So if you cannot hold him accountable, I am not sure where you start to root out the problems that have been going on for years now.

Are you really so naive as to think that Iowa is the only program that has $hit like this happen? It happens to EVERY SINGLE TEAM in the country. You only care about it at Iowa though so to you it seems like its more often than at other programs. Sometimes kids make mistakes, this one just came at a bad time. Stupid post. Thankfully what you think means nothing in regards to Iowa football.
Coaching D-1 football is a hard job, it wears a coach down. Ferentz has lost some of his passion for the game and I don't see it coming back. This program is on a downward slide. Hopefully we don't fall below the Minnesota and Illinois level in the B10.

What are you basing this on? Honestly. What makes you say he has lost passion? Do you know him? Have you talked to him? Are you getting this info from people inside the football program? Because if you aren't then you are simply talking out of your a$$, which is what I suspect you are doing. If KF did not LOVE what he does, he wouldn't do it, period. He has plenty of money so he's not doing it for the money, he's doing it because he loves what he does. He very recently said as much. If you don't think he shows passion then re-watch some of the games this year where he gave the refs an earful. Just because he doesn't get in players faces and make a spectacle of himself doesn't mean he doesn't have passion. I don't know which post was stupider this one or from the OP. They both reeked of ignorance.
What are you basing this on? Honestly. What makes you say he has lost passion? Do you know him? Have you talked to him? Are you getting this info from people inside the football program? Because if you aren't then you are simply talking out of your a$$, which is what I suspect you are doing. If KF did not LOVE what he does, he wouldn't do it, period. He has plenty of money so he's not doing it for the money, he's doing it because he loves what he does. He very recently said as much. If you don't think he shows passion then re-watch some of the games this year where he gave the refs an earful. Just because he doesn't get in players faces and make a spectacle of himself doesn't mean he doesn't have passion. I don't know which post was stupider this one or from the OP. They both reeked of ignorance.

This is what people who don't have much money say. Has any coach ever came out and said he's just doing it for the money? This post just reeks of naivety.
While we are at it can we get rid of this Tom Davis guy. All he ever does is go to NCAA tournaments and get to the round of 32. We need someone who is going to take us to the next level in basketball. Someone that will consistently make final fours. There is no reason that the University of Iowa shouldn't be a perennial final four basketball program. I am furious that a upstanding man that is a consistent winner doesn't win as many games as I would like.

Moral of the Story: Be careful what you ask for cause you just might get it.

More that 10 years later and I am still waiting for Hawkeye basketball to even touch the Davis era. I even had to watch Mr. Davis and son build a Drake program into an NCAA qualifier during that time.

We are only two years removed from our first major bowl win since the late 50s and we are fed up with our coach.

I occasionaly read posts about how posters wish Kirk Ferentz had Paul Rhoades energy. I would be willing to bet that Paul Rhoades would love to have Kirk Frerentz resume.

Do I get ****** when Iowa loses to teams like Minnesota? Heck yes. But a great word I have learned is perspective. Maybe we would find somebody better than Ferentz if we hired a new coach, but there is a real good chance we could find somebody a lot worse or a cheater that gets us on probation.
Question to the blind followers: At what point, if ever, would you favor a change at head coach?

Should we wait until 3-9 seasons are the norm, should we wait until more players are arrested for felonies, should we wait until fan apathy has set in? What is the point that the many many many issues should be addressed? I'm trying to understand how continuing as is will some how miraculously change results on & off the field. Please explain.

Fan apathy? Have you seen attendance lately? If you have, I think you’ll see that if apathy hasn’t set in after 2010 and 2011, it isn’t going to. Hell, that’s why Hayden Fry came here in the first place…..because in spite of almost 20 years of losing, the fans were still passionate.

Did players getting in trouble seem to bother anyone when Urban Meyer saw 30 players get arrested during his tenure at Florida? I suspect that if we had won 10 games in the regular season last year and this, you wouldn’t be complaining about the state of the program so much.

I'm down on KF because we pay him $4 million a year (which is top 10 money) for a mediocre product. Be the same as you paying a car dealer for a brand new caddy and they deliver a used chevy.

Now many of you would just say "we're Iowa, we only deserve a used chevy even though we paid for a new caddy."

I'm not that concerned about the suspensions or drop out rate. I just get tired of the bonehead coaching decisions, the stubbornness, the predictablity in play calling, and the staff making the same mistakes (e.g. - clock management) year after year after year.

If you don’t agree with what he is getting paid, don’t watch the games on TV, don’t buy tix to the games and don’t buy Iowa merchandise (that all contributes to paying his salary). Don’t know why people continue to think anyone would turn down a pay raise or why a school wouldn’t pay more to keep a coach from going to the pro level.

The staff has been pretty much the same for Kirk’s tenure here. The play calling hasn’t gotten more predictable and I don’t think he has become a WORSE decision maker than when he started. How then do you explain the 9 and 10 win seasons? I’ve made the point before and I’ll make it again for you……EVERY diehard fan of EVERY school in the land could consider their coach’s play calling predictable. If you watch every game, you know what the tendencies are depending on the formations and personnel groupings. If you watch enough college football, you would see that coaches all over the land make boneheaded (according to us fans) decisions every week.
Ferentz will have alot more detractors after Parker's departure because these detractors were fans of Ferentz only because he kept Norm on as DC.
These same detractors have already demanded KOK resign in 'retaliation'/'fairness' of Norm's departure.

There are Iowa fans who don't like Iowa's record these past few years. There are some fans who don't like the play calling. There are some fans who don't like Kirk's curtness. There are some fans who don't like how Iowa's staff seems to lose lots of talent for one reason or another.

IMO, Ferentz is on shaky ground.
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Ferentz will have alot more detractors after Parker's departure because these detractors were fans of Ferentz only because he kept Norm on as DC.
These same detractors have already demanded KOK resign in 'retaliation'/'fairness' of Norm's departure.

There are Iowa fans who don't like Iowa's record these past few years. There are some fans who don't like the play calling. There are some fans who don't like Kirk's curtness. There are some fans who don't like how Iowa's staff seems to lose lots of talent for one reason or another.

IMO, Ferentz is on shaky ground.

Well substitue Iowa for just about every other team name in the nation, and you'd have a whine fest....

Same ole, same ole....they wont like the new coach either. Anything else to add...

Back away from the ledge

might want to back away from the kool-aid.
Although this wasn't the kicker that made me want him to leave, I none the less am ready for change and would of really liked to see him go. I would to give an entirely new young staff a chance to take us to the NC or at least put together a string of conf championships. We are a better program than Wisky and yet we can't even match what they are doing is a failure in my eyes. Ferentz is a great guy but he just hasn't been able to get us there so its time for someone else to try. Let's just part on good terms.

I am a fan of the Iowa Hawkeye football program, so I root for and support the coaches and the players. Maybe you root for the Hawkeye jerseys and don't give a rats *** about the actual people within the program.
I care about the program itself and am sick of seeing it tarnished year in and year out with this BS. KF certainly does not make choices for these kids, but he does bring them into the program. So if you cannot hold him accountable, I am not sure where you start to root out the problems that have been going on for years now.
Wisco has more in-state talent, is a bigger school in a better town, and has more Rose Bowl trips than Iowa does. So tell me how is Iowa better program?
Why be done with a coach who has brought us fans a quick turnaround, two BCS games with one win, a 6-3 bowl winning record, and a really good record from 2001 to the present. Are the coaches perfect on game days no and I am one who gets on some of their decisions. I think the coaches are almost always good for causing two losses a year.

But if KF wasnt the coach we could do a lot worse and have about the same record. We could even win one more game a year but have a less stellar grad rate, even more problems with players, etc. Arizona last year was supposed to challenge for Pac 10 title and they fizzled out at the end of the year, were bad this year, and fired stoops.

I still expect to win nine games a year because I know this staff has done it.
Why be done with a coach who has brought us fans a quick turnaround, two BCS games with one win, a 6-3 bowl winning record, and a really good record from 2001 to the present. Are the coaches perfect on game days no and I am one who gets on some of their decisions. I think the coaches are almost always good for causing two losses a year.

But if KF wasnt the coach we could do a lot worse and have about the same record. We could even win one more game a year but have a less stellar grad rate, even more problems with players, etc. Arizona last year was supposed to challenge for Pac 10 title and they fizzled out at the end of the year, were bad this year, and fired stoops.

I still expect to win nine games a year because I know this staff has done it.


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